Mystery/Thriller Winners!!!

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📢✅ Breaking News: The Mystery/Thriller Winners Have Been Selected!

Attention everyone! Prepare yourself for the announcement of our winners 🌟 We've finally arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for - the winning authors of The Fabulous Writer Awards have been chosen!

"Drumroll, please! 🥁🥁🥁

The winners of the Mystery/Thriller of the Fabulous Writer Awards are here to claim their rightful place in the spotlight. These incredible and talented writers have amazed us all with their stories and their unique ability to transport us to different worlds.

And a very special thanks to the Judges _Baby_A_A_ & prekshanagupta for judging all the fabulous books.

Now, time to announce our winners!!!

Book judged by _Baby_A_A_

The book that secured Third place is...

Possible Second Chance by NxnsxgnorsDxmon

Cover: 10/10

I love this cover! The colour scheme, the fading of the face, the writing, everything looks perfect. Amazingly done! It also completely matches the mysterious theme.

Title: 10/10

The title fits with the blurb of the story, so good job! 

Writing style: 6/10

The writing style is very amazing since there is a huge range of vocabulary and adjectives, and the story is described elaborately, but it is a little too much for me. I like simple and meaningful sentences since that is easier to understand and keep up with. But of course, I admire the creativity it took to write such details and I also noticed in the comments how most of the readers enjoyed it. It just is not something for me since I lose my focus. 

Storyline: 9/10

The storyline is unique and intriguing, it keeps me wondering what will happen next. 

Grammar: 9/10

The grammar was mostly good except for some repetitive words. Some words were used too frequently to describe something. I think the adjectives were also overused as some words did not need to be described a lot. But other than that, it is very beautifully written!

Character: 8/10

The personalities of the protagonists were a little unclear to me, but from what I could interpret is that he is usually a cold person but has a soft spot towards the girl. I find that cute! As the story progresses, there are more interactions between the two and I am excited to see how their characters develop.

Enjoyment: 6/10

The story is unique and I love mystery with mature stories. I couldn't enjoy it to its full potential due to, again, the very elaborate descriptions and lots of fancy words. I love the plot of the story!

Overall: 8/10

The author is a fantastic writer and deserves a lot of praise! 

Total: 66/80

There is a tie between the two books for second place.

So, the books that secured Second place are...


Dungeon by Ablazeisaleo

Cover: 10/10

I love the cover and how it absolutely matches with the mysterious and thriller vibe of your story. It can easily attract the attention of readers.

Title: 8/10

I do like the title correlates with the plot of the story, but the title itself is not as unique. But I admire how the reason behind the title is explained in the blurb.

Writing style: 9/10

The writing style is amazing. The descriptions of everything is so well-done and in a very neat manner. It is easy to understand what is going in the story. A small suggestion is that since the first scene was a dream, it could be in italics. But it is perfect either way!

Story line: 8/10

The story line is good and seems unique enough. I am excited to see what happens after he plunges himself into the world of the group of people that he hates! The descriptions are also very amazing as it sets a vivid image in my mind.

Grammar: 9/10

I did not find much issues with the grammar, but I did find some repetitive words. It does add a little humour to the story. 

Character: 8/10

So far, the two characters that were introduced in the story were intriguing. I like how the protagonist hates police officers yet feels a different type of way towards him. His coldness and bitter soul is explained throughout the chapters and I am excited to see how his character develops and whether he will slowly open up or not. 

Enjoyment: 7/10

I enjoyed reading this book, but I wish the first few chapters were a little longer. It had a flow to it from the beginning, and scenes where it made me wonder what is gonna happen next. 

Overall: 8/10

The author is really good at being creative!

Total: 67/80


Total Eclipse of the Heart by strawberry1d

Cover: 9/10

The cover is absolutely stunning! I love how you added the little details like the red thread which correlates with your story. All the writings are clear and I like your choice of font.

Title: 10/10

The title is unique and completely matches with the blurb of the story since the plot is about the sun and moon and how the eclipses can strengthen the power of the bracelets! 

Writing style: 7/10

The writing style is good, but I think if you made some paragraphs a little shorter, it would look neater. But I still like it the way it is. Your descriptions are also on point since you are very descriptive, which is something I am fond of since I don't really like to imagine much. You set the sceneries pretty well and all the feelings both the protagonists go through.

