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Hello guys! So I decided to write another story YEAH!!! I'm kinda excited  what will happen in this story I also wanna know all the twists and turns Thanks for reading even though you are just reviewing but hey view is a view Please comment your view and don't forget to vote and share 😉😉😉

~~In the hospital~~
A boy who looked not more that six open his bluish teal eyes and the first thing he saw was.... A white ceiling. Slowly he got up but laid back down due to the sudden pain he felt. He looked closely at his surroundings and put the pieces together....A hospital? Why would he be in a hospital? Then sudden realization came to him that he was all alone upon which he got scared and started to yell.

"Oka-San! Otou-San! Atsuya!" He yelled despite the pain.

Faint footsteps that were getting louder could be heard and soon the door to the room was burst open revealing a nurse and a doctor.
Suddenly, he saw the time of the avalanche in his head which hurts his head a lot and tears started to roll down from his eyes.

"Lay down Fubuki. You need to rest", the nurse said.

"Where is Oka-San? Otou-San? Atsuya?" Fubuki said with a shaky voice.

The nurse expressions suddenly changed from caring to scared and terrified. She gave the -should-I- tell-him look upon which the doctor nodded.

"Fubuki! They are not with us anymore",The nurse said in a sad tone, "You had an accident in which they all die."

Fubuki burst into tears and couldn't believe what he just heard.

Fubuki's POV

Oka-San. Otou-San. Atsuya. No you can't leave me here all alone. I don't want to be alone. The avalanche keeps on flashing in my head which causes my head to hurt a lot. Why?.... Why?... Didn't I die with them? I want to be with you.
Those laughs and the sweet voices of them.... And then their screams.... I can still hear them in my head. Ah... It's hurts.

No ones POV

"Ah!!! It hurts. Make it stop. Make it stop please", Fubuki screamed.

"Fubuki calm down. Everything is going to be fine just rest", the doctor said.

But unfortunately Fubuki held his head and kept on screaming aloud.

"Give me the injection", the doctor ordered.
The nurse handed the doctor an injection which contained a transparent liquid that he injected into Fubuki's body. Fubuki's vision blurred and before he knew it he drifted into a deep sleep.

The doctor got up and checked Fubuki for any improvements while the nurse stared at Fubuki with her two saddest eyes.


"He's gone! How come he's gone like that? He can't even walk properly!" The doctor questioned the crying nurse.

They both ran to Fubuki's room and saw an empty bed causing the doctor to turn pale.

"Hurry call the police!" The doctor yelled.


Detective Onigawara investigated the case and after the hard work he was able to find Fubuki from a science lab who was in a dire condition. He was made a test subject for a project which seemed to be unknown since all the research files were either destroyed or hidden from sight.

Fubuki was found in a poor condition and took almost a year to recover completely. He proved to be stable and no changes could be found in him except that he prevented himself from talking with others that much thus he was send to a cheerful orphanage....Sun Garden which made him to be back to his cheerful personality. Unfortunately he lost his memory and was therefore send to Hokkaido where he lived happily with Hakuren Jr high.

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