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Ever since news got out that Naruto had left the village, the villagers had a huge party, which was promptly shut down by the enraged Uchiha family, Anko and Kakashi.

Akaru and Hanae have become distant to the academy kids, safe for Sasuke who avoids everybody, especially the two like plague.

Itachi takes more mission that requires to go out of Konoha, as did Kakashi.

And the Namikaze-Uzumaki family...

They wallowed in misery inside their compound.


Itachi zoomed past trees and leaves.

He was on a mission, and his side personal mission of finding Naruto.

No lead so far.

Arriving at the Land of Iron, Itachi focused on the task of looking for the fine blacksmith by the name of Haganezuka Hotaru, the one who makes exceptional ninja weapons.

There was no point disguising, as he has a pass for the village anyway.

Upon stepping in, Itachi was surprised to find something peculiar.

The Chakra signature of someone very precious to him and his family.


The blacksmith can wait, Naruto comes first.

"You're older than me, Giyuu, act like it!"


"Be a man!"

Peach blonde caught Itachi's attention, and, sure enough, that was the one he was looking for. The boy was even wearing father's gift, the clothes, and his, the familiar sword.


"Sabito, don't be too harsh on Giyuu." An old man chided, and Naruto -or is it Sabito?- pouted.

"But we can't be bounty hunters together if he doesn't toughen up.."

The black haired boy -Giyuu- giggled.

"Don't worry, Sabito, we'll make it together!"

Naruto-with-a-new-name 'hmph'ed. "Then i'll help you train to the best of your abilities, you better believe it!"

'There's that verbal tick.' Itachi smiled.

"Sabito." He called out to his little brother, using his new name.

Sabito whipped around, alarmed, as the only people who are told his name are Urokodaki-san and Giyuu. His glare turned into a face of happiness.


Itachi approached the group, and nodded in greeting.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi. It is a pleasure to meet the ones who have been taking care of my otouto."

The old man in the tengu mask nodded.

"I am Urokodaki Sakonji, it is nice to hear Sabito has people who cares." Itachi smiled.

"We're not much, but we do our best."

Sabito nudged the black haired boy.

"Ah-m-my name is T-Tomioka Gi-Giyuu!" Giyuu stammered out.

"It is nice to meet you, Giyuu-kun." He then turned to the peach blonde.

"Sabito, huh? After my gift?" All he got was an embarrassed splutter.

"We are on our way to meet up with the blacksmith Haganezuka, would you mind accompanying us?" Sakonji asked the Uchiha.

From what he can see, Sabito trusts the man very much, and being around the man makes him happy. It wouldn't hurt to keep him around a bit longer.

Itachi nodded. "I was on my way there, too, actually." Sabito whooped as he pulled on Itachi's sleeve.

"C'mon, Itachi!"

Sakonji chuckled as he and Giyuu followed the two boys.

The two spent their walk catching up on lost times, and Sabito was even more glad he left the village earlier.

"Why did you come here, Urokodaki-san?" Itachi asked the man.

"We came to get a suitable sword for Giyuu. I had messaged him two weeks ago, the sword should be ready by now, unless he has some other things to attend to." Itachi nodded.

"Sabito, have you been training lately?" The boy beamed.

"Yeah! I got tree walking and water walking down! Shadow Clones were easy, and i'm getting to leard the more complex Fuinjutsu seals!" Itachi ruffled his spiky hair and smiled.

"That's great, otouto, keep it up. I'm sure Sasuke would be glad you didn't slack off, he would boast to the kids about you a lot."

Sabito laughed. "He does that?!"

Itachi only smiled.

When they arrived at the blacksmith's, Sabito and Giyuu jumped in shock as a man in a clown mask openned the door violently.

"Haganezuka." Sakonji nodded his head in greeting. The blacksmith took a look at the masked old man.

"Urokodaki, came for your student's sword?" It's a rhetorical question, but Urokodaki nodded either way.

The man came back into the workshop, and later came back with a sheathed katana.

Urokodaki paid for the sword, and bid them goodbye. Sabito hugged the Uchiha before running after the old man and Giyuu.

Haganezuka then -Itachi assumed- looked at him.

"And you?"


"Is he one of the people who care about you, Sabito?"

The peach blonde nodded. "Yeah. The katana is his gift for my birthday."

Sakonji nodded.

"It's good to know not all of them drove you away."

Giyuu stayed silent throughout the whole talk.

Sabito... Sabito had gone through that? Driven away by his home, just like Giyuu had been.

'I'll get stronger, so Sabito and i can stand side by side. I want to have his back, not some liability to be protected.'

His fist clenched, Giyuu's new resolve thrashes like water in a storm.

"U-Urokodaki-san, Sabito." Both turned to the timid raven.

"Please teach me more about swords and Ninjutsu." The words were solid, said with determination, it shocked the two.

Sabito grinned, crinkling his huge scar and showing his canines.

"That's the spirit! You're getting manlier, Giyuu!"

Urokodaki-san gently ruffled his unkemtp hair.

The raven blushed.

"I hope you boys are ready for more intense training, now that Giyuu has got his sword."

Sabito nodded vigorously, and Giyuu nodded nervuously.

"We'll become the best hunters, to protect innocent lives from being taken, and to help people in need, believe it!" Sabito grinned, pumping his fist into the air.

Giyuu's eyes hardened, remembering back to his precious older sister.

"I have no doubt you will. But you both need to pass my training first."

Both grew confused.

"But aren't we already training?"

Urokodaki shook his head.

"You have not even started. I will show you the Kenjutsu training when we are back."

And both boys almost regretted it.

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