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The hole in the ground remained open as we had our last view of Agent Jackson. I never thought I'd hear a more terrorized scream than the one that ripped itself out of the agent's throat. Then again, I'd be screaming just as bad if I was taken into hell, especially in that condition. Immediately, the team and I surged toward the hole ready to throw ourselves down with the agent, when the two gods stopped us.

"Let us through!" Natasha barked, with a glare that could melt metal.

"No, you don't know what you're doing!" Loki snapped back, his glare was just as fierce.

"I know we're going to save him." Clint argued back furious.

"We're a team, and we don't leave a member behind." I reminded the two anxious gods.

"We're not going to you imbeciles!" Loki growled, his eyes narrow slits, "But we can't just jump into another pantheon's hell without knowledge and help."

"If we are going to succeed in saving Perseus, we need to meet with the Greeks." Thor agreed.

Bruce's mouth moved open and close a couple of times, before he finally spoke, "w—what? Another pantheon? Greeks?"

"Yes foolish mortal," Loki spat, practically fed up with us, "Perseus is part of the Greek Pantheon, and my brother and I are Norse. In order to enter this hell and rescue him, we need to inform the Greeks."

Just as Tony opened his mouth to ask another question, Thor cut him off, "We must seek an audience with Zeus immediately. When we return with Perseus we will answer any remaining questions."

"Grab hold petty humans, I will transport us now to Olympus." Loki declared, before turning to Thor, "Brother, send the Olympians a message, informing them of our company and purpose."

Thor nodded, before disappearing in his flashy way of transporting. The rest of us quickly surrounded Loki grabbing him by the shoulder or wrist or someone holding onto Loki. Once the god was satisfied with the number of transporters, he used his magic and we flashed away in a green light.

As soon as we landed, I lost my balance and landed flat on my butt. Natasha stumbled, but caught herself. The rest of the team followed my lead in some similar way. Loki just smirked at all of us while Thor stood oblivious to the side, arguing with the man at the desk.

"Give me the key!" Thor demanded.

"You have no appointment norse." The desk man argued back, "Lord Zeus would not appreciate my assistance of foreign beings in his house."

"This is important." Thor hissed, "I have already informed the Olympians."

"Well I haven't got an admission to your passage." The man refuted.

"Let them pass." A new voice declared.

We all turned. I could feel the power emanating from the woman. The same power, maybe stronger than the two Norse with me. She had beautiful blonde curly hair, with piercing grey eyes. The woman held herself in such confidence that I had no doubt that anything she said had anything but truth in it. Her eyes held unmistakable wisdom and knowledge, her lips in a firm line that would sometimes form a smirk when she glanced at certain people.

"Athena." Loki drawled, bowing his head in respect for a brief moment as the woman did the same.

"Lady Athena," Thor greeted,"We request immediate conference with the council."

The woman simply raised her eyebrows at Thor's tone,"Why is that?"

"We have urgent news regarding Perseus Jackson." Loki quickly input, seeing as Thor would not speed up their journey to the Olympians.

Instantly Athena's demeanor changed. Her relaxed posture that held us of no importance disappeared and her expression took one of rather seriousness. Her eyes gained a sharp glare that said, say one wrong word and you'll regret it.

"Come." She commanded.

Without another word we followed her into the elevator. As soon as it closed, a button popped up with the number six hundred on it. With no hesitation, she pressed it until it glowed. Silence filled the small space, but no one dared break it. Not soon enough did the elevator reach its destination.

When the doors opened, we were met with the most beautiful place I would ever lay my eyes on. I saw a sly smirk appear on the woman's face before she turned impassive. She quickly led us through the place before approaching large doors that were thrown open with thirteen powerful beings sitting inside.

Each being was gigantic with a much more powerful aura than the ones that were projected off of Thor and Loki. Glowing brightly, the woman who led us here grew until she was of the same height as the others in the room and filled in the empty chair. Thirteen chairs were filled with one young looking woman who sat by a fire in the corner watching us carefully.

"Why did you bring these mortals and Norse unto our home Athena?" The being in the middle of the U shaped line of thrones questioned.

"Father, they claim that they have valuable information on the forsaken demigod." Athena explained.

At once, all eyes were on us. I could tell everyone felt uncomfortable with the awkward analyzation of the gods. Loki remained calm as if it were a normal thing for him, but with his past actions there's no doubt that everyone was wary of him.

"Swear on the Styx that everything you say about Perseus Jackson is nothing but the truth." The man in the middle demanded.

I was confused so I held my tongue, warning everybody else to do the same. Knowing that Tony could get us into some serious trouble if he started talking. Thor and Loki ignored my look and swore. Right after the words left their lips, thunder sounded shocking the team and I. The beings around us nodded as they relaxed to the sound.

"Perseus Jackson is in Tartarus." Thor said, before being cut off by a man who looked similar to the first with the exception of a trident in his hand and his sea green eyes which I noticed looked a lot like Agent Jackson's.

"What." The man asked calmly, but I could see the raging storms in his eyes. His hand gripped the trident so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

"You idiot," Loki scowled, turning on Thor,"You don't just say that without the entire explanation."

"It doesn't matter," the sea green eyed man interrupted angrily,"Why and how is my son in Tartarus?"

Son? This was Agent Jackson's father? He was rather large, but that made sense. They both had the same eyes and dangerous aura of power.

"He was captured by Thanos who dragged him into Tartarus after torturing him for a week." Loki said gravely, "Percy is the wielder of the Soul Gem, one of the six infinity stones as of one week ago."

