Chapter 11: Reporting Rehaan

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On a bright and early morning, it was time to go to school. But Evan was the least one excited. He didn't want to punish Rehaan in any sort of manner. It was his own mistake to lead Rehaan in such a position. He knew that very well. Still, because of the push of his friends, he was supposed to do this with the other five - reporting Rehaan's offense. And to make himself free from the wrong accusation.

Evan's P.O.V.

I just don't want to punish him.... I am the reason why he did it. It's my fault not his. But still all the others worked so hard so I can't leave them at the end moment. I have to stand along with them while supporting. But I don't know till when.

All of us started walking towards the principal's office. My palms turned sweaty.

Celia's P.O.V.

I could see Evan shaking with his sweaty palms. He is the only one left to enter the office before me and by his looks I can see that he is scared and doesn't want to go inside.

I entwined my hand with his for reassurance. I don't know why I did that.... But I see a small display of hope and courage on his face. He enters the office with a new determination and I smile at that.

The office owns a huge part of the school building. It contains various files inside a glass cupboard. There is the huge table for principal and chairs and couches for us to sit. It is a really great place to work calmly because of its plain colours.

Once all of us reached inside, I closed the door and Evangeline started speaking soon after.

"Sir,as you maybe already knowing about my brother being accused of robbing the watch that he has not. I want to show you who is the real culprit truly with my other friends."

I noticed that Evan was once again becoming nervous. I squeezed his hand gently and he gave me a small for reassurance.

I spoke," We have the watch."

Evan handed it over to the principal.

Tyler said," These are the pictures of the watch being in Rehaan's locker."

Andrea showed some pictures and spoke,"It also has the pics of Rehaan's diary which includes his confession and reasons to do it."

"Lastly, we wanted to request you to give him a mild punishment as you have already got the watch back." Evangeline speaks.

Ryder says,"Also, we wanted to request you if you could give some alone time to Rehaan and Evan to talk."

The principal said at the end,"Okay Evan, now you are free from any accusation."

Evan took a sigh of relief.

" Also, I think I will fulfill all your requests. Now you may leave."

All our faces held brightened smiles and we left the office.

We went to the classroom and during lunch time, came to know that Rehaan was suspended for two days. Otherwise he was left free. But he had to talk with Evan during the Lunch break.... I wonder how their talk will go. But I hope for the best.

In this short period of time, our friendship has strengthened and I don't want him to feel hurt in any sort of way. But he needs to take this matter alone in his hands and sort it down. Only then both of them can move forward.

Quote of the chapter:

If you are determined, no superior can deny your requests.

Question of the chapter:

How do you think will be the talk between Rehaan and Evan and what will be Rehaan's reaction?

I am writing a new person's P.O.V. it's an easy guess. So who do you think it will be?
A hint:

Preview of the next chapter:

It's all about the talk between Evan and Rehaan with their confessions.

Hey everyone... If you find this chapter boring, then a huge sorry. It was just a filler chapter. Hope you may have read it. Next chapter is waiting and will be out soon. Till then, have a great time and stay tuned for more updates.

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