2. Uninvited Guests, Unwelcome Threats

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Sam was pacing up and down in his apartment, clutching his phone tightly in his hand. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his long jeans swept the floor as he walked.

'Damn it,' he cursed under his breath as he stared at the clock in his living room. He was waiting for a call and didn't have much time to talk in private - Ashley would be home anytime now.

Just as he stared at the swinging pendulum of his clock, he heard a rap on the door. 'Must be Ashley, she rarely rings the bell' Sam assumed as he took a deep breath, calmed his nerves and transformed his tensed facial features into a warm smile before opening the door.

"Hey A-", Sam froze as he was met with a pair of electric blue eyes boring into him. If you didn't notice the sense of urgency in the visitor's facial expressions, you'd definitely see it in the way she was restlessly tapping her foot on the ground and impatiently pulling on to her skirt.

"Jesus Christ, Sam. What took you so long?" The newcomer hissed as she stormed into the house without so much as an invitation from Sam. Meanwhile, the host's widened eyes narrowed as he scanned the doorway to make sure nobody had seen his guest. Once certain, he bolted the door shut and turned around with rage.

"What the actual hell are you doing here? Ashley should be here any time now. When I said keep updating me, I didn't mean 'in person'," he hissed.

"I don't care, Sam. I almost got caught gathering shit in that place," the visitor glared.

Sam's eyes widened with concern as he spoke, "Who? Was it one of his men or was it the police?"

"Oh, worse – overly curious neighbors. I was using a torch; they probably saw the light and gathered around the entrance. Bless the inventor of back doors."

This caused Sam to smirk a bit as he replied, "Well, you were ransacking a house that nobody had stepped foot in for over 3 years, what did you expect, three cheers and a booze party? Anyways, did you find it?"

"Touché; And yes, found it. When have I not?" said the girl with a hint of pride in her voice before continuing, "I gave it to my friend as we'd discussed, but he said it's encrypted. As soon as they decode the contents in that hard drive they'll go after that asshole who has caused all this mess."

"Great. I'm so worried about Ashley. She almost died today..."

"Well, that's odd, seeing as you're the one who paid the guy to kill her."

Sam just raised an eyebrow in response as the girl continued, "Other than the hard drive, I saw a few photoshopped pictures of you - shaking hands with him, handing some money to him, etc, etc. I guess the killer will say you paid him. I and Jordan are already out, with this you'd be out and Ashy alone can hardly classify as a threat so...smart plan, but I burnt those pictures. If you're lucky, or if they're dumb, they won't have copies as proof. "

"Damn, thanks. I just hope the details of the hard drive are decoded before they plant more fake evidence. Once that is done, it'll be easier to get that jerk."

"Yes. How's Ashy holding up by the way? Heard- "

'Ding dong' rang the doorbell as both the people in the room cursed under their breath.

Sam then whispered, "Quick, hide somewhere – anywhere. I'll take her out to dinner. Get your ass out of here by when we come back."

"I can't go back: if one of his henchmen sees me, we're so done. You gotta ditch her somehow. Tell her you'll be away or the house has bedbugs or whatever!" With that, she picked up her shoes she'd removed when she'd come in and rushed into Sam's room.

Sam, having no time to think about her words, rushed to the door and opened it to see his sister staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"Ashley, what took you so long, I was starting to get worried."

"Just took a long walk at the park, that's it."

Sam nodded but still blocked the entrance to the flat; Ashley gave him a confused look to which he said, "Let's eat outside today. I'm bored of the house and since it's a weekend neither of us should cook."

"Okay. Just let me freshen up and we can leave."


Sam moved out of the way as Ashley entered her room. She had moved in with Sam for some time as she didn't want to live alone in her apartment. The apartment reminded her of her best friend and now missing room-mate Lily; now with Jordan gone, there was nobody to make her feel better about it.

Sam's guest was safe - Ashley never entered his room, mainly because it was too untidy for her liking.

While Ashley changed, Sam grabbed his wallet and phone from his room and dialled a number.

"Hello, Bobby's diner, how may I help you?", said the voice on the other end.

"I'd like to make a reservation; a table for two please."

"Alright. Time and name?"

"Twenty minutes from now, as Kruger."

"Done, Mr. Kruger."

He had walked out to the living room while on-call. Just as he put the phone away, Ashley walked out. She had applied some makeup, changed the color of her lipstick and wore socks, having decided to let go of her heels and slip into something more comfortable.

She gave Sam a small smile and said, "Let's go. Reservation?"

Sam easily saw through the fake, forced smile but simply said, "Done. Bobby's."

Ashley nodded as they walked out, Sam falling behind to lock the door.

Sam whistled for a taxi as he reached the gate of his apartment and said, "64th and Main, Bobby's Diner, please". The trip to the restaurant was silent and uneventful except for some small talk about what food they would eat.

