Episode 2 {Fire Dragon, Monkey and Bull!}... kinda

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*Snow Fairy*


"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy announced, well... happily.

We had just returned to Magnolia, the home of our guild, Fairy Tail. It was a long train ride back, but it was worth it to be home! It kinda added to the whole 'Lucy joining' thing, another member of the family. And our first Celestial Spirit Mage at that!

And then Natsu kicked open the door, shouting "We made it back alive!!"

I sweatdropped, since that as become a habit for Natsu to do. Everyone else all yelled back cheery greetings, all becoming as used to this as I have. Which only left one more thing to happen, a fight.

Whenever Natsu, Happy, Sophie and I returned home from an out-of-town job, Natsu would want to... 'release his pent up energy' as many would put it. It... usually ends up with either the Guild Hall burned, destroyed, or the fight would die down and we would fix what we messed up.

And of course, Natsu kicked our informant, Garry, in the face.

"Why did you do that?!" Lucy gasped.

Natsu ignored her, glare set in place. I walked up next to him, my own annoyance flaring. "You lied about those Salamander and Siren guys! I'm gonna kick your butt!"

"Don't get mad at me! I'm not the one to blame here! I was just passing along the rumor I heard!"

"Awe, shut up!" I snapped.

"It was just a rumor?!" Natsu was even louder.

"You guys wanna fight?"

"Oh! Bring it!" Natsu and I shouted in unison, before Natsu blasted Garry back with a large punch. It sent a lot of tables flying. The fight has begun.

(With Lucy, Sophie, Happy and rest of Fairy Guild {Outside POV})

"Now now, guys. I think you need to calm doWN!" Happy tried to calm everyone down, but a man landed on him, sending him flying. Sophie sighed and landed on Lucy's shoulder.

"Oh, wow! I can't believe I'm actually standing inside the Fairy Tail Guild hall!" Lucy gawked, ignoring the fighting to see her fantasies were coming true.

"Sorry about the fighting, happens whenever the four of us return from a job," Sophie apologized.

Lucy glanced to the grey cat and smirked, "Oh, it's no big deal."

One boy, with black hair, turned around in anger... only in his swim shorts. "So, Natsu finally made it back, huh?!"

Lucy jumped in surprise, while Sophie explained, "That's Gray Fullbuster. He's an Ice-Maker Wizard. He's a good guy, he's just... uh... has a habit for stripping."

Gray stalked towards the group of people fighting, "It's time we settled things once and for all!"

A woman with brown hair holding a cup of alcohol smirked his way, "Gray, your clothes."

Gray turned to her, ticked off as-is, "I don't have time for that!"

Sophie motioned towards the brunette, "That's Cana Alberona-"

Cana sighed, "You see? That's why I don't date the men here because they have no class." Then, she started chugging beer from a large barrel.

"-She's a card mage... And also known as Magnolia's heaviest drinker." Sophie finished with a sweat drop.

Grey caught sight of Natsu holding a man's arm behind his back. "Come here and fight me, Natsu!"

"Not until you put some clothes on!" Natsu shot back.

Aika slid onto the scene, holding a man bigger than her's arms in a painful hold above this head, "Oh no! We are not doing this again!" She warned.

A very muscular white haired man, with a distinguishable scar under his right eye to his chin, walked up calmly behind Lucy, "It's already noon and you boy's are acting like spoiled babies."

Sophie gestured to him, "The big guy here's named Elfman, a Demon Possessor Mage" She dropped her voice down to where Elfman couldn't hear, "He's the kind of guy who thinks anything could be solved with his fists."

"I'm a real man! You want me to prove it to ya?" Elfman finished.

"I can't believe he's encouraging them!" Lucy sweatdropped.

"I'm not a man! Elfman!" Aika growled loudly, throwing her prisoner onto a table before kicking that large man in the face, followed up with Natsu and Gray punching him in the chest, launching him.

"They knocked him out that fast?" Lucy wondered in surprise.

"Jeez, it's so noisy around here, huh?" Lucy turned to see a ginger male wearing blue-tinted sunglasses and had two girls on his lap.

"Yeah, hey Loki!" Sophie agreed then greeted, then turned to Lucy. "Lucy, the lady killer over there is Loki. He's a Ring Mage, also ranked high on the most eligible wizard bachelor's list."

Loki then get's smacked in the forehead with mug.

"Oh! Loki! Are you alright?" One of his girls asked in worry. Loki only stood back up.

"I'm gonna go fight. If only to protect you two," Loke smirked flirtatiously, getting a 'good luck' from his girls.

Another mug smacked the back of the ginger's head, making him turn to see a smirking Aika holding another wooden mug, "Would you stop that!?"

