Chapter 6

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#The media above is how I imagine the ballroom. The picture does not belong to me. The credit goes to the original owner. 

"What's wrong?" Nicholas asks, concern etched on his face as he gently releases his hold on my waist.

I force a smile, hiding the turmoil within me. "It's nothing," I reply, shrugging nonchalantly. The truth is, I long for the comfort his touch provides, but I can't bring myself to open up about the complicated relationship I have with my father. Revealing those emotions would only lead to further inquiries I'm not ready to answer.

"Let's go," I say, casting a fleeting glance in my father's direction. Nicholas catches the shift in my demeanor, sensing that there is more to my reaction than I'm revealing. Without pressing for details, he instinctively pulls me closer, enveloping me in his comforting embrace.

His arms encircle my waist, creating a shield against the unease that lingers within me. In his embrace, I find solace and a sense of security, allowing me to momentarily forget the tension my father's presence brings. Nicholas understands my unspoken need for support, providing it without hesitation.

As we move forward together, his touch sends a soothing warmth coursing through me, easing the lingering unease in my heart. In this moment, I feel grateful for his silent understanding.

We walk inside the ballroom. There are about three hundred guests under the glittering centerpiece of a magnificent chandelier. The ballroom is exquisite in its decoration, with a lovely patio to complement the luxurious experience.

Nicholas commands attention as soon as we step foot into the ballroom. His mere presence seems to ignite a spark of curiosity and admiration among the guests. Men eagerly seek his company, hoping to associate themselves with his influence and success, while women's eyes linger on him, captivated by his striking good looks and the air of mystery that surrounds him.

Nicholas, ever composed and unflappable, gracefully acknowledges the nods and greetings from acquaintances and business partners. His interactions are brief, his focus reserved for our path ahead. He guides me through the sea of guests with a confident stride, his touch on my waist providing both comfort and a subtle possessiveness that doesn't go unnoticed.

A smartly dressed man in his early 50s approaches us, his presence exuding an air of authority and familiarity. His sharp gaze lands on Nicholas, and a warm smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

"Hello, son," he greets, his voice filled with a mix of pride and affection. He extends his hand and lightly pats Nicholas' back, a gesture that speaks of a deeper connection between them.

Nicholas turns to face the man, his expression softening ever so slightly. There is a flicker of recognition in his eyes, a hint of a shared history that remains unspoken between them. Despite the formalities and the social setting, there is an underlying bond that transcends the superficialities of the gala.

"Hello, Seb! Good to see you here," Nicholas greets him warmly, a small but genuine smile playing on his lips. The transformation is striking, as if a veil has been momentarily lifted, revealing a side of Nicholas I haven't yet witnessed. His smile is bewitching, radiating a charm that adds a touch of warmth to his brooding personality. It's a sight that takes me by surprise, considering the stoic demeanor he typically wears. "Where is Addy?"

"Good to see you too, Nicholas," Seb replies with a warm smile. "Addy is near the patio, talking to one of her business associates," Seb replies.

Nicholas nods, his gaze drifting towards the patio. "Ah, always networking, that woman. I'll catch up with her later."

Seb chuckles, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. "She's quite the force, isn't she? A brilliant mind in the business world. And who is this lovely lady by your side?" Seb asks, his eyes drifting to me.

Nicholas turns to me, his hand lightly resting on the small of my back. "This is Hayley. She's my date tonight."

Seb's eyes scan me for a moment before he extends his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Hayley. I'm Seb, a longtime friend of Nicholas here. You certainly caught his attention, it seems."

I offer a polite smile, feeling a mix of nerves and intrigue. "Nice to meet you, Seb. Nicholas has been a wonderful companion this evening."

Seb's smile widens, a hint of mischief dancing in his gaze. "Well, I trust you'll keep him on his toes then."

Seb's words make a blush rise to my cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and flattery washing over me. I can't help but feel a tinge of self-consciousness under his teasing gaze.

Trying to regain my composure, I cast a shy glance at Nicholas, hoping to find some reassurance in his eyes. To my surprise, a soft smile plays on his lips, his gaze filled with a warmth that I haven't seen before. It's as if he finds my blushing reaction endearing, a glimpse of vulnerability that he can appreciate.

"Seb has a way with words," Nicholas comments, his voice tinged with amusement.

"Dear... Oh, hey Nicholas!" We hear a woman's voice, and Nicholas is immediately engulfed in a warm, motherly hug. I watch their interaction, a mixture of surprise and tenderness in my eyes.

Addelaide releases Nicholas from the hug, her eyes sparkling with joy as she looks at him. Then, her gaze shifts towards me, and her smile widens with genuine curiosity.

"And who would this young lady be?" Addelaide asks, her voice filled with warmth and a hint of mischief.

Nicholas glances at me, his eyes conveying a silent invitation to introduce myself. I take a deep breath, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement.

"I'm Hayley," I reply, my voice steady but tinged with a touch of shyness. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Addelaide."

Addelaide's eyes light up, and she extends her hand towards me. "The pleasure is all mine, Hayley," she says, her voice filled with warmth and kindness.

"She is Nicholas' date," Sebastian says with a playful wink.

Addelaide's excitement is palpable as she clasps her hands together, her eyes sparkling. "That's wonderful!" she exclaims, unable to contain her joy. "You have to bring her home for dinner. I would love to get to know you better, Hayley."

