Chapter Thirteen: Door to Freedom

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The stench hit me first.

I wasn't even on the last rung of the ladder. Holding my nose with one hand, I resisted the impulse to jump back down and I climbed up as quickly as I could.

When I had climbed to the top, Christopher helped me up and I took in the location. Black trash bags were piled high in a mountain towards my left. Rubbish littered the ground. Trash bins of every colour were around us. After everyone had climbed up, I turned back. The ceiling was closing back, and strangely enough, someone had stuck litter to the other side of the ceiling. When the ceiling had shut, a lid slammed shut on top. A blue rubbish bin lid.

We just climbed out of a rubbish bin?!

I stared between the 'rubbish bin' and a laughing Braya. What?

"You're telling me that the main entrance to a place crawling with assassins is a trash bin?" I exclaimed incredulously.

"Yes, that's right," Luke confirmed, "No one would suspect an innocent trash bin. Besides, the stench wards sneaking people off."

"I was expecting a much, er, grander entrance," Scover remarked, "Obviously, they don't want the cops to come."

"In the middle of town too," Denisse muttered.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "Also, we're not going back for our things right?"

I turned to Christopher and Denisse. Christopher thought for a moment, before replying, "I think we shouldn't go back there. They knew, Iolla, they knew, and we can't go back."

"It is fine, Iolla. I have all I need," Denisse reassured me, gesturing at her backpack.

"To our base," Braya replied, "Luke, where is the transport?"

"We're not taking a plane?" Christopher asked.

"By the time we buy the flight tickets – which would be an insane amount of money – assassins from DEflayte could already following us onto the plane," Braya explained.

"Here!" Luke pointed to our method of transport.

It was a sleek grey van. Luke raced forward and opened the sliding door.

"Choose your seat," he informed.

We filed in; Christopher and Scover in the front; Denisse and I in the middle, and Luke at the last row of seats.

"Uh, Braya?" I asked, "Do you have a license?"

"My father taught me to drive his van. Besides, I could pass as a seventeen-year-old, right?" She replied, turning the engine on.

I really hope that no one will pull us over.

Braya then started to drive off, away from the underground compound.

"Food, anyone?" Luke walked down, handing sandwiches to Denisse and me and tossing a couple of snacks to Christopher.

"Do you have water?" I asked.

"Yeah. You need that to practise now?" Luke replied, handing me a large water bottle. When I unscrewed the cap, it was evident that there was quite a lot to drink. I took several large gulps and relished the feeling that I was replenishing the water I had lost.

"You're very sure that they won't find us, right?" Scover confirmed.

Braya let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes. We've all noticed the pattern, haven't we? Once we officially check into something, whether it's a bus, train or hotel they found us, didn't they?"

I had to agree with her. No matter how quick or discreet we had attempted to be, DEflayte always found us. I wonder how they do it.

"You alright?" Denisse asked.

I nodded. "You are too, right?"

"Just... shaken up. That's all," she replied.

"I suppose we all are. Except maybe Braya. She looks like she could go on forever," I muttered.

Denisse chuckled, then her face hardened. "We should check the DEflayte chat."

"Did you get the computer equipment? We can't let them track us," I asked.

"Yes," she replied, rummaging around in her bag, "Here," she added, handing me a yellow attachment. I turned it over and frowned.

"Wasn't it black?" I questioned.

"I- no, this is my spare one. I think I lost my black one in the fight," she stuttered.

"Okay," I shrugged it off.

"Um, are you sure we are safe?" Denisse asked.

I thought about Christopher's telekinesis, Luke's super speed and Braya's incredible fighting skills. We're all stuck in this together. I trust that we'll protect each other.

"Yeah. I don't know how, Denisse, but the five of us share a rather weird bond. Something keeps telling me I've seen Christopher before," I admitted.

"Really? But you've grown up in Binker Avenue your whole life!" Denisse replied.

"That's the thing. I'm not sure though, perhaps I could confirm it with the others."

"You definitely should. Do you have any idea where we are?" she asked.

I tugged slightly at the little curtain covering the window. Braya was not driving particularly fast, so I managed to take a look at our location. We were in the middle of a town, from the looks of the short and small buildings and occasional passer-by. Well, an innocent town with an underground assassins compound anyway.

I emptied my blouse's pockets for the assassin's watch and checked the time. Friday, 2 p.m. Compound time, the watch read.

"I'm actually more concerned about the time," I stated, then raised my voice, "Guys, how long were we out for?"

"About half a day," Luke replied.

"Half a day?" Christopher echoed.

"Especially considering half of DEflayte was there," I added.

Denisse nodded and we let the conversation drop. I instinctively turned to watch the scenery pass by. I had not even seen the light of day while underground and it was surprisingly refreshing to see a bit of colour for once. The lush, green trees and bright signs were a complete contrast to the neat and grey-themed compound.

Soon, the van began to travel upwards. The slightly bumpy, roughly-laid path transitioned to smooth, concrete roads. Something in me tingled.


I perked up at the prospect.

True enough, moments later we were driving over a bridge. Unable to resist my power's pull, I lowered the window to admire the waters. The waters were slightly unclear, but beneath that, I could spot movement from fish and aquatic animals, swimming in their home.

Feels like my second home too.

I extended a hand towards the water. Further out, ripples travelled on the surface of the water. I suppressed a smile, and spun my left hand. Water started to swirl upwards, just like during Chemistry class. Without putting my left hand down, I opened my right hand just underneath my left.

More water rose from the roots of the spiral, blooming outwards in an embrace.

"Whoa..." Denisse gasped from beside me.

The water was mesmerising. What was even more incredible was that I was doing it without much effort nor strength. It just... flowed.

