Chapter one the day of Tempest

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Fairy tail guild third person POV after the lullaby incident

The fairy tail guild was just the same the guild was having a guild brawl like usual. While a redhead was on the side line eating a strawberry cake.

You had members like a blond girl and short blue hair girl.

Trying not to get caught up in the fighting.

That's when the red head that was done eating. she put a end to the brawl with one very powerful and scary glare.

When the fighting end the red head looked around and was looking for there master.

Until she heard her master called her.

???: Erza come hear for a second.

The red head now named erza turned to the voice to see there guild master.

(Not my picture)

This is master makarov master of the fairy tail guild.

Erza: what is it master?

Makarov: After the incident with Eisenwald the magic Council has picked up another large dark Guild. Its name is dark skull. There a guild just as dangerous as. Eisenwald and even though the magic Council hates fairy tail they want us to solve the problem. So take natsu gray Lucy and Wendy with you.

Erza: very well master.

With that that erza walked away and went to find the others. Not to her surprise gray and natsu were fighting with each other.

Walking up to the two and bashing there heads to together stopping them from fighting.

Lucky could only sweat drop while wendy walked over to them and started to heal them.

Erza: haven't told you two to stop fighting enough times for today!

There was no room for argument in her voice.

Natsu/gray: I

Was all they said after having their skull is lamb together.

Lucy: so erza what do you need.

Erza: I have a new Mission a dark guild elimination its called dark skull and the magic Council wants to get rid of it. So we will be heading to the Village in the west called Sky Haven's Village. It's about 5 hours away on a train. And it would be only the five of us because happy and Carla decided to do something else.

Natsu tryed to run but got dragged Away by erza as he kicking scream yell for him to let go of him. Only to be met with five hours riding a train.

5 hours later at Sky Haven Village

The fairy tail team got off the train and as per usual natsu scream to the thanking the gods he's got off that "death contraption".

Gray obviously insulted him about him being so weak to his motion sickness.

Which ended up in a fight between the two.

Lucy and Wendy just. Stayed out of it not wanting to get involved then feel the wrath of erza.

And they were right when erza punch the both of them on the heads and yelling at them to stop which they agreed to.

The group walked until they found the Village. It was moderately big there are many houses farms and other stuff.

But what caught their eyes the most was that they were decorations green and white lights decorated the houses and in the center through the statue of a large looking dragon.

It had new wing it had looks to be a crystal on its chest the others mostly Natsu was intrigued.

What is the villagers trying to look at them. Buy the clothes he was wearing they could tell that he had to be the village chief.

Village chief: what brings you here Travelers.

Erza held out the request.

Erza: we are here to destroy the dark Guild that has been causing your village problems.

The villager cheif nod his head but they could tell he was a little bit worried for some reason.

Village chief: please do so and do it quickly we don't want them to disturb the festival.

Wendy: Festival?

Village chief: yes when you are experiencing the festival we have every 10 years we call it the day of Tempest.

Lucy: why do you call it that?

Village chief: do you know the legend of how our world was created?

Gray: No.

Village chief: it is said that in the beginning they were three dragons the three dragons went on to create the world. And then they created dragons to watch over the world. They call these dragons the elder dragons. Mystical Majestic and Powerful the elder dragons. Governor the world keeping balance in order. And it is said every 10 years the Elder Dragon of the storms descends from the heavens and climbs to our highest Mountain the secret spire.

He then points to the mountain.

Village chief: that is why I want the guild wiped out quickly because if the dragon does descend. He will not show Mercy to them they will be wiped out.

The fairy tail Mages understood what they had to do some of them were skeptical about the legend what others were intrigued and others were happy for some reason?

Erza: understood we will deal with them quickly.

The Village Chief offered some thanks as I headed off towards the mountain.

Once they went through the forest some of them still had questions and decided to ask them.

Lucy: do you think what the village Chief said is true that a dragon could really descend hear every 10 years.

Gray: of course not Lucy dragons don't exist anymore and I'm pretty sure they never did exist at all.

Natsu: what did you say! Dragons do exist and if this one is true then maybe we can find out where igneel and grandeeney went!

Erza: you two stop fighting! And Lucy we don't know if the Legends are true or not but if they are true. Then that's all the more reason to get rid of them quickly.

With a nod from all of them they eventually came up to a dark looking building with multiple Vine hanging off of it.

Them a large group of dark start to flood out of the building.

( not my picture and these are the dark Guild Mages)

The fairy tail team all got into battle position.

It could hardly be called a fight the Fairy Tail team decimated the low level dark guildmages. With no problems they proceeded to rush inside ready to face the Guild Master.

He just stood there with his long black cloak and staff in hand.

( not my picture and this is the dark Guild Master.)

He started to laugh, and empathetic flies and then Fairy Tail proceeded to fight.

Natsu launched fire dragons Roar at him only to have a blocked by a dark looking barrier.

Grey launched a nice attack with multiple lenses sending flying at him.

To once again have it blocked by the barrier.

Lucy summon the celestial spirit which will take a large bull. Along with Erza and Wendy both launching attacks at it.

To have their attacks put to Absolute ways because they're you're just blocked them again.

Dark guild master: pathetic and this is the Great Fairy Tail mage you are so pathetic.

before anythang to respond they a roar that pierces the sky.

(Not my video)

The roar was so loud it shook the building and knocked everyone over.

Everyone's eyes widen as they realized that was the Roar of a mighty creature like a dragon.

They started to feel a large source of magical power ready for an attack.