Story line: 10/10

This is one of the most unique plot I have come across, to be honest. It was not a typical romance story. 

Grammar: 7/10

The grammar is good in general, but there were some minor mistakes that I noticed throughout the chapters. These minor mistakes include adding punctuation marks where not necessary, and changing of tenses in the middle of the paragraphs. If you fix these, your book will shine more!

Character: 7/10

The characteristics of the two protagonists are the opposite of each other, which I find really cute. Since I know what Suga is like in BTS, I could understand that their personalities were made similar. His character is cold, lazy, unsocial while Joy's character is happy, cheerful and bubbly. I do like the changes Joy caused in his personality to make him more caring towards her as the story progressed. I am not sure how their characteristics change once they grow up, but I am sure they will have character development.

Enjoyment: 8/10

I am not a big fan of fanfiction anymore, but I really enjoyed this story due to its uniqueness. One thing I could not understand that it was a romance story rather than mystery. Maybe it will come in the later chapters. But I loved it either way. It was interesting to learn about this Chinese myth and how it was described. I am curious to know what happens after they grow up. Good job, author! 

Overall: 9/10

The author did an amazing job in creating this beautiful piece!

Total: 67/80

Now, the book that secured first place is...


Young Blood by Loopy_Lu

Cover: 8/10

I like the vibes the cover give off, and it makes me think it is like an anime story. I find the blood on him interesting since it does relate to the story. I would suggest to add the author name to make the cover look more authentic!

Title: 10/10

The title matches with the blurb and the plot of the story, so good job!

Writing style: 8/10

This writing style is a bit different compared to the other stories because the protagonist is explaining everything to us by referring to the readers directly, interesting. 

Story line: 8/10

Till what I read, I am a little confused as to what the protagonist is since he says he hates humans and wants to kill them. It reminds me of animes and I love animes, so I like this too! It got so much more interesting as the story dives into a magical type. It does take a dark turn.

Grammar: 8/10

The grammar is mostly good except some parts where I felt the words are too repetitive or while describing a scenery, the phrases are circling around. It is not really anything big, so it's fine. Also, it would look neater if the dialogues are written in a separate paragraph. Everything else is nicely written! 

Character: 8/10

Again, the protagonist reminds me of the main characters in animes. It is funny to read his inside thoughts and how he is angry when people try to talk to him. I love the cute interactions he has with Holly and how he is different towards her, so cute! 

Enjoyment: 10/10

I enjoyed the story. It hooked my interest because the first chapter gave me questions about him. Nice way to catch the reader's attention!

Overall: 10/10

The author has a vast amount of creative ideas, so their story is amazing!

Total: 70/80


Now, it's time to announce the books that secured the fourth place in this award. Don't be discouraged because your books didn't win. Your book is great, you just need to make some improvements.

The book that secured Fourth place is...

Cataract of Delusion by new_erasktaylor

Cover: 7/10

I do like the cover, but I do not think that it really matches with theme or the blurb of the story. Maybe you could change it to something that describes the story.

Title: 10/10

I absolutely love the title! It's so different and creative, completely matches with the plot of the story as well. Nice choice there.

Writing style: 7/10

The writing style was good mostly, but there were some scenes where I got a little confused. For example, (SPOILER ALERT!) the scene in the second chapter where the story shifts from the dad being in the mansion to being in the car accident. I think you could maybe include some sort of marks to show that it is a complete different time, past to present. Other than that, I liked how the sceneries were described and set.

Story line: 10/10

The story line is amazing. It has the right amount of mystery and action vibes to it. But I could not really correlate the description to the actual story since the description mentions something about fake marriage, but the story did not have that. Maybe it comes in the later chapters. 

Grammar: 6/10

The grammar was mostly good except some places. I noticed that all the dialogues are written with a space after the quotation mark, I do not think it is necessary. There were some minor punctuation marks and one or two words missing, some missing words. Just a little edit can fix these!

Character: 8/10

So far, the feelings of the protagonist were mentioned in an amazing manner and all the emotions she felt, well she barely felt emotions! I like how it was so clearly shown that her emotions were only portrayed when it was related to her father. I also admired how she was a total girl boss when she escaped from the police scene! I do wish she showed a bit more emotions, though. 