It took them some fifteen minutes and when they got out, Ashley got a call while Sam paid for the ride.

Sam didn't pay any attention but turned back to see Ashley had a small-but-genuine smile on her face and a visibly relaxed expression. He was shocked to see her smiling, it had become a rare sight since her roommate's disappearance and the only person who could make her smile was Jordan, now gone.

As soon as Ashley cut the call, Sam spoke, "Who was that, Ash?"

"Detective Wren. Come, I'll tell you inside – you know how I can get if I'm hungry."

Sam just nodded, resigned to the fact that his sister would offer more information only after they ordered food.

Once the order was placed, Sam looked expectantly at Ashley, "You're killing me, Ash! What was the call about? You've been smiling a lot."

Ashley responded with a small laugh, "Okay first I need to tell you about the earlier call. When I was on a walk, I got a call from the station. That guy who had caused the accident was caught, Sammy."

Although Sam already knew, he had to fake an exclamation, "That is great, did he say if it was an accident or..."

Ashley's smile faltered a bit. "Yes, Sammy. He did, and no it wasn't an accident. Someone wanted me and Jordan dead."

Sensing his sister's fear, he squeezed her hand reassuringly and said softly, "Nobody gets to my sister till I'm around, honey. I got you, don't worry. Did they find out who paid that bastard?"

The fierce dedication in Sam's eyes all but confirmed the information she'd been given in her recent call. She clutched Sam's hand in her own and looked in his eyes as she replied, "He tried to frame you for it, Sam. He said you had paid him."

Sam knew this as well but presented a good image of being gobsmacked. "Wha...what? Me? But why? How? Does he know me? That is impos-"

"Relax, Sam. Let me finish. The cops ransacked his house for any evidence – the killer had promised evidence was in his apartment – but returned empty-handed. Detective Wren says since you had no motive to kill, they have decided to stop looking at you as a suspect for now."

Sam smiled and sagged his shoulders with relief.

"That's good to know. I just hope they find out whoever it was, soon."

"They believe it was actually an accident and that the guy - Jimmy something – don't remember his last name - is just trying to divert their attention. He said they might close the case as accidental death and put him in jail for as long as they can.", she smiled a bit at the idea that it would be justice for her boyfriend.

Sam thought for a moment. He knew for a fact not only that the guy was paid, he also knew who had paid him. He also knew there was a mole within N.Y.P.D. and calling out a murder as an accident would be easier than planting new evidence against him. He needed to tell this to – oh crap! He remembered he needed to convince Ashley to move out.

After dinner, before they got a taxi home, he said "Um, look Ashl. I...You..."

"What, Sammy? What's wrong?"

"Ashley, I don't know how else to say this but...my landlord has decided to evict you."

"What? Me? But I don't even live there, I'm a guest. How can he kick me out, you pay the rent, right?"

"He has a minor criminal record of some sort. When cops pay you a visit to ask questions, he doesn't want it to be in his house."

"Oh. Well, I guess you cannot argue with something like that. Then I'll need to inform the station I'm moving back to my place. By when does your landlord want me gone?"

"By? Well, yesterday, I just didn't know how to tell you. But look, there is no pressure on you. I'll tell him off if you need me to, just tell me honestly."

Although Sam was hoping, praying even, that Ashley would not stay, he felt it was too surreal a story if he didn't offer his support. Thankfully, Ashley shook her head.

"It's fine Sammy. Thanks for letting me stay for so long, anyway. I've already troubled so many people in these past months, don't add your landlord to that list."

"You've not troubled anyone." Sam said sternly before continuing, "But promise me, if there's any sort of problem – whatever it is, I'm the first person you'll come to."

"I promise." Said a beaming Ashley.

Ashley had divided her clothes into two parts ever since Sam moved near her apartment, and always kept one part of clothes at her flat and the other at Sam's for group sleepovers, and emergencies, so she could move out right away.

"You should stay the night, Ash. It's quite late and dark." Sam begged half-heartedly; feeling really bad for pushing his sister away like this. If only he had a choice...

"I'll be fine Sammy, don't worry. You take care of yourself. I've gotta go to work early tomorrow, so I should get going now. I love you", said the girl, kissing her brother on the cheek. Sam smiled, ruffled her hair a bit then said, "Look, there's a cab. What timing, it's like it was waiting for you."

Once Ashley boarded the cab and gave directions to the driver, Sam got himself a taxi; he had a lot to discuss with his guest. Just as he got down and proceeded towards the lift, he got an MMS on his phone from Ashley's number. He staggered back a few steps and nearly dropped his phone when he saw the image in front of him.

He rushed upstairs, not waiting for the lift. He opened the door and shouted, "We...have a ....problem."

His guest came out of the room and widened her eyes as she said, "Jeez, why are you panting like a dog? And what problem?"

Sam caught his breath, looked straight into her eyes and said, "My sister just got kidnapped. They want the hard drive..."

"Well, shit."


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