Chapter 12

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The sand felt soft under my legs as I watched the waves rolling in and out of the shore. I have always loved watching the vastness of the ocean. I can't help by smile as the wind caressed my face.

"I like to come here when I want be alone." I hear Nicholas say. 

"I have always loved beaches. They bring back good memories that I had with my mother. We used to visit our Beach house every summer. We would play in the sand, make necklaces out of the seashells. I would play in the waters while my mother watched." These were my fondest memories of her before she died in a car accident that changed my father.

"She seems to be a compassionate woman."

"Yes she was. She once brought a puppy home who she found in an alleyway. The puppy was injured, she nursed him to health. We named him Snow due his snow white fur." I smile at that memory.

"What happened to her?" Nicholas asked.

"She died in a car accident," I said my heart wrenching in pain.

"I am sorry." He said with regret in his voice.

"It's okay, you didn't know. It's been a long time since then."

"What about your father?" Nicholas asked.

"I don't want to talk about him." My voice turning bitter.  "I notice that there is not a single soul here." I look at him questioningly, wanting to change the direction of the conversation.

"It's a private beach, I own it," He says shrugging, detecting my weak attempt to avoid the topic of my father.

"Why am I not shocked?" I roll my eyes at him. 

I remove my heels and leave them on the sandy ground. "Remove your shoes." I order Nicholas.

"Why?" Nicholas asks narrowing his eyes.

"Just remove them." He sighs and does what he is told. 

"Let's go." I say, his eyes widen.

"What? No, I don't like getting into the water." 

"Who comes to the beach and doesn't get into the water?" 

"Ummmm me?" He says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I roll my eyes at his response. I start pulling him towards the water. I keep walking until I was knee deep in the water. I bend down and splash water at Nicholas catching him off guard.

"What the hell?" He cursed. His expression suddenly changing, an evil smirk made its way to his face.

"No...No...Don't." My eyes widened as realisation sunk in.

"Ohh yes." 

Before he could do what I think he was going to do, I took off. I could feel the softness of the  sand, still damp from the retreating tide when Nicholas caught up with me. He picked me up by waist and dumped me into the water, water soaking my clothes. He roared with laughter.

"You didn't just do that." I glared at him, my eyes narrowing to slits. He extended his hands, I took his hands and pulled him down next to me. It was my turn to roar with laughter. 

 After spending I don't know how long in the water, we made it back to the beach. I don't know how long had passed since we laid down on our back under the glow of the moon. The night luminous with starlight, moon full and bright.

 "I don't remember having so much fun in a long time now," I told Nicholas breaking the silence.

"Neither do I." Nicholas said turning his face towards me. "Thank you."

I suddenly heard a faint explosion. I sat up, Nicholas copying me. Fireworks burst through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the stars. It was beautiful. 

I looked at Nicholas to find him staring at me. "Did you plan this?" I whispered with an unknown emotion filling my heart.

He nodded. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." I answered as I looked at the sky, watching the fireworks.

We sat in comfortable silence as Nicholas drove when he took my right hand in his left, entwining our fingers. I looked at our joined hands, getting butterflies in my stomach. I looked up staring at Nicholas. He looked relaxed, his eyes on the road. I had seen the playful side of Nicholas today, it was so much better than his brooding side.

We reached my apartment after fifteen minutes of drive. "Thank you so much for today." I said pecking his cheeks without thinking. My eyes widen at my reaction. He just smirked, giving me a crooked smile. I quickly got out of the car when I felt Nicholas hold my wrist bringing me to a halt. I looked at him, my cheeks red.

"Good night," He said huskily kissing the corner of my lip.

"Good night." I say and got inside my apartment locking the door behind me, my back against the door as my heart hammered against my chest. 

I take a long bath, dried my hair and walked towards my bed. I got under the duvet, my thoughts drifting to my date with Nicholas. He seemed to always be my mind for the last few days. When he looks at me, it's as if all the breath has left my lungs. When he kisses me, it feels as if my heart will jump out of my chest. This, what I am feeling right now is overwhelming yet it makes me complete. It feels as though I am headed towards a dangerous fire, yet I am completely safe at the same time. It feels that a hole in my chest that I never knew of, has been filled. It's strange, frightening even, how can someone go from being a complete stranger to being a reason for your happiness. 

I knew one thing for sure. I was surely and irrevocably falling in love with Nicholas Lorde.


Dear Readers,

I was thinking of writing Nicholas' POV in the next chapter. Tell me what you think of it. Thanks for all the support that you have been showing. It means a lot.


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