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"What are you doing?" Steve's voice startled me out of my concentration.

I was on the platform of Stark's tower that led to open air and a barrier-less drop into heavy traffic. I didn't jump, but I lost my concentration. I turned a bit facing the soldier. He was looking at me pointedly with his arms crossed, Clint was with him. I regarded them stiffly.

"Summoning a soul." I answered softly.

I turned back to the open sky and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I remembered who I was, activating the Soul gem. It glowed its bright green and when I opened my eyes, bodies disappeared and glowing blue spirits hovered, contained in the nearly translucent bodies. I ignored them all and turned my attention towards space.

I followed the recent trail of Thor's soul and reached what I assumed was Asgard. Ignoring all its beauty and greatness, I searched for Odin. I reasoned that he had to have been tainted by his son's souls because who we become is effected by who we're around, our environment.

I went past the arena, throne room, and bedrooms because I sensed no familiar norse gods soul. When I reached the prison, I found a single soul outside the cells. It had small amounts of Thor and Loki attached to us. Found him.

Striding up to him, I reached out and grasped the center of the blue hue. The body shook and collapsed as I hauled the soul to my body's location. I was the only one who's soul was the same as my body, just glowing the blue that everyone else was.

Since I possess the gem, I'm keeper and guardian of souls so it makes sense I have my limbs to travel outside my body to manipulate souls. Approaching my body, I returned to it and called off my search. I left the dimension of souls, but kept Odin here.

When I opened my eyes, Odin was floating in front of me. He was shaped like his body, but glowed blue. Hearing the gasps behind me, I didn't even have to turn to see the surprise on their faces.

"Who are you." Odin thundered.

I raised an eyebrow,"Perseus, the demigod who possesses the infinity stone. Currently the one who's keeping your soul here and not in your body."

He gaped at me before fury overtook his features.

"Don't worry," I assured him steely,"You're still alive, I haven't completely taken your soul away from your body."

"Return me." Odin ordered.

I smirked at him,"No."

"Now." He growled, his eyes flashing.

I turned around and headed towards the doors, pushing past the two avengers who looked suspiciously at Odin and I. The soul of the all-father followed me inside because after all, he was attached to me. The avengers followed me inside.

"Is that Thor's father?" Barton questioned, eyeing the soul.

"Yes." I replied.

"Why's he here? What did you do to him?" Steve demanded.

I rolled my eyes,"Relax, he's only here because he's being difficult."

"Are you going to send me back anytime soon?" Odin asked barely containing his anger.


"Why not." He snarled viciously.

I chuckled,"Down, Fido."

I wouldn't doubt that if we were in person right now, he would smite me. I heard Barton snicker in the background and mutter something that made Steve smile a bit. Guess I'm growing on them.

"Why." The bearded man demanded again.

"It's simple really. You won't fight, either because you don't have proof, or you're just so arrogant that you'll let one of your nine realms, and then after, the rest of them, fall because the Greeks disrespected you." I explained coldly, making my way to the gym.

"I am the—"

I interrupted Odin's scream of outrage by turning quickly to him and putting a finger to my lips,"Hush."

He fell silent. He floated in fury as I took away the pleasure of his use of voice. I glared at him and caused his soul to shrink. Towering over the soul I let my eyes show my anger. I spoke with a level calm voice, but power pulsed within my eyes and around my body.

"You are King of Asgard are you not? A king protects his subjects as they protect him. Earth is yours to protect and you chose to sit on your throne when innocent people need your help. I don't care who you are, who's offended you, and what you will try to do to me once I release you, but right now people are in danger because Tartarus is gathering the infinity gems to use with the Gauntlet. He will take over my planet and the rest of the universe as soon as he can. Now get off your godly ass and do your job!"

With that said I stormed away from the stunned group. I entered the living room and was met with the rest of the avengers, including Director Fury. They all looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why are you here, Director?" I asked, once again my emotions masked and my previous anger gone.

"We've taken Agent Riles into custody and you will interrogate him." Fury ordered.

I nodded and followed the director. We took the elevator to a floor I haven't explored yet and walked until we reached a room with a one way mirror and a white room with a metal table and chair in the center.

The table had a set of handcuffs in the center that were filed with Agent Riles' hands. There was a door to the left of the mirror and a hidden camera in the corner in the room.

Fury walked to the mirror and waited in front of it, looking pointedly at me. The avengers filed in after me and stood with Fury. Odin came in floating after them looking close to breaking, but as soon as Thor and Loki trickled in a variety of emotions crossed his face.

When he saw Thor, joy jumped in his eyes, but once his pupils settled on Loki, a scowl crossed his face. I felt my lips thin into a straight line. Loki scowled back and his lips pulled back into a sneer.

"Father, you're looking a bit... blue."

Odin sneered back, "Just a shade darker than the color of your eyes during your moment of weakness."

I saw the flash of hurt in Loki's eyes before he covered it up with a scowl. A smug grin appeared on Odin's face as Loki turned away, but I had enough. Air hissed through my teeth and all attention turned towards me.

I glared fiercely at the elder Norse god. He stared back fearlessly. I called upon the Soul gem's power and it glowed as I messed with his soul. The glow of Odin dimmed and he shrank in size once again.