I'm taken aback by her enthusiasm, but it warms my heart.

"I will," Nicholas promises, his gaze fixed on me, his gray eyes swirling with emotions. I stand there, stunned, caught off guard by his commitment. I had assumed that this was just a one-time event, a fleeting moment of connection, but his words convey something deeper. I don't want to contradict him or start a squabble, so I choose to remain silent, letting his promise hang in the air between us.

As I continue to stare at Nicholas, my mind fills with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He has always seemed aloof, detached, and guarded, his face a mask of neutrality that reveals nothing. It's as if he has built walls around himself, shielding his true self from the world.

But there is something about him that intrigues me, that draws me in despite his enigmatic nature. Whenever I am near him, a flutter of butterflies dances in my stomach, a feeling of warmth and belongingness enveloping me. It is a sensation I haven't experienced in a long time, and it both excites and scares me.

Startled out of my reverie, I quickly turn my attention to Sebastian as he calls my name. "Oh, sorry. I don't hear you," I stammer, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Sebastian's knowing look tells me that he has noticed my distraction and my lingering gaze on Nicholas. I can't help but feel self-conscious under his gaze, my embarrassment deepening. I cast my eyes downward, unable to meet his knowing gaze.

Sebastian's warm smile reaches his eyes, which twinkle with understanding. He leans closer, his voice a gentle whisper. "Indeed, he is. Nicholas always has a way of drawing people in. But trust me, there's more to him than meets the eye." I can't help but be drawn into his words, my curiosity piqued.

"Hold on to her tight, Nicholas. She is a true gem," Sebastian states with a serious look on his face, his voice now louder.

Someone calls out Seb's name, "Enjoy the evening, you two. I'll catch up with you later, Nicholas." Seb smiles warmly at us as he links his hand with Addelaide.

"Thank you, Seb. We'll see you around," Nicholas replies, his eyes following Seb's departure before returning his focus to me.

"Why don't you go mingle with the other ladies?" Nicholas suggests, his gaze gentle yet focused. "I need to talk to a few people, but I promise I'll come find you in 15 to 20 minutes."

"Okay, I will be there by the buffet counter checking the eating arrangements. I want to check if everything is running smoothly."

Nicholas smiles, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment longer before he turns and walks away, blending into the crowd effortlessly.

"Hello, my dear daughter," a chilling voice echoes through the air. The sound of that voice sends a shiver down my spine, instantly recognizable and filled with a sinister undertone.

I turn around, my heart sinking as I face the man I hope to avoid. Every muscle in my body tenses, and I feel a chill run down my spine.

"Hello, father," I manage to reply, my voice laced with a mixture of trepidation and forced politeness. I glance around the room anxiously, praying that our encounter goes unnoticed by others.

"I have to go check the catering, so please excuse me," I assert, determined to distance myself from him.

"Avoiding me, are you? You seem to be doing quite well for yourself," he remarks, pointing towards the dishes on the buffet counter. His words carry a hint of sarcasm and bitterness, reminding me of the strained relationship we have always shared.

"No thanks to you," I retort, my voice laced with anger. His words ignite a storm of emotions and memories I don't want to confront. I turn on my heel and walk away, determined not to let him have any further impact on my evening. As I make my way towards the restroom, a single tear escapes and trails down my cheek. I hastily wipe it away, refusing to let my father's presence continue to affect me.

Inside the empty restroom, I face my reflection in the mirror. The smudged mascara at the corner of my eyes is a telltale sign of my emotional turmoil. Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and carefully fix my makeup, ensuring that no evidence of my vulnerability remains. With a newfound determination, I leave the restroom, ready to face the rest of the evening head-on.

As I make my way back from the restroom, navigating through the corridors, a man in a suit collides with me. Startled, I find myself caught in the arms of a man in a disheveled suit, reeking of alcohol.

"Where are you going, beautiful? Let's have some fun," he slurs, his grip tightening around my waist. I struggle to break free, pushing against his chest in an attempt to create distance. But my efforts only seem to incite him further.

Fear grips me as he forcefully presses me against the wall, his lips trailing down my neck. My heart races, and I desperately search for a way to escape his grasp.

"Please, I beg you, let me go!" I plead desperately, my body writhing in his grasp. Fear surges through every fiber of my being as he refuses to release his hold on me. My cries for help echo through the empty corridors, my voice filled with desperation. "HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP!"

But his response is menacing, a low growl escaping his lips as he whispers in my ear, his grip tightening. His unwanted advances become more forceful, and I know I have to do something to defend myself. In a burst of desperation, I sink my teeth into his lips, drawing blood. A cry of pain escapes him, momentarily loosening his hold.

Seizing the opportunity, I push him away with all my strength and take off running. Panic fuels my every step as I race to escape him. But he is relentless, chasing after me with a malevolent determination. As I sprint, he catches up to me, knocking me down with a brutal force. Helplessness consumes me as he climbs on top, his intentions clear and horrifying.

"Please don't... Please let me go," I sob, my voice trembling with fear and desperation. Tears stream down my face, mixing with the blood and smudged makeup. The terror of the situation threatens to overwhelm me.

But then, in a moment of sheer relief, I feel the weight lifted off me. I blink through my tears, trying to make sense of the chaos before me.

It is Nicholas. 


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