Chapter 10

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"Hmm." Shadow hums to himself as he rubs his chin as he continues to scratch Sonic's ears. Sonic meows happily and purrs as his tail wags. Shadow smiles a bit as he sees how happy Sonic is

He then tiltes his head as he gives Sonic an curious look," Wonder how cat like are." He said quietly as he suddenly had an ball of yarn in his hand and shows it to Sonic

Sonic blinks and gives a confused look, wondering where that came from and what Shadow was going to do with. Shadow smiles and pulls a small piece of the string and waves it in front of Sonic's face

Sonic watches the piece of string as he eyes become splits and cat like. He meows and bats at the piece of string. Shadow grins and then throws the ball of yarn and watches Sonic chase after it

Sonic meows happily as he pounces on the ball of yawn. His tail twitches happily as he bats the ball back and forth. Shadow raised an eyebrow at Sonic's behavior and laughs as he watches him play with the yawn.

Sonic meows and purrs as he continues to play with the yarn. He plays with the yarn until he ends up tangled up in the yawn, which made Shadow laugh more

Sonic blinks and struggles to get out of the yarn. He huffs and meows and looks at Shadow, who was still laughing," Help me!" He said blushing as Shadow slowly stops laughing and goes help Sonic

After a few minutes, Sonic was free," Few, free!" He said as he rubs his hand. Shadow smirks and nods," Yeah." He said and Sonic crossed his arms and pouts

Shadow then goes over to the couch and digs into the bag he had earlier. He then pulls out a red collar with a yellow bell. He then smirk at Sonic

Sonic's eyes widen seeing what Shadow had in his hands and glares at Shadow," You are not putting that on me!" He said with a hiss. "Oh yes we are, don't want you getting lost now do we?" He said still smirking

Sonic hiss angrily and took off upstairs. Shadow chuckles, liking the challenge and chases after him. Sonic's tail twitches nervously as he ran into Shadow's room and under the bed

Shadow looks around and starts checking each room, looking for Sonic. Sonic's ears twitches and moves as he listens to Shadow move around the upstairs. Shadow finally came to his room and looks around

After a few seconds of looking he then spots an blue tail sticking from under the bed and smirks. He them grabs Sonic and pulls him from under the bed

Sonic struggles and wiggles around," Noooo!" Sonic said as he tries to get away. Shadow shook his head no and pins Sonic against the bed and then puts the collar on Sonic

After the collar was on Sonic, Shadow let's him go. Sonic huffs and jumps away from Shadow and looks at the collar on his neck

Shadow lays down on his bed and laughs. Sonic hisses and glares at Shadow as he laughs. He huffs and heads downstairs with Shadow quickly following after him

But as Sonic walks the bell on the collar, a jingling sound could be heard. Sonic sighs as he looks at the collar. He goes curls up, like a cat, on the couch and looks at the tv as Shadow sits next to him

Shadow smiles a bit as he rubs Sonic's quills and back. Sonic lightly arches his back at the touch and purrs loudly and Shadow smiles more. They both sit on the couch, in silence, neither of them noticing the orange eyes watching them.....

To be continued......

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