"Make me, pretty boy," Aika challenged, and Loki joined the fight.

Lucy held her Sorcerer's Weekly magazine, crossing out the picture of Loki, "He's definitely off my list," Then her turned away from the fight, speaking to Sophie, "What's wrong with these people? Beside you, Sophie, there's not a single sane person in the whole place!"

"Hello! Are you new here?" A new voice asked. Lucy and Sophie turned to see a beautiful white haired girl with kind blue eyes smiling at them. Sophie waved while Lucy gasped and fangirled.

"It's Mirajane! In the flesh!"

"Hi Mira! This's Lucy! Lucy, I guess you already know Mira!" Sophie grinned.

Lucy nodded, before pointing to the fight, "Um... Don't you think we should stop them, or something?"

Mirajane smiled, "It's always like this around here, I just leave them alone. Besides-" Out of nowhere, Elfman comes flying and lands on top of her, crushing a table too, "-It's kind of fun! Don't you think?" Then she passed out.

"Ah! Don't die Mirajane!" Lucy cried. Gray then bumps into her. Looking towards Natsu and Aika, Natsu was spinning his boxers in his hand with an evil smirk, while Aika was covering her eyes with a sweatdrop. Gray was... naked, making Lucy scream.

"Give me back my underwear, you jerk!" Gray growled, Lucy screaming again as Gray turned to her, "Excuse me miss, can I please borrow your underwear?"

"As if!" Lucy shouted, grabbing a blank of wood and smacking him with it.

Loki then scooped her up bridal style, "These guys are so insensitive! A woman has needs."

Elfman punched Loki in the face, making him drop Lucy, "You may only speak with your fists, Loki!"

Natsu then kicked Elfman in the face, "I told you to butt out!" Aika comes and punches Natsu at the back of his head, making him stand back up with a bump on his head, "What was that for?!"

"We're in a fight! I got carried away!" Aika snapped back, leading Natsu to tackle her and they started to wrestle.

"Aye!" Both Happy and Sophie stated.

At the bar, Cana grew a tick mark. "Ugh, it's so loud. So much for having a drink to relax." She then pulled out a light blue card, a sea green magic circle appearing before it, "Alright, you guys. Knock it off."

Gray held a fist into his open palm, cold air flying out of it, with an light blue ice magic circle appearing, "Oh yeah? Say's who?"

Elfman formed a dark blackish-purple magic circle in his hand, before enlarging it and turning his entire arm into a stoned fist.

Loki's ring glowed before a green magic circle formed, "You guys are such a nuisance."

Fire appeared in both of Natsu's hands, "I'm ready for ya!"

Purple circles formed around Aika's hands as well, "Bring it!"

Lucy clung to Happy and Sophie in panic, "Is it always like this?"

"Aye," Happy answered, Sophie nodded.

"You don't seem worried!" Lucy started to sweat.

Then, a large black being with glowing white eyes appeared, "Will you fools stop bickering like children?!" It bellowed.

"It's huge!" Lucy gawked in fear.

The fighting came to a stop at the voice, everyone frozen in place. Mira smiles kindly to the large being, "Oh, I didn't know you were still here, Master."

Lucy spun around in surprise while the black being grunted to her, "Did you say 'Master'?!"

{Aika POV}

Natsu then was stupid to gloat that he had won and that everyone were babies, only for Master to step on him. I swear, he can be a total dope sometimes.

As Master shrank and spoke to Lucy, I helped Natsu to his feet, "Idiot," I mumbled.

"Banshee," Natsu shot back in the same tone.

"Magma brain," I growled.

"Screaming Bitch!" He snapped, voice starting to grow louder, grabbing the front of my top.

"Retarded Fire Breather!" I rose my voice as well, grabbing the side of his vest and scarf.

"Meat Head!" Our faces were inches apart to where you could see lightning sparking.

"CHILDREN!!" We both snapped out heads to Master, who was glaring at us. I could see Lucy sweatdropped next to him at us.

We released each other with sheepish smiles. I rubbed my arm while Natsu rubbed the back of his neck

The relationship Natsu and I have is kinda complicated. We have a rivalry almost as bad as Natsu and Gray are but we are also the closest of friends. After all we formed a team together.

Team Natsu was formed when Natsu and I were little kids, when our dragons disappeared and Master allowed us to join. I'll explain more later, it's a long story.


So the last time I touched this chapter was January of last year... holy whoa 😮

I am not sure if I'm gonna continue this book or not. I haven't fallen out of the Fairy Tail fandom but idk about this book.

Should I continue it? Or should I just kill it with fire?

I don't know but this book has been around since October 2017 and one of my first books so I'm not sure.

But I'mma post this and so yeeaaa see ya dudes.

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