If this is what I can do without thinking much, I can't imagine what I can do in a fit of rage.

"Nobody's watching, right?" Christopher confirmed, shifting in his seat, probably checking for passers-by.

"Just pray that people think that it's a phenomenon and some recent water feature," I heard Scover mutter back.

As we drove towards the end of the bridge, I directed the water into the sky and watched as it fell back.

"Awesome water show, but we're reaching the city. Windows down and curtains drawn please," Luke called.


At that thought, I pulled my hand back and pulled the window down with the other.

"For all we know, assassins could be our next-door neighbours. You sure about this?" Scover asked.

"That's the point. They can hide in the crowded cities, but so can we," Braya replied from the front, handing Luke a large screen. He held it up for all of us to see. It appeared to be broadcasting us CCTV footage from cameras at the sides of the van.

"Well, I guess that ensures that we don't have to peek outside at all," I commented.

"Not CCTV though," Denisse remarked, squinting at the screen through her spectacles, "but more like hidden cameras. DEflayte?"

"I saved the better technology for our actual hide-out. Or shall we call it a base?" Luke replied.

We shrugged. "Doesn't matter. What matters is that we need a plan," I announced.

"We're here," Braya called, "pop on these, except for Denisse, of course."

Luke distributed accessories that would hopefully disguise us. While the boys donned sunglasses, Denisse and I snagged caps.

"Remember, we're in hiding. So act normal," Braya prompted as she opened the door.

The street was packed with people. Shop awnings covered half of the pavement, and above those were tall skyscrapers with such reflective glass panes that they were nearly invisible. Parents pushed babies and in the lower floors of the buildings, office workers typed away madly at computer screens.

How long has it been since I had come to such a... normal and crowded place?

"Act like a bunch of students, not five suspicious run-away teens," Luke informed Christopher when he had tried to take out a jacket hood to cover his head, "Everyone, this way."

It was hard to move quickly in such a crowded street without arousing suspicion. So we resorted to moving at an acceptable pace, not too fast nor too slow. Luckily, Braya had parked the van not too far away from our 'base' and within minutes, we were already striding towards the building.

The building was not very tall compared to the skyscrapers, about ten floors or so. We stopped at the fifth floor and walked to a door with a round doorknob and '503' on it.

That looks like ours.

Sure enough, Luke reached into his bag and took out a calculator. He walked over to the wall and placed his palm on it. A small patch on the wall glowed, and Luke placed the calculator on it.

"Circle around me," he informed. We did so, ensuring that only we could see whatever he was planning for us to look at.

Luke turned back to the calculator – no, keypad – and punched in PR2BOT, before finishing with a press of the equal sign. With a muted click, the door swung open, and we trooped inside.

The house was not very large. Right next to the entrance was the kitchen, which I had identified from its countertops. Two plush couches faced each other while in the far corner of the living room was a dining table and five chairs.

I glanced back to see Braya shutting the door.

"Make yourselves at home," she called.

"Doesn't look like either of yours though," I remarked.

"No, we spotted the owners leaving for vacation. They'll be gone for a week," Luke informed.

Scover walked over to the window and peered outside, while Denisse raced over to the dining table and started unpacking her computer equipment. Meanwhile, Luke ran to the toilet for a shower and Christopher flopped onto a couch.

"Guys! We need a plan," Braya called, summoning us. We gathered in the living room, taking seats on the couches.

"At most, we have two days before assassins swarm the cities. So, let's hold a meeting while we can. We need all the information we can get," Braya announced.

"Um, I do know that the assassins are paid," Luke mumbled.

"Probably by Mr Weaber," I muttered.

"You know his name?" Braya questioned.

I nodded. "Patrick Weaber."

"Interesting," she remarked, taking it down.

"Are you guys aware that people want to capture us to sell the serum for millions of dollars at an auction?" Christopher asked.

"Yes. We heard of the buzz on DEflayte, but assassins tracked us and we ended up going offensive," Luke confirmed.

"You all use DEflayte?" Denisse asked from the dining table. We looked up and everyone nodded.

"It's been useful so far, but yet it's the reason why we're being sought after," Braya replied, her voice lowering towards the end of her sentence.

"Then did you hear about the scientist?" Denisse pressed.

"Dr Jerydonn?" Christopher made a guess.

"Yeah, he apparently created the serum and the machine supposed to remove it," I informed.

"Seems like we have quite some questions," Luke muttered. We mumbled in agreement.

"Well, I'll go find some clothing and dinner for everyone," Braya suggested, "but because I'm blind..."

"Wait, you're blind?" I asked incredulously. An image of her defeating the assassins with precision flashed in my mind.

Braya smiled. "Yes, I can't see. My power's something to do with touch though. Anyway," she continued, ignoring my dropped jaw, "I need someone to accompany me so I don't look suspicious."

Yeah, a blind teenage girl making her way around the city by herself would be weird. But apart from Braya, who's wearing sunglasses... everyone else has unnatural eyes that will shock and possibly be recognised.

I glanced around the room, and my gaze landed on the girl sitting by the dining table.

Except Denisse.

"Denisse – did I get that right?" Braya asked, turning to Denisse, who nodded, "will be following me. You guys can stay here."

When they had left, I began to process what we had discussed earlier. Patrick Weaber was the name of our kidnapper. We all used DEflayte to be updated. Dr Jerydonn was the one who created the serum. The same serum cells swimming around in our bodies.

We're going to find Dr Jerydonn. And he better have the answers to our questions. 


So it seems like they can settle down in this little apartment... for now. What are your thoughts on Braya and Luke? What do you think about their plan?

Another long chapter, but with less action. The previous chapter was so packed with action, I realised the characters needed a break XD. Hope the action's good so far though! Would love to hear what you think :D

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