Enjoyment: 9/10

I really enjoyed the story and it kept me hooked from the start since it had an intense beginning. I also like how there are not too much side talks and everything just relates to the main plot of the story. 

Overall: 9/10

The author is wonderful and their story is just as wonderful! 

Total: 65/80

Books judged by prekshanagupta

The book that secured Third place is...

Muses, Mishaps and Murder! by JankyFluffy

1) Cover: 8/10 ( The cover was nice and matching with the story)

2) Title: 9.5/10 ( The title was good) 

3) Writing style: 7.5/10 ( The author did a good job here as well)

4) Storyline: 8.5/10 ( I haven't read much stories with storylines like this, it was very interesting)

5) Grammar: 10/10 ( It was impeccable.)

6) Character: 10/10  ( Loved the developments)

7) Enjoyment: 9/10 ( I thoroughly enjoyed the story, a good read.)

8) Overall:  62.5/80 

Review:  The characters got a great development throughout the story. Twists and turns were much unpredictable althroughout and the interest only perked up due to that. The shape-shifters , werewolves and the detectives stole the show! The action was commendable as in description. The fight between Muse and Mason was cherry on the top! The sass and the satire, sarcasm was totally incredible.

The book that secured Second place is...


Shadows of the Abyss by Starry_Night_Reader

1) Cover: 7/10 [ Cover could have been done better, but was nice.]

2) Title:  8/10 [ Title was apt.]

3) Writing style: 9.5/10 [ The approach of the author was very direct, I loved it.]

4) Storyline: 8.5/10 [ The storyline was incredible.] 

5) Grammar: 10/10 [ It was greatly executed.]

6) Enjoyment: 10/10 [ While reading it , I loved it.]

7) Character: 10/10 [ Character development was done beautifully]

8) Overall: 63/80

Review: It felt like such an underrated story with such originality, it was fascinating to be told the least and had mentioned hooked right from the beginning. The story was emotionally overwhelming.

The book that secured First place is...


The gathering dark by Aravis-Brightspell

1) Cover: 10/10 ( I just loved the cover of story.)

2) Title: 10/10 ( Title was very apt.)

3) Writing style: 9.5 ( The way author wrote had me engaged.) 

4) Storyline: 10/10 ( The story was very beautifully written and I am still mesmerized by the descriptions.)

5) Grammar: 10/10 ( Just one word, perfect) 

6) Enjoyment: 10/10 ( I enjoyed it very much.The suspense was nail-biting)

7) Character: 9.5/10 ( I just the indepth analysis of each and every character in this beautiful story.)

8) Overall: 69/80 


Now, it's time to announce the books that secured the fourth and fifth place in this award. Don't be discouraged because your books didn't win. Your book is great, you just need to make some improvements.

The book that secured Forth place is...

Trapped by Violetrose3127

1) Cover: 10/10

[ The cover was very convincing.]

2) Title: 10/10

[ The title really matched with the storyline.]

3) Writing style: 5/10 

[ Style was nice .] 

4) Storyline: 8/10

[ I liked the storyline , it was peculiar yet dreadful.]

5) Grammar: 6/10

[Some improvements are needed, kindly look into it.]

6) Enjoyment: 10/10 [I thoroughly enjoyed the book]

7)  Character: 10/10 [Characters were developed greatly.]

8)  Overall: 59/80 

Review: That was a one of a kind story, so atrocious and power packed playing with emotions at the right moments.

The book that secured fifth place...

The secret of the basement by Deepanshu1232

1. Cover: 9/10 [The cover was good.]

2. Title: 7/10 [ The title was linkable with the story.] 

3. Writing style: 5/10 [ It should be improved more like directly in many areas, like how to describe a character while portraying it , I hope you take the suggestion kindly.]

4. Storyline: 3.5/10 [ The storyline was very basic.]

5. Grammar: 3 /10 [ More attention is needed to be taken] 

6. Character: 2.5/10 [More in depth analysis was missing on many areas of the characters.] 

7. Enjoyment: 4/10 [ The story felt like dragged on, it could have been better.]

8. Overall: 35/80

Congratulations to all the winners ❤️

IMPORTANT NOTE: Kindly all the winners send me your email address for your prize.

Have a wonderful day :)

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