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"I don't think it's working." Stark's annoying voice announced.

I rolled my eyes. Before I could say anything though, Steve responded for me. Although not in the tone I would expect, he had more patience. I guess he had more practice than me.

"Walking isn't supposed to cure a hang over, just clear the mind."

"I thought that's what running was for, capsicle." Stark countered.

"Walk, Stark." I cut in,"Just walk. Breathe in the fresh air, and ignore the—"

"Help!" A woman screamed, interrupting me.

As one, all our heads turned. A middle aged woman who looked quite similar to my mother lay on the ground. She was holding her head with one hand and pointing at a retreating figure with the other.

A scruffy man was running the opposite way with a purse that definitely wasn't his in his hand. I was immediately at the woman's side, checking up on her. She waved me off pointing past Rogers and Stark at the man.

"Please!" She pleaded,"I need it back!"

"It's okay, Ma'am." I soothed, kneeling next to her,"We'll get it back. Are you okay?"

She pushed me away,"I need my purse!"

"Why?" Steve demanded,"What's in there that's so important?"

"My children's birth certificates!" The woman responded hysterically, trying to get up,"They need them to stay in the country!"

I pushed her firmly back on the ground. I gestured to my two companions and they nodded, running in the thief's direction. The woman slowly calmed down as Steve and Tony chased the man.

I was pushed away from the women as the people around me finally leapt into action. I connected eyes with the woman and nodded. Her face relaxed in gratitude as she understood. I turned and followed the three men the best I could on my crutches.

I called upon my father's powers, appearing beside the two avengers. They didn't even start as we all stood in a shady neighborhood. Grabbing the teammates by the shoulders, we disappeared.

When we reappeared, we were at a dead end of a neighborhood, facing the road. Stark grunted as the thief made impact with him. Whoops, I forgot to warn him. The two wrestled on the ground. Unfortunately, Tony had no suit and wasn't as physically inclined as us, so he was struggling a bit.

Steve looked at me pointedly. I rolled my eyes, and with a flick of my wrist later, the two were standing across from each other. The thief's feet were coated in ice, preventing him from moving.

"Better?" I asked dryly.

Steve opened his mouth to respond, but cut himself off. I noticed his eyes widen a fraction of an inch, and instantly I went on alert. I spread my sense out, feeling the water around us.

The pounding headache I had, forbid my concentration for the activation of the infinity stones. Which meant, by the time I recognized the threatening presence in the area, it was too late.

I turned my body, summoning my weapon. Immediately I was hit with lightning, dropping my sword. The next thing I knew was pain. I gasped for breath. My body convulsed harshly. My back arched, and my eyes scrunched to block out the electricity.

I screamed in agony. I dropped to my knees, seeing nothing. My breathing grew labored as my muscles contracted. I fell onto my side. Distinctly I could hear the sounds of battle, the shouts of Steve and Tony.

I could faintly feel the sting of pain coming from my boot. I need to get rid of that thing soon. My vision blurred, and shapes became white and black. Once again, I was struck with the lightning, and a raw scream tore itself from my throat.

I hate electricity, I never did like it, unless it was powering my house. The weapon withdrew, and a body dropped in front of me. I think they were on their knee's, but I couldn't tell. I saw a mix of patriotic colors.

They took my face in their hands, shaking it. I felt their fingers open my eyes a bit more, and I inwardly chuckled. That probably won't help. I saw the mouth move, but besides the ringing in my ears, I heard nothing.

I felt myself being maneuvered over their shoulder. I groaned in pain. I knew I was seconds from being in the dream world. I struggled to stay awake. Then the body was torn away from me.

I fell painfully back to the ground. I felt like a balloon outside of my body, with pain as the helium holding me up. I tried to say something, but I could barely sense anything. I felt my hands being dragged to my chest.

Then a cold metal dug into my wrists. I gasped again, feeling no air within my lungs. I tried to move my arms out of the way, but they were stuck. Faintly I could here clanging, and a tug on my left ankle.

The ankle not in a boot, another metal dug into it. I moved my leg, but by the way the clanging sounded, and how limited my movement was, I concluded that the chains were connected. I assume I would soon be immobile, if the enemies were given time.

No, I had to get out. I slowly turned over onto my stomach, and pushed myself to my knee's. Slowly, like a toddler, I was on my feet, and my vision back in focus. My hearing was at a minimum, but progressing steadily.

Steve was fighting against five men who held these sticks that cackled with electricity. Stark was surprisingly holding his own against two of the men. He had some gadgets on his person that helped, and actually the women's purse as well. That was funny.

I searched the area around me to locate my sword. I opened my hand, and the blade rematerialized in my hand. I raised it, and instead of cutting off my chains, I threw it towards the man sneaking up on Rogers. It got him in the back, and he fell.

Unfortunately, that left me open and vulnerable. Something hard collided with my head, and I collapsed onto the floor. Everything was underwater, I probably had a concussion now, thanks.

"How are you still conscious?" The man asked incredulously.

"Perseus!" I heard Tony shout.

I screamed as the stick made contact with my body. Curse the thing, wasn't it tired of electrifying me? I gasped like I had asthma, and spasmed uncontrollably. My vision left me again, and my hearing dissipated. Then all I knew faded to black.

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