"How did he come across this power?" The man from before thundered as lightning raced across the sky.

Agent Jackson's father immediately faced the man with such a strong anger that the man recoiled and snapped his mouth shut. The ground shook with emotion and I could hear the fountain we passed outside the room swirl around relentlessly.

"It matters not Zeus." Agent Jackson's father growled, "My son is in Tartarus again! Taken by someone who isn't even from this planet. I suggest you offer help before I destroy you piece by piece, brother."

The man, Zeus, swallowed, before sitting up straighter, gripping a rod in his hand, "Is that a threat, Poseidon? Why should we off help, he walked away from us!"

"It's a promise," Poseidon hissed, "My son has saved your butt more times than you can count. We made a choice that hurt him deeply in order to save ourselves, and he chose to distance himself rather than be hurt again. You. Owe. Him."

Zeus growled under his breath before looking to the rest of the beings for help. When I glanced around, it looked like no one objected to Poseidon's claims. Zeus was forced to help us, which I was immensely glad for. We needed to get Agent Jackson back in order for the stone's safety as well as Agent Jackson's well being.

Which reminded me of what his father said. What choice did they make in order to save themselves that hurt Agent Jackson so much he left his... family. Poseidon said Zeus was his brother, so that made Zeus Agent Jackson's uncle. The woman that brought us here was Zeus' daughter, so Agent Jackson's cousin.

The rest of the people here were probably in some sort of relation, so that meant Agent Jackson was hurt so deeply that he willingly left his family. I wonder what that choice was. My thoughts were interrupted by a rainbow that appeared in the middle of the room with every Olympian in view of it.

In the rainbow an image appeared that made my stomach drop. There stood Thanos grinning wickedly with another being. The other being stood tall with a vortex for a face whose image itself terrified me to the core. I could feel both aura's so strongly, that it surprised me that the two weren't actually here right next to me.

Thanos was gripping a limp Agent Jackson by the hair. The Agent was on his knee's, his right arm hanging limply, popped out of its socket, his left dangling on his other side. The wrist and fingers looking horribly deformed. He wore no shirt, I could see his ribs poking through the skin as his torso was decorated in bruises of every color and blood flowing from various wounds.

Agent Jackson was as pale as a ghost underneath the different colors. His pants were shredded, his right foot looking like a crushed soda can. The Agent's throat had dark ugly bruises in the shape of Thanos' fingers. Blood was dripping out of the corner of his mouth and his nose looked broken.

There was a long cut that would definitely scar, from the top of Agent Jackson's left eyebrow, down, over his eye, stopping in the middle of his cheek. His hair was matted with blood and dirt, his body was covered in grime as well.

Thanos gripped Agent Jackson's hair, forcing his head back and his body in an uncomfortable position, exposing his Adam's apple. The agent didn't look like he cared, as his eyes barely opened and closed. His breathing was ragged because he had a hard time breathing, and his face was contorted in pain. Agent Jackson looked barely conscious as he was held in the compromising angle.

Thanos laughed maliciously,"This is your hero, Olympians. Do you really think you could keep the infinity stone from us, when you can't even keep your own kin safe from our hands?"

"How dare you!" A different voice snarled furious.

The source was a man sitting in a chair that radiated death. His aura giving off a cold feeling that made my skin crawl. The other Olympians looked shocked at the man's sudden input, but soon growled in agreement.

"That is no way to treat any child!" The man roared, "Even the worst of us doesn't deserve that."

I could feel a grin form from the vortex being,"This is only the beginning, Hades. We will not give up until the Soul Gem is in our possession. We just thought it'd be a nice gift to you petty Olympians for failing the one whose saved you all."

"Unfortunately for him, he'll have to live awhile longer." Thanos sighed delightedly,"We have discovered some set backs that will slow our plans, but in due time, he will cooperate."

"What set backs?" Poseidon demanded.

Thanos shrugged annoyed, as he tightened his grip on Agent Jackson's hair and tugged a little, drawing a whimper from the agent, "Unless the boy agrees to give up the Soul Gem whole heartedly, we cannot take it."

"What do you mean?" A woman in all silver demanded.

"My dear Artemis," The vortex guy cooed,"He means that we can not force the demigod with a potion or illusion. It has to be Jackson who agrees to give up the gem from the very heart of his soul."

"So you've resorted to torturing him until he says yes out of desperation to make it stop?" Loki growled, anger rolling off him in waves.

"Yes, little god," Thanos agreed,"And this is only the start. You haven't seen anything yet."

"He'll never agree," Athena informed the two positively,"The boy is too loyal. He is a hero and will endure whatever you put him through until we rescue him."

"Ah ah," Thanos tutted, waving his finger like you would at a child,"You'll be surprised what one specific torture will do to a person. What they would do to get out of it."

"He is strong." Another woman stated.

She sat beside Zeus with a stern expression on her face. Sympathy deep in her eyes as she stared at Agent Jackson, but determination as she spoke.

"And we will save him." The woman declared.

"But will you save him in time?" The vortex man asked smirking,"Or will you be too late, Hera. Time runs differently down here."

"It matters not!" Poseidon remarked,"We will save my son!"

Thanos grinned, sending a knee into the agents back. An agonized scream erupted from his mouth as his eyes jerked open. His mouth opened, as he chocked on his scream, blood pouring out of his mouth. Weakly, Agent Jackson's eyes flicked over to the rainbow. Instantly they focused on his father after bouncing around the room.

"Da-ad," Agent Jackson half gurgled, half gasped, tears of pain slipping out the corner of his eyes,"Please... save me."

Tell me what you think...

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