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Far off in the misty plains, a large, hospital-like building lay hidden underneath the thick smog. It's large stone walls were intimidating to any foe who identified them in the distance. Rumors surrounded the mysterious building, trying to guess at what went on behind those walls. Soon, brave humans stepped up and travelled there themselves, to see what really happened. Those who ventured there uninvited rarely returned. The ones who did, though, were traumatized. They recalled no memory of what happened during their adventure, only that it was a place of unthinkable horror that no one should visit.

Every so often, they even forgot themselves.

Word about the travellers' plight spread quickly, and soon nobody dared to go near the building.

From it's appearance, the people began to call it the Facility. A place of horror, where no human would ever tread. The rumors only grew worse as people whispered around, theorizing about what the Facility was there for and what it performed.

Was it haunted by evil spirits?

Did they perform rituals with the dead bodies of the travellers that they caught?

Nobody knew, but they weren't sure they wanted to find out.

Some even said that it was a real hospital, where some of the most deadly diseases were cured. They theorized the only reason people rarely came back was because of the deadly toxins; they inhaled them, and it was too late for them to escape. The ones who survived were given drastic amnesia from the toxins, and that was why they couldn't remember. This was one of the most popular theories among the humans.

In reality, though... that theory remains the closest one to the proper thing. Not exact, but it was a good try.

The Facility isn't a safe place for humans. It was a place for angels, demons, and supernatural creatures alike to stay or be contained. At the Facility, they could rest and heal up. It was almost like a hotel for them, of some sort. And, of course, a hospital for those who required it.

But that wasn't all that the Facility held. In another part of the building, there was a place for dangerous creatures to be held and even places for those who had lost their minds.

For some, it was their home, a place to heal; for others, it was a prison.

The ones who manage it are referred to as the Order. They are the ones who make certain everything is going in order and that nothing suspicious is happening. They hire the doctors and guard, and are the ones who address urgent matters, like a human being spotted on the misty grounds. And they are the most powerful spellcasters known in the supernatural world.

They strike fear into the hearts of many. Nothing will estrange them and the well-being of the folk at the Facility, and they swore to defend it with their lives.

The Order were the ones who placed the Facility in the area where it is currently. Some creatures were uncomfortable with being seen by the mortal eye. Because of this, they wanted to make sure the building was in a remote area that would call for days and days of travel to reach.

Speaking of humans, in the past when one happened to cross the Facility's perimeter, they weren't hunted down and killed as some theories suggest. No, they were simply put under a spell by one of the members of the Order. A spell that wiped their memories of the Facility completely or even their whole life if a spell went wrong. It also instilled in them a deep, everlasting fear of the building, so they would never return and urge others to do the same.

Once the human problem was resolved, the Facility was rather peaceful for a few decades. Only some emergencies occurred, none of which were caused by human interference. But they weren't that disruptive. Other than them, everything ran efficiently.

Until now.


Deep in the halls of the Facility, an angel was awakening.

A thin but strong pane of glass separated the three beings from the angel lying on the bed. The three beings varied in species, features, and age; the first one, a chubby man with long, raven-black hair. Dark gray eyes watched the cell warily, with a hint of uncertainty flashing in them. His hand was resting comfortingly on a small being beside him. Translucent wings rested on their back, small string-like designs running through them. Tears streaked down their face, shoulders shaking as they stared into the cell. Their distress was clear.

Off to the side a tall man with large brown wings, almost chocolate colored, stood stiff with arms crossed. His foot tapped impatiently, staring into the cell. From his posture, he seemed unconcerned but his face told the truth. Forehead wrinkled in worry, his eyes never left his fellow angel. In his eyes, you could tell; he looked almost scared.

Three pairs of eyes watched anxiously as the angel inside the cell stirred, head tilting to the side as she returned to consciousness.

A groan left her, her eyes slowly fluttering open. What happened? She thought, blinking to try and focus her vision. White tiles surrounded her on all sides, a panel of blinding light placed in the ceiling. Her wings were splayed out on either side of her, laying there limply. When she tried to move them, pain shot through her spine.

The angel slowly stood, vision swimming as she stumbled to her feet. As she stood, she found she couldn't move her arms. They were trapped, uncomfortably wrapped around her torso in what looked like a very tight jacket... a straitjacket, the humans called them.


Why was she in a straitjacket? Weren't these only used for those that humans deemed--


A familiar, distraught yell brought her out of her thoughts. Ellie slowly looked over to see three of her closest friends standing on the other side of the glass. Sorrel was the one who had shouted; she frowned in concern when she saw the tears running down their cheeks. "Sorrel? What's wrong?"

The fairy said nothing, only sobbed more. Their aura was a dark blue-gray, and it was very close around their form. Ellie glanced toward the black-haired man, whos gray eyes pierced her like a blade. "Finlay?"

No response from him, either.

Turning toward the last one of the group, the one she had known for millennia, she gave him a pleading look. "Auziel, please... What's going on? Why am I here?"

Auziel's eyes glazed over with an unreadable emotion as he looked away from her. "You remember, don't you?" He questioned, his smooth voice muffled from the glass. "What happened yesterday."

"I... I don't..."

"You do," Auziel slowly looked back up at her. "You remember it. I know you do."

Ellie shook her head, confused. But then, a few moments later, the memories did come rushing back.

She remembered the blood coating her hands and arms, staining her outfit and even her wings with the dark red substance. The screams of the dead angels echoed in her ears, making her wince. She remembered the red tint that seemed to cover her vision, and the blood that poured onto the grass in her wake. Blood, blood, blood everywhere. Dead bodies laying in the grass, wings torn and bloodied.

Snapping back into the present, Ellie could feel her eyes widening.

"We had to..." Auziel trailed off, sucking in a breath as if it pained him to say the words. "We had to tranquilize you, so we could finally contain you and bring you here." While he spoke, Sorrel seemed to sob more, and Finlay tried to comfort the small fairy as best he could.

"You can't just keep me here!" Ellie objected, leaning against the glass and staring at Auziel. "I'm not going to do it again."

"That's what you said last time," Finlay finally spoke, glancing up at Ellie. "And it was so, so much worse this time."

"T-this was our...our last r-resort," Sorrel said in between sobs, hiding their face in their hands. It hurt Ellie to see them so upset, but it hurt her even more that the three of them had decided she belonged here, of all places.

The trapped angel shook her head. "I don't belong here. No, no, you have to take me out! There's nothing wrong with me!"

Finlay's gaze got colder, and the shapeshifter's voice was just as cold as he spoke. "Yes, yes, there is. This is for your own good," he promptly turned, his hand leaving Sorrel's shoulder. Shoulders shaking, Sorrel turned away as well. They couldn't bring themselves to meet Ellie's eyes. Together the two of them walked away.

Her body started shaking; wether with rage or sadness, she had no clue. Ellie turned back toward Auziel, practically begging at this point. "Please... please don't leave me here! You can't! Take me back. Please." Vision blurring, she slammed against the glass, trying to break out; trying to reach her friend, who was staring at her with a look of guilt.

His gaze hardened, but Ellie could make out the tears beginning to form at his eyes just before he turned around. "Heaven can no longer accept you for what you've done," Auziel whispered harshly. The final words hung in the air like poison, though they were never spoken.

I can no longer accept you for what you've done.

Even with his muffled voice Ellie could hear the words ringing in her ears, stinging her to the core. She stumbled backwards, staring at him in shock. A few moments of terse silence passed between them, before Auziel stalked away.

He never looked back.

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