chapter seven oh s***

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In the Phantom Lord guild

The members of phantom Lord we're talking amongst each other about their attacks on Fairy Tail.

One of the members was arrogantly saying that quote "these fairies are nothing maybe we should go there and pluck some ourselves".

They went on for about five more minutes until they heard a knock on their guild door.

One of the members of phantom Lordwent towards the door only for to explode revealing Natsu of fairy tail.


Soon multiple members of Fairy Tail start to rush into phantom Lords guild Hall, absolutely crushing everyone that got in their way.

But one individual in particular that had glowing green eyes, dragon horns on his head. With dragon scales and claws on his hands. Any members of phantom Lord that came by this individual was quickly snuffed out.

They either received a brutal injury or just couldn't breathe any longer.

Many of the individuals could tell who this was, (Y,N) AKA the dragon of tempest. Or the Storm dragon.

Up on the raptors on the roof of the guild Hall. This individual had rough spiky black-haired. He was looking down at the scene.

???: So you're the one they called dragon of tempest? Let's see if you can back it up!

He jumped down from the rafters and everyone could get a clear look at him.

This was gajeel redfox the iron dragon Slayer of phantom Lord.

Gajeel: You must be (Y,N) the so-called dragon of tempest. They say you're powerful but all I see is a pathetic fairy.

(Y,N): are you the one who harmed Levy!

His voice was dangerous and had hatred and venom inside of it. He was expelling a enormous aura that was shaking the entire guild Hall.

Gajeel not seeing the danger he was putting himself into because of his pride answered smugly.

Gajeel: yeah so what I pluck those worthless fairy wings right off them!

That sealed his fate, Within a fraction of a second he felt it enormous impact in his chest. And when he looked down his chest was incaved. With (Y,N) fist being the cause of this.

he coughed up a large amount of blood and fell on his knees with his hands only being able to support him.

The onlookers of phantom Lord were in shock and were pissing their pants, Fairy Tail was also surprised they never seen such a brutal attack before by (Y,N).

(Y,N): humans like you disgust me!

He kicked Gajeel right in the head sending him flying into the guild wall leaving a massive impact. but right before he could do anything he was yanked out of the wall and thrown across the guild back into another wall.

And like all the other times he was pulled out of the wall again before he was slammed into the ground. Then having a foot stomp the side of his face push him deeper into the ground.

(Y,N): from the way I see it I'm looking down on you peasant!

Gajeel infuriated created a metal Spike and lunged it at (Y,N) only for him to bring up his left hand and stop it with a finger. Then grabbed it between his pointer finger and his thumb before applying a little pressure, snapping in half.

(Y,N): nice try my turn.

He picked gajeel up by the throat and once again threw him into the wall and with speeds I shouldn't be possible. Appeared in front of him grabbed him by his throat and pushed him deeper into the wall.

Even raised his free hand up as gajeel noticed something. It was getting harder to breathe no! The air inside of him was being extracted. And whenever he tried to breathe it felt like he was breathing in nothing.

(Y,N): I control the very air itself you need air to survive so I'm basically creating a vacuum around you. To where you can't breathe! You havr tormented my guild for long enough peasant!

Gajeel was about to die luckily he was "saved" when a certain redhead called out to him.

Erza: (Y,N) stop Fairy Tail members aren't killers!

(Y,N) only sighed before dropping the now unconscious dragon slayer to the floor.

(Y,N): yeah yeah whatever, but next time you pull some s*** like this again I won't be so merciful.

The guild was about to continue when they saw something fall from the top of the guild towards them.

When the thing hit the ground they could now see it, and it wasn't a thing it was a person and not just any person it was their Master Makarov!

Erza ran up to him as fast as she could to see if he was still alive he was but, he was barely breathing.

The sight of this cause Natsu to enrage and this is when s*** went to hell.

the entire guild had the colors sucked out of it as a menacing terrifying aura surrounded every member of phantom Lords and the entire guild Hall. Actually scratch that the entire city was being affected by this menacing aura.

It all lead back to One source (Y,N) whose eyes were now burning green with hatred and disgust.

(Y,N): This is what you do? Attacks a guild for no apparent reason and now you try and kill our master that's it I've been merciful with you for long enough!

His voice change to that of a dragons with a powerful Aura rushing over everyone as he raised his hand up into the air and prepared his attack.

Multiple large orbs started to form in the air but unknown to everyone in the guild. A massive magic circle appeared above the guild.

The orb's started to swirl around into raging winds as storms were raging outside, the Mages of phantom Lord could now see why he got his name of dragon of tempest.

Right when she was about to cast the attack Erza told everyone to retreat. He looked at her like she was stupid he could wipe them all out here and now and she wanted to retreat! What the hell!

(Y,N): no Erza! I'm wiping this pathetic deal from existence!

The multiple magic orbs inside of the guild exploded into a hurricane destroying everything inside of the guild as the magic circles outside launch a massive thunderbolt which decimated all the phantom Lord.

Luckily all the fairy tail was out of the guild, but was shocked at the destruction. The guild was completely destroyed the only thing left was a massive crater. All of the Mages of phantom Lord that were knocked out were unconscious and laying on the floor.

Eventually they all hurt footsteps and they turned around to see rune nights walking towards them.

Rune night Commander: you there tell me what happened here!?

(Y,N): everyone go back to the guild I'll explain what happened.

Natsu: no way in hell that's happening man! I'm staying right here alongside you.

Erza/gray: that's right.

(Y,N): very well, do you have an area where we can talk in private?

Rune night Commander: yes we can set up an area right away for questioning. Though it will take a couple of days I recommend you all go back to your guild while we sort things out here.

(Y,N): very well, all a fairy tail on me!

everyone gathered around him as a magic circle appeared below them in an instant they were back at their guild.

Many mages of fairy tail were shocked at this but they couldn't focus on that now because they had to get ready for questioning here soon.

One week later

After this time many things happen during the week. the mages of Fairy Tail were interrogated for five days straight asking for valuable information. Finally once confirming with their sources. They determined that phantom Lord was the cause of everything and that the master of phantom Lord was stripped of his title and was thrown in jail.

So everything was relatively peaceful, but these events had a very heavy impact for (Y,N).

He realized that humans having gotten that far, in the corruption can spread everywhere so he decided to do something which was crazy.

He was going to root out every problem in this world after all the elder dragons are the guardians of this world. And he was going to live up his title as guardian, he was going to remove all greed all the torment all the dark guilds.

Everything that had corruption in it will be exterminated. He ran all of his over with Fairy Tail and they were honestly quite surprised at this but they supported it nonetheless.

He eventually went to their Master Makarov who was recovering better. Thanks too (Y,N) he was able to gather all of their Master's Lost magic from around the area thanks to his control over the wind.

And so (Y,N) headed back to your house to get everything ready. He was going to go on a very long and exciting trip. Who knows maybe he can fly around the skies during this little intermission.

There you have it the new chapter of my story.

anyways like usual you have any comments or questions let me know and I'm sorry for this being a lot shorter they're really no way I can make this Arc any longer because for many reasons.

Number one there's absolutely no way in hell that (Y,N) AKA f****** amatsu was going to retreat.

I mean this is the one of the most Territorial and vicious elder dragons in all of monster Hunter for crying out loud!

not to mention even if they're guild Master would have stepped in he would have got demolished within 0.5 seconds.

All right  that's all for now see you in later uploads

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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