"I will deal with your attitude, but I will not deal with your disrespect." I hissed at the god,"He was proven to be controlled, it is not his weakness, but yours for failing to recognize that your son was not acting like himself."

I turned and entered the interrogation room, leaving the room in stunned silence. As soon as the door opened, I had the agents full attention. Closing the door quietly behind me, I slowly walked over to table.

Debating whether or not to sit on the table, I pulled out the chair and sat down softly. Leaning back, I regarded the agent in front of me. He seemed tanner then when I saw him last time. His fingers were drumming in boredom, not nervousness, on the table.

He was eerily calm, trained like a regular agent to not stress out in dangerous situations. Normally, sweat would form in the littlest amount unconsciously when anxious because that's how the body worked, but there was nothing.

It's like he knew he would end up here, but believed he would get out of it unharmed. I noted that for later. Traces of colors on his fingers and mouth told me he recently had a meal, and the tousled clothes said he recently traveled somewhere and was in a hurry.

"You're in a lot of trouble MR—"

He cut me off sharply, making my eyes narrow,"Riles. You know who I am Jackson, don't act like you don't."

I pursed my lips,"I was pronouncing your initials, Miley Riles. Don't assume I'm playing some sort of game you see on tv."

He rolled his eyes at my revelation,"So how are you going to do this then? We're both agents, I know the tricks."

"I already said that I don't play games Miley. It's simple, you tell me your story and I'll determine the truth in it." I replied curtly,"Why did you betray SHIELD?"

The agent leaned back as much as his handcuffs would allow and raised an eyebrow. I leaned back as well, crossing my arms and keeping my face void of any emotions. He took a deep breath and made eye contact with me.

His hands connected and his thumbs started twirling signaling a lie. He leaned forward again so his butt was in the back of the uncomfortable chair and his chest was touching the table.

His face evolved into one of nervousness and his eyes darted around as if searching for danger, very convincing, but I saw the underlying intent. I also felt his blood pressure increase a bit, and his soul dimmed as it prepared for deceit.

"My daughter... she was at school when I was sent a picture from an anonymous sender. It showed a bomb counting down ten minutes. Orders were sent to send you to Alaska or they'd send me my daughter in pieces."

"You're lying." I said softly.

"I'm not, I swear! My daughter—" He started rambling like how victims of traumatic experiences did, expressing various emotions acceptable to this type of situation.

"Stop lying." My voice barely above a whisper.

Agent Riles went silent. He knew he acted perfectly and was confident that he could fool agents at any level beneath him. I was only two levels above him so he thought he'd give it a shot.

Behind the mirror, I knew that Fury definitely didn't believe him, neither did Barton. Natasha showed compassion, but she didn't feel the truth was told. The others on the other hand were confused to why I didn't determine his story as truth. Although Loki sensed the lie, as the god of lies he was not fooled.

"You're going to fail." Riles spoke, jarring me out of thought.

I merely tilted my head to the side. Is that what he thinks, curious.

"You have one gem. He has two and the Gauntlet. You have nothing." He hissed at me with a smug smile on his face.

Surprise hit me like a train. Two? Where and when did he get them? And which ones, this is really bad. Immediately I started thinking of possibilities to win this war and figure out how Tartarus is gaining all this power. Keeping my emotions in check, I stared blank faced back at the Agent in silence.

"He has both, the Reality and Space gem. Once he wins, I'm guaranteed a spot in authority." Agent Riles explained eagerly, filling in the silence.

I stayed silent, if he's going to continue, I'll let him. I realize now why he's a lower level agent, can't keep his mouth shut.

"I'm supposed to get the Soul gem from you, but apparently you have to personally give it up, so my new orders were to retrieve the Time gem." The agent rambled on about his masters plan, I continued to take it. "He's going after the Power gem, then the Mind stone."

Riles suddenly went silent. I tilted my head confused, his eyes were focused on something behind me. I didn't turn around, but I sensed no body nor soul behind me besides the ones that were previously there.

A flash purple alerted me to something new. Narrowing my eyes, I prepared for multiple possibilities. I needed to get out of here, something was wrong. Turning my attention back to the spooked man in front of man, I spoke in a low voice, startling him out of his stupor.


As soon as I said that, I slipped out of my chair and pushed it in, minding my manners. Walking with purpose to the door that led to the outside. As soon as my hand touched the knob, a force that wasn't there before slammed into my side, sending me into the opposite wall.

I hissed, pain emanating from my back and ribs. There where I previously stood was Tartarus with a grin that made his vortex face look even more evil. On his wrist, he wore the Gauntlet with 6 holes on the underside of the wrist.

The first two were filled with yellow and purple gems. The purple one was glowing brightly, signaling the use of it. The speed of Tartarus was much faster than normal and he wasn't there before so I deemed it as use of the Space gem, the purple stone.

Placing one hand on the wall behind me, I turned towards the one way mirror, I locked eyes with Odin who nodded at me solemnly. Respect and determination radiating from his soul. With a quick breath I released him back unto his body.

He would fight. Tartarus continued standing there with a slight grin on his face as the gems on his wrist glowed angrily. Gritting my teeth, I turned towards the stunned silent agent.

"You're fired..."

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