Chapter 9

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Who was he talking about? It couldn't be me, could it? I felt a pang in my heart at that thought. I decided to confront him about it. I hope it's not what I think it is. With that thought I barged into his cabin. On seeing me, Nicholas' eyes widened. He quickly hung up on whoever he was talking to and walked towards me. 

"Why did you come back?" He asked, annoyance with an hint of alarm seeping in his voice.

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a cold, guarded look. "Explain." 

Seeing my expression and stance, something in his eyes changed. His grey eyes hardened, darkness looming in them. I could see a storm brewing in his eyes waiting to be unleashed. His jaw clenched, his eyes blazed. 

"It's none of your business." He stated bitterly, thowing me an accusing glare. He walked around his table and sat on his chair. 

"Leave." He said in an apathetic tone. 

My heart hammered against my chest. Why was he doing this? I had done nothing wrong to warrant this behaviour. Nevertheless, If this is what he wanted then there was no point in staying here. I grabbed my purse and walked out of his office with my head held high, without looking back. As soon as I made my way out of the building, tears trickled down my face. I had held back not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. 

I took out my phone and called the one person I know would be there for me no matter what. 

"Hello! Nicole I...." My lips trembled. 

"I will meet you at the restaurant."

"Okay." With that I hung up.


"What an asshole!" Skylar was flaming after I had told her what happened. 

"I am going to kill him for hurting you." She paced back and forth in my office.

"Sky could you please stop pacing? You are giving me a headache." I sniffled holding my head in my hands. 

She looked at me and her eyes softened. She engulfed me in a hug, knowing exactly what I needed. I was very lucky to have a friend like her.  I loved her to bits and would go to any length for her and I knew she would do the same for me. She knows about my relationship with my father. She knows everything about me and still here she is, by my side. We had been friends since High school. It's actually funny how we met. Our lockers were next to each other but we never talked. Once, a guy kissed me as a dare, I had punched him in the face. Nicole saw this and burst out laughing, she gave me a sly wink, put her hands around my shoulders and since then we were inseparable.

"What are you thinking?" She said pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"About how we met."

"You know you broke his nose."

"What? Really? I didn't know that."

"Why did you think he avoided you ever since. You scared the poor lad."

"Hey he kissed me first." I defended myself.

"I know. I know," and we burst into laughter.  


On reaching home, I changed into my Pjs and sat on the couch switching on the T.V. when my stomach growled. I was in the mood for Farfalle. I decided to cook that when I heard my phone ring. I pulled out my phone and saw that it was an unknown number. I decided to ignore it, I put my phone on silent and put it on the coffe table. 

After half an hour of cooking, I was satisfied with the result. The Farfalle smelled divine. I placed it on the counter and took a seat. 

"Mmmmmmm" I moaned as I took the first bite. It tasted delicious. I was halfway through when I heard the doorbell ring. Who would it be, I wondered. 

I opened the door to find Nicholas standing there. He was wearing the same suit from morning. He had come directly from his office. 

"Why aren't you answering my calls?" Nicholas asked vexed. I could see he was tired, his hair messy, his tie loosened, his shirt untucked.

Not wanting to deal with him, I attempted to close the door. He stuck his foot out preventing me from doing so. 

"What do you want?" I asked him frustrated. 

"You." I rolled my eyes at his response. 

"Look I know I acted like a jerk this morning but please give a chance to explain." He pleaded.

"I already gave it to you this morning." I reminded him as I crossed my hands over my chest. 

"Yes I know and I know I messed it up but..." I could see the hesitation in his eyes. 

"Look I am not in the mood, I don't want to argue with you so I would really appreciate it if you leave me alone." A pained expression crossed his face. 

"Look you don't understand. It's not easy for me to tell you, to open up to you when this concerns my past." I could see the the conflict in his eyes. There was something dark, something scary about his past. There was something that was biting his insides and he didn't know how to let anyone in. 

"I will not understand if you don't tell me." I whispered softly. Not wanting to have this conversation at the door, I invited him in.

"Tell me." I said gently. "You can't keep this inside you, whatever this is. I can see that this is hurting you."

He just stared at me saying nothing. 

I sighed. I didn't want to force him into saying anything that he doesn't want to. I don't want him to regret later. 

"You don't have tell me now. You can tell me whenever you are ready," I said taking his hands in mine. 

I looked at his face trying to understand what was going in his head. His face betrayed no emotions. He looked behind me and stared at the wall. We stood there for I don't know how long. His grey eyes then found mine. We stared at each other, not moving.

"My father was murdered," he whispered finally breaking the silence. 


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