The Boy With The Bronze Dragon

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Lily's Point Of View

I walked outside of my house with my friends. It was a beautiful sunny day, and it was the weekend.

We sat in a circle on the grass. "So," said Katie, my best friend. "How was your week, Lily?"

"Oh, it was TERRIBLE." I complained, my braided brown hair swishing in the wind. My blue eyes stared straight at Katie. I played with a flower in the grass, my perfectly toned skin, not too pale, not too tan, twirling the flower around and around before plucking it out of the ground, studying it, and shoving it in my pocket.

Katie laughed. "I wish we could switch places."

"I wouldn't do that to you." I smiled sweetly.

Everyone in the circle laughed. Then the ground shook. At first I thought it was an earthquake. But then I looked to the right.

There was a man on horseback riding towards us. All my friends but Katie ran inside.

I saw something shining in the man's hand. I looked closer and saw the man was holding a golden sword. . . . And the man was not a man at all.

At the man's waist his skin smoothly turned into a horse's. The centaur trampled everything in it's way. Luckily, there were no humans in it's way but me and Katie.

"Lily," Katie said, panicking. "What do we do?"

Unlike Katie, my voice was dead calm. "We wait."


"We wait." I repeated. I knew, somewhere deep inside me, I had to follow my instincts.

Suddenly something landed between us and that demonic centaur.

I stared at the giant lump of bronze. I stared at the wings. Then I stared at the boy riding it.

The boy looked like a Latino Santa's elf, with curly black hair, pointy ears, a babyish face, and a mischievous smile that told you right away this guy should not be trusted around matches or sharp objects.

He jumped off the bronze dragon and I went around the it to see the action. Katie followed. We watched as the boy brought out a sword and swung at the centaur. And let's just say. . . . It was not very pretty.

When the boy turned around I ran back behind the bronze dragon with Katie.

"Oh. . . . My. . . . Goodness. . . ." Katie's eyes were wide.

"I know, right? We just watched a murder!" I said.

Katie's eyes got wider (how is that even possible?) and I turned around. There, right in front of me, was the boy, sword in hand.

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