Ask & Dare: Princess Alana!

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I had a brighter background for this image. I wasn't sure if the theme of stars fit well,  so I chose a happy, simple place which seems as bright as Alana herself.

My brother has a new main because I learned to play his main better than he could. He spams, but I still can't win.... But, my hit percentage has jumped recently. I've started to use the netural "a" more instead of smash attacks to deal damage. (Which makes sense.... I wonder why I didn't in the first place....)

New poem:

The Age Awards

History is old like the earth we strut upon is ancient.

The humanity that inhabits this place is prehistoric.

The olden quality that I would name golden,

made by the tired thoughts of humanity's ocean,

a great pool of consciousness, streams of ideas unbroken,

it would be the theory, the conception of time,

created and changed in humanity's prime.

The age of immeasurable, the age of fate inevitable,

a creation of humanity thinking nothing impossible.

For, if time is infinite, for as long will nothing be impossible.

So then, there it is, one of my most complicated poems. Honestly, when I was writing this, a long time ago, I had barely planned it. I created the rhyme scheme entirely spontaneously  as I was putting down the first lines. This one got so abstract that I would have to dissect it to remember what I was trying to explain.

The basics are this: time is old. I've also hinted at one of my dad's theories. (Humanity creates time. Thus it is highly changeable. Einstein here: Relativity. Time changes because light is a constant.)

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