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Naruto was always a strange kid, and not in a bad way. But the villagers and some ninjas seem to think otherwise.

Instead of taking after his parents like his siblings: Akaru who has their mother's blood red hair and their father's cerulean blue eyes, and Hanae with their father's golden blonde hair and their mother's deep purple eyes; Naruto has both.

Or more accurately, he is a perfect mix of their looks.

Kushina's red hair and Minato's blonde seemed to blend into one to make Naruto's fluffy peach-esque strawberry-blonde locks.

Her purple eyes and his bright blue gave Naruto's a colour of beautiful pupiless lavender.

Unlike his siblings who's got whisker marks from the Kyuubi, he's got a large scar on his right cheek, from when the Kyuubi's claw scraped his face on the day of their births.

Everyone, safe for a handful, belittled him for it, and his freak genetic mutation.

"It's him again, uhg.."

"That brat.."

"He always brings misfortune with him everywhere he goes."

"Why can't he just die? The Kyuubi obviously didn't finish it's job."

"Get him away from my shop! I don't want to lose customers because of that demon!"



"You killed Lord Third!"

'It's not true.'

'He was smiling at me when he died.'

'I can't chose how i was born like!'

'Hanae and Akaru was lying! They did it, and blamed it on me! I was always their scapegoat!'

So many thoughts filled Naruto's mind. Yet he didn't say it out loud.

They wouldn't believe him.

They never do.

Naruto kept his head low, chosing to ignore the glares and sneers as he walked by the villagers.

"Whatever you do, Naruto... Don't give anyone...the satisfaction of hurting you..."

Those were Sarutobi Hiruzen's first and last words to him on his final breath.

Kurama had replayed the memory to him on his sixth birthday.

It was the best birthday he's had in years.

"Oi, Naruto!" He heard a familiar voice call his name, and his face immediately brightened.

The villagers wisely shut up.

Running towards him was two of the people who gives a damn about him.

"Sasuke! Itachi-san!" The eight-year-old raven grinned, and Itachi smiled lightly.

"Let's go training! Nii-chan brought his bokken today!"

Sword training has always been one of Naruto's favourite past-time hobbies, aside from Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu and pranking.

Over the course of eight years, Naruto found a lot of people who he would consider precious.

Uchiha Mikoto, Fugaku, Sasuke and Itachi, who provided him a home away from the villagers and his own.

Hatake Kakashi, Mitarashi Anko, Izumo and Kotetsu, who cared for him like their little brother.

Nara Shikamaru who was indifferent to his burden and appearance, stuck by him regardless.

And Kurama, who has been with him from the start.

These people are ths only reason he stayed.


It was October 10th, his dreaded day of the year, while to his 'family', it was all sunshine and rainbows.

'Great. Another broken leg..' Naruto hissed in pain as he hid from the mob of villagers who ran by. The ninjas always senses him, so he can't hide for long.

"We need to work on your Chakra control and concealing it."

'Good idea.' Naruto thought as he limbed towards the Namikaze compound, trying to not get cought.

He knocked on the door frantically. The door openned, revealing a pissed off Kushina.

"Don't you kno- oh, it's you again." She glared at the bloodied young boy.

"It's past curfew. And don't you even think about blaming the villagers, they would never do that. You're staying out tonight." And she slammed the door im his face.

He faintly heard Minato asking Kushina about someone at the door, and the distaste in her reply.

"The freak. He's blaming the villagers again. Seriously, out of all the days, he chose to interrupt our children's birthday!"

Naruto was close to crying at that point.

'It's my birthday too!'

"I know, kit, but don't dwell on it. They've been like this for years." Kurama's growl broke through at the end of his sentence. 'Humans and their cruelty...'

"We should go to the Uchiha compounds. I'll take over."

'Thanks, Kurama.'

He allowed himself to slip into subconciousness as Kurama took control of his body.

The now red-slitted-eyed Naruto made a run to the Uchiha compounds, avoiding the mass of villagers below as he jumped on rooftops.

He knocked on the large wooden gates, waiting for the family they are familiar of.

The double gates openned, revealing Mikoto. She gasped seeing his state and eyes.

"Kurama-san! Naruto-kun! Come in, hurry!" They wasted no time in getting in to get Naruto some food and rest.

The Uchiha family are the only ones in Konoha who knows of Kurama's name, aside from Naruto.

They were basically disgusted of how Naruto's own family treats him.

When Kurama gave the body back, the boy was asleep, exhausted. He just sighed.

"These damned scum who calls themselves humans will be the death of you, Kit..."

That night, Naruto was given a small birthday celebration from the Uchihas.

It wasn't much, but it meant everything to him.


It was when he was 10 that everything went downhill.

Sure, it was great that he's kinda living with the Uchihas now, but he couldn't exactly stop trying to get his parents' recognition.

On his birthday, Naruto stayed in his attic, reading jutsu scrolls, when his siblings are having a blast out there.

He honestly couldn't care less aboit the party anymore, but Minato's last statement made him drop his scroll.

"Attention, everyone! I would like to deliver you this wonderful news!" The loud music and laughter stopped.

"I would like to declare Clan Heir of the Uzumaki, Namikaze-Uzumaki Akaru; and Clan Heir of the Namikaze, Namikaze-Uzumaki Hanae!"

There were loud cheers again, but Naruto ignored all of it.

Both of his siblings are younger than him, and that automatically makes him the clan heir. But to declare clan heir on someone other than the eldest, said person is either dead, missing, or disowned.

His fingers twitched, and heavy tears dripped down onto the floor.

"That's what they wanted, huh...?.."


Naruto face planted himself onto his matress and screamed. He roared in rage and pain and frustration. He cried till his throat runs dry.

Meanwhile, with the main Uchiha family, who were at the party purely to celebrate with Naruto, they felt fury.

Mikoto covered her mouth and let out a horrified gasp.

Fugaku clenched his fist so tight it drew blood.

Itachi activated his Sharingan, three tomoes spinning wildly with rage.

Sasuke gritted his teeth with a scowl. He silently left upstairs, where Naruto's attic would be, followed by his parrents.

When they openned the door, it was the moment the devil cowered from fear.

Naruto's room was barren, safe for an old, worn matress, a thin, patched up blanket, a box for a nightstand, a few scrolls, and a trash bin full of bloodied bandage.

The boy was there, crying his eyes out on the matress.

"Naruto-kun..." The Uchiha wasted no time in hugging the small boy. Even the ever stoic Fugaku.

The door slammed open again, followed by a yell.

"Naruto! I heard what they said, are you ok?!" Anko and Kakashi stood there with paled faces. Upon seeing the boy, both rushed in to embrace him. Shikamaru who was behind them followed their lead.

"I'm sorry..." Naruto whispered out.

"It's not your fault." Mikoto said back. "It's their fault for neglecting you."

They stayed like that for a while, until-

"I'm leaving."

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