Chapter 15

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"Are you sure about it? I mean he hurt you." Skylar said. We were sitting in a café just at walking distance from my apartment. It was very cosy and served the best coffee and bagel. I told her about everything that has happened between Nicholas and me. She seemed a bit hesitant about Nicholas. I don't blame her. The way he hurt me last time would make her question him. 

"He has been through a lot. Your past makes you who you are in your present. Who would know this better than me? He might seem like an arrogant jerk. But I have seen the other side of him. I don't think he will hurt me, at least not intentionally." I say not wanting her to dislike Nicholas.

"I really hope not." Skylar says, her face serious. "And if he does, I am going to kick his ass," she jokes, winking at me.

"I know." I knew that if something like that happens, that's exactly what she will be doing. I take a sip of my Latte. It tasted delicious, just how I like my coffee. I take a bite of the bagel and moan at the taste. It was creamy with a shiny crust, crispy in taste with a rich interior. 

"You know what? We need to have a girls day out. Let's go shopping," Skylar said suddenly. I groan, my shoulders slumping. Skylar can get a little carried away when it comes to shopping. "I will call Beth," she says excitedly taking out her phone.

"Hey Beth, up for shopping?" Hearing Beth's reply, Skylar's eyes widened with excitement. "Great! Meet you in half an hour at Brookfield Place. See you at the entrance." With that Skylar hung up. She takes out a couple of bills and places it on the table. She grabs my hand and pulls me towards her car. I almost got a whiplash with the amount of force she used. She may look petite due to her 5'2" frame but she was pretty strong. We got in her car, the engine starting with a purr as we drove to Brookfield Place.

Brookfield Place had a postmodern architecture. The winter garden had beautiful season displays. It had an amazing view of Jersey city skyline. As we entered the mall, Skylar looked around like a kid in a candy store. I don't think there is anyone who loves shopping more than Sky. I saw Beth waiting for us at the entrance, she made it here pretty quick. Well it makes sense as she loves shopping just as much as Sky if not more. She was wearing a white crop top and faded blue ripped jeans. Beth's hair was coppery auburn which flowed to her waist. Her eyes were the lightest shade of brown. Her face was heart shaped with light freckles on her button nose. Her 5'8" frame towered over both Nicole and I. She was a fashion designer and worked in one of the best fashion houses of New York.

"You should try this," Beth said handing a black dress to me. "It would look good on you."

We were in Missoni. I stood there watching as Sky and Beth moved through the racks of dresses, picking up everything that pleased them. 

"Beth I am not sure, I think it's a bit too short for my liking." I say as I examine the dress. 

"Just try it," she says pushing me towards the changing rooms. I sigh giving in, knowing that I would lose the argument. You see, Beth is really stubborn. 

I changed into the black dress and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was beautiful, no doubt. The neckline was heart shaped. It showed a hint of my cleavage, not much, just enough to tease. It showed off my curves at the right places. The dress ended mid thigh and showed off my upper back. It was too revealing for my liking. I walked out only to find Beth and Sky waiting for me. Their eyes widened as they took me in.

"You look so hot," I heard Sky say.

"Absolutely stunning," Beth exclaimed. "You should definitely buy this."

"But.. I think its too revealing," I say hesitantly. 

"What nonsense. I think it's perfect," Beth refutes waving her hands in the air. 

I turn towards the mirror. The dress was indeed beautiful, my long hair covered my exposed back. I could handle the length of the dress and there was hardly any cleavage showing. I thought about it, not sure if I should buy it or not. My thoughts suddenly drifting to Nicholas. Would he like it?  I wondered He would, the not so innocent side of me thought. How does it even matter whether he likes it or not? I scolded myself. Whatever you say, my inner self replied. Okay now I am going crazy. I shook away all the thoughts about Nicholas and turned towards Nicole and Beth when I heard my phone ring. I answered it without checking the display.

"Are you free tomorrow evening?" He asked in a no-nonsense tone. 

"Hello to you too," I answered rolling my eyes. Beth looked at me with curiosity in her eyes while Sky smirked at me as if she knew exactly who was there on the other line.

He sighed. "Sorry, I was just tired. I had a busy morning today." I could imagine him running his hands through his hair. He would do that when frustrated or angry. "How is your day going? What are you doing?"

"It's going good actually. I just decided to go shopping with Sky and Beth."

"Did you buy any sexy lingerie?" He asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice. I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Even if I did, it's not like you will get to see it," I teased. I heard him chuckle.

"Maybe not now but sometime in the future," he teased back. My cheeks turned warm, a blush making its way. 

"Why did you call?" I ask, changing the direction of the conversation.

"Ahh yes. I am going clubbing with my friends tomorrow. They want to meet you. Do you want to come?" 

"I don't know.. " I said unsure of what to do. 

"Alex's girlfriend would be there too," he blurted. "It's fine if you don't want to come. I will make up some excuse...." I could hear the doubt creeping in his voice. 

"No! I will come," I say interrupting him, not liking the change in his tone. 

"You would?" His voice suddenly brightened up like a kid who got his favourite candy. I chuckled. "I will pick you up at 9:00 P.M. tomorrow." I nod. Suddenly realizing that he can't see me, I whisper a yes and with that I hang up.    

"Looks like someone has a date," Sky said excitedly. "You are so buying that dress. Nicholas will not know what hit him."


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