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It was morning the next day. We were all in the kitchen making food. For once, Tony, Steve, and Perseus were not out walking before breakfast. Natasha and Clint had already left SHIELD.

They said they went and filled out the paperwork for his mission and the day's work he would've had to do today, along with their own work. Both Agents returned before Perseus woke, which he still hasn't. Very surprising, considering the new teens were up before him.

Loki was next to me making an egg on the Midgard stove. I studied his actions as he expertly flipped the egg in the pan. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I think he was making an omelet.

"Where did you learn to do that, brother?" I asked him curiously.

He didn't look at me, but a small smile graced his lips,"Perseus."

I nodded absently. Watching him flip it onto a plate before cracking another egg and adding ingredients. I'm to assume one of the eggs was for him and the other his lover, who should be up by now. It's about 9, he's slept in late.

"I shall take my leave now, Perseus." A voice spoke.

I turned and was met with an older version of Perseus. He had longer hair that was in a ponytail and braided expertly down his back. Next to him was a cyclops with one brown eye in the middle of his forehead.

The two new people were both of Poseidon lineage, but which one was who would be the issue. The older version of Perseus was probably the god, so that one must be Triton. The cyclops should be Tyson then. All three brothers entered the kitchen, surprising the rest of the avengers.

"You won't stay for breakfast?" Perseus asked his older brother.

Triton shook his head,"I've got to get Tyson back to the forges to prepare for war, and I have my own duties as heir."

Perseus nodded, turning towards the cyclops,"See you later than, big guy."

"Bye, brother." Tyson exclaimed, tightly wrapping Perseus in a hug,"Ella says hi too!"

Perseus smiled, and reached up to ruffle the cyclops hair. Triton gave Perseus a pat on the back, ruffling the Agent's hair as well. He touched the cyclops shoulder and the youngest son of Poseidon disappeared in a sea green flash.

Although, instead of flashing away himself, Triton walked past Perseus and stalked up to my own brother. I elbowed Loki who was busy tending to the omelet. He glared at me when I almost caused him to lose the egg.

"Come, Loki." Triton ordered,"We have much to discuss."

"No you don't. You can go now, Triton." Perseus said, rolling his eyes and stepping between his brother and boyfriend.

"I'm not leaving until I have a few words with Loki here." Triton proclaimed, pushing Perseus aside,"I'm saving him from Father."

Loki smirked, setting the egg into the plate,"Its fine, Perseus."

Perseus narrowed his eyes, suspecting something,"Are you sure?"

Loki winked at Perseus,"I am. Go eat."

Then my brother walked by Perseus to get to his brother, but not before swooping down for a kiss on Perseus' eager lips. Triton's nose wrinkled as Perseus was pushed against the wall by Loki who was openly making out with Triton's younger brother.

When Perseus moaned, and wrapped his arms around Loki's neck, Triton stepped up to interfere. Loki must have used his magic to make an invisible wall around them because Triton didn't make it more than a couple steps.

I chuckled at Triton's furious face. The rest of the avengers laughed at the prince of the seas expression as he watched Loki make Perseus fall apart. Tony was wolf whistling at the two.

Pietro had zoomed his sister out of there as soon as Loki showed he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Vision followed the two curiously, depicting laughs from the rest of the group.

The two agents watched with amused faces. Bruce joined them, trying to cover his laugh with his hand. Steve was openly laughing with me at Triton's helpless situation. Once Loki's hands dipped beneath Perseus' clothes, Triton blew.

"Enough!" He ordered,"I will not stand and watch as you grope my younger brother!"

Loki froze with a knowing smile on his face. His face and Perseus' were inches apart, and a smirk was ghosting Perseus' lips. His eyes were closed in bliss and he had tangled his hands in Loki's hair.

Loki was pressing the Agent against the wall. One of his hands gripping Perseus gently around the neck, and the other hidden from view. Disappearing where Perseus' shirt had ridden up, showing some skin, and at the waist of his pants.

Loki's arm flexed one more time before reappearing. Then he gave Perseus one more kiss, before turning and winking at Triton. Perseus held the wall to catch his breath, a dazed look in his eye as he watched Loki saunter away.

"Follow me." Triton hissed through clenched teeth.

Loki was smirking as he left, leaving the rest of the room in laughter. Perseus still looked a little dreamy as he held onto the wall. Within seconds of the two gods departure, Pietro ran back in with Wanda and Vision behind him.

"What did I miss?" Pietro asked excitedly.

"Two brothers of ours trying to piss each other off." I answered, still booming with laughter, Perseus finally joining in.

Tell me what you think...

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