Every moment is a fresh begining - T.S. Eliot

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It had been everything Siggy hoped for. Six months of travel, around the world from east to west, a voyage of celebration. He and Adrianna visited all the great museums, the World Heritage sites, and places that no one knew existed.

The pace of the grand tour was pleasantly languid, with revelatory field trips interspersed with restful cruises upon all the great seas of world. In the evenings, the skies above the ship were pregnant with the stars of creation. During the days, the couple was inseparable, basking in each other's uniqueness and constantly drawing closer, trapped in the gravity of their love.

Siggy laid back in his deck chair, enjoying the warm ocean breeze of the Hawaiian waters on the final leg of their journey. He was sketching Adrianna as she leaned over the rail watching a pod of porpoises swimming alongside the ship.

She turned and addressed him, "Only a few more days till we fly back to North Carolina, are you ready?"

Siggy smiled, "I am, I've missed the mountains and trees, not to mention some good barbecue."

"What do you think you'll do?"

"I'm pretty sure I'll make some more art, I've got a ton of ideas."

She looked him square in the eye, "But you've filled in your well, where will you put the bodies?"

Siggy's jaw dropped. He went silent for a moment before responding, "How long have you known?"

"Since your first portrait, since the first time I visited your farm. I told you then that I was very perceptive" she smiled softly, "I recognized the serial killer dentist from the news. Then I looked at your other work and your materials, and it all made sense."

"Why didn't you say anything... or go to the police? Weren't you scared?"

"I was never scared, Siggy. You're not the only one who believes in destiny. From the first time I met you, I felt like we were meant to be together. As for your methods, I assumed you had your reasons and also that your victims weren't really victims at all."

Siggy sat up and spoke urgently, "It had nothing to do with justice or vengeance, it was simply their purpose to help people understand and hopefully move them."

Adrianna smiled, "Okay."

"That's it, okay?"

"I love you and I trust you. You've never lied to me. Your art is amazing, it helps us all," she scratched her scalp, "I suppose we could dig a new well."

Siggy arched his eyebrows in befuddlement, "Actually, I was thinking of a new series where I wouldn't have to kill anyone. I'd like to try at least."

Adrianna's smile broadened, "I'm sure it will be marvelous. Your admirers may complain about new directions, but fuck them. We don't need other people's approval. As long as your art satisfies you. Worst case scenario... new well. I think we should get ready for dinner. I saw that we're having broiled scallops, I love scallops." She turned fully in Siggy's direction, leaning on the rail.

He stopped sketching and stared at her. This was the woman he loved with every atom of his being. Strong and smart, powerful and gentle. A beacon in the distance guiding him forward. A light in the frightening wildernesses of life.

The sun was low on the horizon, directly behind her, making her hair and outline glow in a golden light. Her head was tilted slightly and a soft half smile graced her features. She folded her right hand across her chest and all at once she was Venus, borne upon a massive shell with Zephyr blowing gently through her hair. Of course she loved scallops.

The End

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