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Agent Jackson reappeared not even thirty minutes after he left. His hair was wet, but he was dressed in his usual uniform. Loki trailed the Agent, seeming rather content with himself. We were all gathered in the kitchen for dinner, silently hoping things would work out between the two.

When they came in together, nothing seemed unusual. It was like how they were before the earlier conversation. They moved around the kitchen fluidly, and fixed themselves something to eat. They joined us after their plates were full.

"So... what's up?" Tony questioned lamely.

Agent Jackson raised an eyebrow,"Is that all you've got, Stark?"

"Be nice, Perseus." Loki chided,"Mortals don't have much to offer."

"You're telling me to be nice?" Agent Jackson responded dryly.

Loki didn't respond, but he still looked smug. I decided to step in before Stark dropped his comments, but not before I had another bite.

"Fury called," I informed,"He'll be coming later to give us a mission."

"What's it with this guy and missions?" Bruce asked jokingly.

I smiled at that, after him and Loki bonded, Bruce tended to come more out of his shell. He even started to watch the team train with me, and Agent Jackson.

Agent Jackson shrugged, "I like missions."

"As do I, young Perseus." Thor agreed happily.

"Maybe it's just a godly blood thing," Clint inquired.

"Quite the contrary, Hawkeye," Loki disagreed,"I do not enjoy thrusting myself in the way of potential harm for no good reason."

"There's reason," Steve protested,"We work to protect the people."

"Don't they accuse you of being the bad guys?" Loki countered unimpressed.

"Well, sometimes we are." Bruce admitted.

"To the eyes of the beholder." Agent Jackson cut in wisely.

"In my eyes," Tony annoyingly stated,"We are badass superheroes."

"Maybe you all, but I'm an Agent," Agent Jackson said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly he chocked on his next bite as Thor pounded on his shoulder. I believe the Norse god thought it was in assurance, but from the blank expression on the Agent's face, he didn't agree.

"Never mind that, Perseus," Thor bellowed,"You are one of us!"

"One of you that not everyone trusts." Agent Jackson deadpanned.

I frowned,"Trust goes both ways, Jackson."

His eyes narrowed on me,"Then you start first, Romanoff."

"I'd rather not," I stated,"After all, Agents like you tend to with hold your end of the deal."

The Agent's lips curled into a smirk,"There's the problem."

"All your problems will have to be put on hold for now." Director Fury's dark voice interrupted,"I've got a couple missions for you all."

"Hit me, Fury." Tony demanded.

Fury rolled his eye,"I want the you all to recover some items for me."

"Items?" Bruce asked warily.

"Yes, the Avengers will retrieve Loki's scepter, and Agent Jackson will find the time gem."

Immediately there was protest. I stayed quiet, that seemed like too much trouble in one sentence. The Agent alone was not good, he could get hurt. Loki's scepter? Just bad memories, when I glanced at Clint he didn't look happy.

"Alone?" Loki's voice growled.

"That's usually how Agents work," Fury replied nonchalantly,"And I want numbers on the scepter. People have been experimenting with it."

"He's not going alone, director." Loki sneered,"I don't care about numbers or my scepter."

Agent Jackson's eyes flashed,"I work alone, Loki. That's not your choice to decide."

"It is when—"

"When what, Loki?" Agent Jackson stood up, facing the silver tongue.

"When your life is possibly at stake, again!" Loki had stood up too, and they were both now face to face.

"I'm Perseus Jackson, my life is always at stake." Agent Jackson countered darkly.

"But it doesn't need to be." Loki's voice had become soft.

Agent Jackson rolled his eyes, but spoke in a gentler voice,"I can handle it, Loki."

The Norse god sighed,"I know you can, Perseus. I'm just worried."

Agent Jackson's fingers wrapped themselves around Loki's, and his head tilted a bit to lock eyes with the god. The Agent's face stay void of any emotion, but it seemed like the two still had a conversation.

I saw the ring on his finger glow its vibrant green and by the motion of Agent Jackson's head, he was responding to Loki's thoughts. I guess they made up because something was going between the two.

I assume Agent Jackson relented in his argument, because they both turned towards the rest of us. Maybe they finally realized that they weren't alone, never mind, actually. The fact that they had a silent conversation plays into evidence that they knew we were here.

"I'll be going with Perseus," Loki decided.

"Combined with my skill and power, we'll be fine." Agent Jackson agreed.

"What power?" Tony snorted,"You can't control the gems."

Agent Jackson glared at Tony,"Actually I can, Stark. What do you think I do in the early mornings before breakfast?"

"Run like popsicle over there," Tony pointed out.

"Rather I perfected my control over the infinity stones." Agent Jackson reprimanded.

"Why would you do that?" Steve asked him confused,"You're just protecting them until after this."

Agent Jackson shook his head,"No, I had a dream. Fates came to me, Anake personally wove my string. I'm destined to protect the infinity stones until my death."

"That would mean..." Clint drawled, squinting his eyes.

"That Perseus is the guardian of the infinity stones. He learns to control them and use their power to keep them within his presence until he dies." Thor cut in solemnly.

"So where we going, director?" Loki questioned Fury, to distract the mood.

"Ghana, North West Africa." Fury replied stiffly.

"Lots of gold there." Agent Jackson stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Perseus." Loki smirked at the Agent.

"Worry about what?" Agent Jackson questioned wryly.

"You're more precious than gold."

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