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"You're different." Tartarus observed, looking Perseus up and down.

Perseus raised an eyebrow,"I'm immortal."

"You're a god?" He spat, disbelievingly.

Perseus shook his head,"No, I'm immortal. I'm not Greek, nor Norse. I'm not confined into one Pantheon."

"What are you?" Tartarus growled.

Perseus smirked,"The Guardian of the Gems."

Then he struck. Perseus attacked Tartarus, taking him on, one on one. I rose to my feet, and fought with renewed strength. I aided Perseus the best I could, but he needed no help. Perseus requested I focus my attention on the mortals, using one of the six gems to get into my mind.

The mind gem was how Perseus was able to visit me in my dreams. I'm thankful for that, otherwise I might've gone crazy. Also how he told Wanda what to do when he died the same night he told Steve.

The battle was slow, and lasted hours, but slowly the chitauri numbers dwindled. Perseus and Tartarus were still going at it, but Perseus was at a slight disadvantage.

Even though Perseus had changed, the spell has not. Perseus was unable to use any gem against Tartarus, while Tartarus used three of the stones powers. Albeit, Perseus could change time around him, and use the Space gem to transport himself quickly.

Tartarus used the speed of the Space gem, so both Perseus and the primordial were unable to be followed by mortal eyes. The power of Reality was useless to Tartarus now that Perseus was stronger, but the Power gem was still active.

Tartarus continually changed his weapon from spear, to sword, to whip on occasion. The weapon never stayed the same for more than a few moments after its use. Perseus used only his Olympian sword, but a bronze leaf shaped blade appeared in his left hand as Tartarus formed more violent weapons.

The rest of us guarded the mortals down below by evacuating the city. With my magic, they were gone. The only thing we were waiting on now was the outcome of the battle between Immortal and Primordial. Thor shook my shoulder, drawing my attention away from Perseus.

"I have received word from Lady Artemis." Thor announced to us all gathered on the roof.

"What'd she say?" Natasha asked quickly, gripping her gun tightly, and aiming at Tartarus.

Thor responded gruffly, twirling his hammer indecisively,"The Jötunn's and Titans had attacked Olympus for Tartarus, but the might of Asgard and Olympus prevailed. All is well up there, but a spell from the book of Norns has prevented them from leaving until after the battle of Tartarus and Perseus."

I pursed my lips,"Thor, you need to help Perseus."

Thor looked at me puzzled,"What do you mean, Loki?"

"Only you can hold him down."

Everyone looked at me even more confused, Wanda speaking up for them,"I don't get it. Right now, Perseus is more powerful than us all combined as a newborn immortal."

I glanced at Thor's hammer, tapping his hand holding it,"Tartarus is not worthy."



"Is that all you've got?" Tartarus laughed.

I growled, not answering him. I will not be goaded, I had more training than that. I dodged a slice of the sword by leaning to the side, quickly hitting the floor after to avoid the fire from the flame thrower. Activating the Space gem, I disappeared from the ground, coming down on Tartarus' flank.

He spun, using the speed of Space. I brought up Riptide, deflecting his sword, and stabbing with my other one. It bounced of the fast made shield. I gritted my teeth, and vanished to under Tartarus. I swung my Olympian sword towards his crotch, which he expertly deflected.

Tartarus didn't expect the shield that expanded from my right wrist watch. For Tyson, I slammed it into his ankles, making him fall. I transported myself again to above him, by his head. I brought down Riptide quickly while he was distracted.

Tartarus screamed as I gouged out his eye. I got blasted back by the unexpected wave of power he exerted. I fell off of the roof. I knew no help would come from my godly family after hearing the avengers conversation.

I clenched my fist, and vanished from my place in the air. When I reformed on top of the roof, I tackled Tartarus in a bear hug. We started wrestling. At one point, I was being pummeled under him, the next I had him pinned beneath me.

"Thor!" I demanded.

Without a second to lose, the hammer was set on Tartarus' chest. I cautiously backed off, careful not to move the weapon. Tartarus looked confused when I stood and smirked at him. His eyes narrowed, and he grabbed the handle of Thor's weapon, trying to remove it.

When the hammer didn't budge, Tartarus growled. He struggled ferociously, trying to turn side ways and wiggle his way out or force the hammer to fall off him. To no avail, Tartarus remained stuck under Thor's righteous weapon. I smirked at his helplessness, now you know what it feels like.