And it was absolutely massive whatever this thing was it was over 20 times stronger than the most powerful mage on their continent.

but the one powerful order erza command everyone to retreat from the building.

The dark Guild Master wasn't so lucky as the barrier would not allow him to move.

Once fairy tales out of the building they looked up into the sky form into a vortex.

It was a massive storm one of the largest I've ever seen!! And with that very same Roar they saw a beam of water descend from the sky and and slim to the dark guild building.

It kicked up dust that concealed everything and once the dust settled their eyes widened in shock nothing. Absolutely nothing remained of the building.

They all looked up and once again were shocked to see what has caused this destruction.

(Not my picture)

With the clouds not covering it they could see the massive dragon with no wings to help it maintain flight. It hovered it letting out the Roar. It looks like it defied physics it just floated there. In all its Majestic Glory the clouds started to form around it and it was concealed again before I started the fly up the mountain.

The Fairy Tail Mages just stood there and all as they looked at the creature. It wasn't every day did you get to see an actual Elder Dragon.

Lucy just looked around with the most shocked expression of her life she seen many things up to this point but nothing can be compared to this.

Without warning Natsu bolted up the mountain Erza tried to get him to stop worried that is he goes after it what happened just a little while ago what happened to him as well.

But he wouldn't stop all the determination in his being he continue to run after extremely long Mountain.

The others were not far behind as they cleared and were at the top. It was flat and there'd was the Elder Dragon curled around itself like a snake just resting floating in the sky.

The others went up to Natsu and just stopped and looked at it it was Majestic and very peaceful at the top.

But that doesn't mean they're scared they were. After what they just saw they knew they had to be extremely careful.

The dragon still uncoiled itself and look down at the mage's. He just looked at them with curiosity he could tell by their aura that they meant him no harm.

He look at the Mages floating above them as he peered down at them.

The first to walk up to him was Natsu Erza tried to stop him but he just walked up to the dragon.

Amatsu: what is it that you want why have you climbed my sacred spire what do you hope to gain human.

His voice was deep as you would expect from a dragon but it also contain curiosity.

Natsu: My name is natsu dragneel and I was wondering if you knew dragons with the name of igneel and grandeeney.

The dragon stopped they could tell he was thinking. He didn't look back at Natsu before giving his answer.

Amatsu: By the name of those two are you talking about fire dragon king igneel and sky dragon queen grandeeney?

The Dragon watched as Wendy then ran to the side of natsu hoping for an answer.

Natsu/Wendy: Yes

Amatsu could only chuckle after to he found them amusing.

Amatsu: yes I know those two it was me and my fellow elder dragons who created them a long ago. I especially know the name grandeeney because I created her myself. But I am sorry I do not know where they went. Me and my fellow elder dragons don't really watch the world anymore. We lost hope in this world long ago.

The rest of the team who stood with natsu and Wendy looked up at him curiously why. Why did they lose faith in the world.

Lucy: w-why did you all lose faith.

The dragon just gazed at her wondering if you should tell them his story the true story.

Why not he thought to himself.

Amatsu: the reason happened over 400 years ago where human greed rule all. You humans thought just because you could work magic you could rule all and we're invincible. And your arrogance led to Humanity's downfall. You humans created a threat so powerful and so monstrous it took the elder dragon to subdue his name was the black dragon of the Apocalypse acnologia.
But that wasn't the only reason there was an ancient Kingdom name Schrade they thought that because they were the most advanced Kingdom they could play God. Well cuz they tryed to play God this angered our Lord and God Fatalis. He descended from his realm it decimated Schrad. Then we have watched as humans self-destructed on themselves many timee. So honestly me and my fellow elder dragons and the ones above us lost faith in human's.

They all look down they could see their reasoning in order to feel disgusted by their behavior. But he wasn't done yet.

Amatsu: But the most interesting. Is that you human's don't act like that you wanted to know the location of these two dragons because I guess they talked to your magic and raised you.

The two dragon players nod there heads

Amatsu: So I was correct you wanted to know about family I have rarely ever encountered humans like you. Most of the humans that I have encountered have only wanted power for their own selfish gain but you intrigue me tell me your name.

Erza: my name is erza Scarlet

Lucy: Lucy

Gray: gray Fullbuster

Natsu: Natsu Dragneel

Wendy: Wendy Marvell.

Amatsu: And my name is Amatsu the elder dragons of the storms. You-all intrigue me tell me where do you come from.

Natsu: we're all members of Fairy Tail.

Amatsu: Fairy Tail?

Erza: yes our guilds name is Fairy Tail we take anyone to be our members. And don't care how strong they are be we treat them all like family.

Amatsu: interesting I've never heard of this before but it has Peaked my curiosity. Tell me is it true that you treat everyone like family.

They all responded with a yes.

And this peaked Amatsu curiosity maybe these humans could change the way he sees the majority of them.

Maybe he could change his perceptive on humans. Maybe he could join them. It has been many many years since he has flown through the Skies of this world. But considering the fact that they were alone humans he might have to take on a human form.

Amatsu: I am most curious about this Guild and I might join it it has been many years since I've been in this world so maybe this is a good way for me to understand what has happened from all these years.

Well they certainly wasn't expecting that it's not everyday that you have an elder Dragon wanting to join your guild.

What's a large flash of light they cover their eyes and with the light guy down there was a new figure standing in front of them.

( this is not my picture and this is Amatsu in human form)

They were all just staring at the dragon turn human.

Amatsu: Can i join or what?

and there we go this is only the first chapter and I want to know if you would like to see more are most likely go back and forth between my two stories.

So see ya later.

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