"What is this?" Tartarus roared.

I analyzed his position, ignoring his angry bursts,"Who wants to kill him?"

They all looked at me, Tony replying unsure,"Why not you?"

I shrugged, leaning on my Olympian sword,"Why not you? We're working together after all, I did my part, I'll let you do yours."

They all regarded me curiously. I furrowed my eyebrows, what was so confusing about my statement. We all did our jobs, I'm not going to take all the credit. We all ignored Tartarus' sputtering as we decided who would kill him.

"So... we're a team?" Clint inquired.

I paused, talking slowly,"I'm an Agent of SHIELD. I am working with the avengers, but... I'm not opposed to categorizing our personal lives as good friends."

A wide grin spread across their faces, leaving me confused. Now was not the time for this, the primordial attacking us was literally right behind me. Since we weren't on the ground, no monsters could be summoned, and that was basically all of what his powerful assets consisted of. We would be fine conversing in the way that we did, but we shouldn't do it for too long.

"You didn't see that coming, did you, Clint?" Pietro teased.

Clint rolled his eyes, but was cut off by Steve,"In the name of friendship, why not Loki?"

Loki looked taken aback,"Why not me what? What are you suggesting, soldier?"

"Why not Loki kill Tartarus?" Steve offered, making everyone slowly nod in agreement.

My boyfriend frowned,"Why?"

Vision furrowed his eyebrows,"All of our names are mentioned with good context, except for yours, Loki. You kill Tartarus, you will be redeemed."

"But—" Loki protested.

"Hush, Lo." I shushed, putting a finger to his lips,"They decided to help clear your reputation. Summon your staff, and fix your clothes. Show Tartarus the glory of Loki!"

The rest of the avengers roared in agreement. The Hulk screamed, for once in not a challenging way. Loki looked appalled for a moment, before grinning wickedly. His cape repaired itself, his staff appeared in his hand, his helmet was shining, and his daggers glowed in their sheaths. I saw his green eyes glowing in excitement, and couldn't help the shark like grin that stretched from my lips.

Overall, Loki looked very powerful, like a true god, also exceptionally hot. The things he would do if he knew I had this godly, superhero uniform kink. Better not to tell him. Tartarus' eyes narrowed as he listened in on our conversation. When Loki began approaching him, he screamed in frustration, trying in vain to remove the hammer. I stood behind Loki as he raised his mighty staff.

"Tartarus, for your crimes against the Universe, I, Perseus, condemn you to death." I declared coldly.

"NO!" Tartarus raged,"I will kill you! I will be back, and you will not stop me then."

"Good bye, son of Aether." Loki stated curtly.

Without a moment to lose, Tartarus was gone. His body crumbling to pieces by Loki's hand. I felt the ground shake, and knew my spell was working. The prison of Tartarus was gone, and once monsters were killed, they would be gone forever.

Loki turned to me, grabbing me by the neck, and pulling me into a passionate kiss. I smiled, and brought my hand up to wrap it in his hair. A couple seconds later, we broke apart. I waved my hand, and any mess in the city disappeared, and everything was repaired.

Loki placed a chaste kiss on my lips,"Tartarus?"

I smiled softly into it,"I will scatter his remains in Chaos, his fate will be decided there."

"So it's over?" Tony clarified.

I grinned as Thor boomed,"It is over, man of iron."

"We lost a couple battles, but in the end, we won the war." Steve said proudly.

"I can go home now? I can... retire?" Clint questioned me doubtfully.

I gave him a soft smile,"Say your goodbyes, and I'll bring you to Laura."

"I didn't see that coming." Pietro whined, looking quite upset at the thought of Clint being gone.

Wanda rolled her eyes, but pulled him into a sibling hug,"You can visit him, Pietro. Just be glad it's over now."

"I'll need to give you all a medical review before you leave though." Bruce announced, pulling some pants on.

"What of you, Perseus?" Vision asked me.

I raised my eyebrow,"What of me?"

"What's the plan now?" Loki whispered to me.

"Well I'm immortal, so you decide." I smirked.

His eyebrows raised,"I get to keep you forever?"

I winked at him,"I'll never leave you again."

Tell me what you think...

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