Meet the Neighbors

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These are the American citizens and residents of Brooklyn who were living alongside with the Natsu until they find their way back home, they will be part of Team Natsu's Not-so-Normal American life as the team will Adventure to a world, where Humans don't have magic, except the other places of Earth including in Japan prior to 2015 Ginza GATE inccident, right before the JTF was sent to Falmart Special Region.


Name: Connor Thompson

Age: 30

Affiliation: New York Police Department (NYPD)

Occupation: Police Officer (Detective)



He is a Police Officer working for the NYPD who've been working for 10 Years since 2005 and also a resident of Brooklyn, Connor accidentally meets the Team Natsu while sleeping in the Marine park as he decided to send them to the 60th Precinct as he was supposed to interrogate them, though he can't get their identification cards but Erza Scarlet stated that she and her friends came from another world as they can't find their way to go back home after they were attacked by the Dark Dragon Achnologia. At first he was skeptical but in the latter Natsu and Grey uses their powers to prove that they were telling the truth, somehow he decided to take all of them to his home instead but in his own conditions such as:

* Do not allow them to use their powers, let the Authorities to do their job. Unless it was an emergency or in Private if they needed (including the summoning of either Virgo or Loke). 

** However Natsu will simply ignores this as he needs to use his powers to prove that he is not useless and he needs to help someone who is in danger, despite Connor may disagree with Natsu, although he cannot stop him as he wants to help. As long as he don't want to cause any damage of course.

* Do not allow their Pets cats (Exceeds) to use their powers or talk if they were going to outside.

* They cannot rely on him for Financial support, they must find Jobs, work for Money and in the meantime they should also go to School in order to learn many things on Earth from their Language, culture and history.

* Lastly, be nice and friendly to anyone especially to their Neighbor including their landlady Joanna Brown.

Although he cannot give them some cash, he decided to buy phones for them as they need some form of Communication and in case of Emergency they can use it to call, it can be used as a portable computer to search for something along with Desktop computer.

Name: Fionna Lewis

Age: 18

Affiliation: New York University

Occupation: University/College student, Law student



Fionna is a College student who was currently studying at the New York University a private institution in New York city, she is also a close-friend of Lucy and Erza scarlet as she is willing to share her experiences and anything she knows at planet Earth after she accidentally discovered that her neighbords were having Magical powers, on the other hand she is a big fan of Harry Potter books and movies, she also likes Fantasy films most likely related to Magic as she was consider herself as a Magic Geek, she also likes Fantasy-adventure Cartoons and Anime, including the Isekai genres which she loved to watch, she also wanted to learn about Lucy and Erza's world known as Earth-land a World where Magic exists and in exchange that she must keep her secret along with Officer Thompson.

She was also felt sorry about her Friends from the Magical realm of Earth-land as they were lost in a world where Magic is rare thing, but on the bright side, she wanted to cheer them up by giving them some Delicious treats during the weekends. Fionna also fonds with the cute Exceed cats like Happy and Carla, indeed she is a Cat loving person as she was intrigued about Cats flying in the air but sadly, they cannot use their wings to fly or talk in Public.
On the other hand, Fionna is a workaholic for school as she was pursuing her career as a Lawyer where she wanted to help people who couldn't get Justice, in fact both Erza and Lucy supports her dream. For now, she will keep an eye for her friends as the Officer Thompson told about their origins as they will stay on Earth for a while.

Name: Joanna Brown

Age: 40+

Affiliation: New York residency, Brown Family

Occupation: House Landowner

Relatives: Lloyd Brown (husband, Deceased), Eric Brown (son), Jessica Brown (daughter), Erca Brown (daughter)



SHe is a landlady in a rural Borough neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City, she is a loving wife and mother of Three, unfortunately her husband was a former Soldier and Police Officer was Killed in Action while responding on a duty along with Officer Thompson, she was forced to raise her kids all-alone, but this change after the arrival of Team Natsu on their Neighborhood. Joanna or Jona for short is a very friendly and good landlady on their Neighborhood as she treats everyone as Family, though some of her House occupants must pay atleast for a month, luckily the Team Natsu can pay affordable rent for a Month as they can actually buy a whole House if they can work harder as part-timers.

Unlike her Two neighbors and occupiers (Connor and Fionna), she and her family has no Knowledge about Team Natsu were came from another Universe as they saw them as Thompson's distant relatives despite not being blood related, but she simply ignores it and that's it.

Name: Eric Brown

Age: 16

Affiliation: Brown family

Occupation: Student, Part-timer, Gamer

Relatives: Joanna Brown (mother), Lloyd Brown (father, Deceased), Jessica Brown (Middle sister), Erica Brown (younger sister)


Note: Character from FATE


Eric was the son of Joanna Brown in the rural Brooklyn, he is a Highschool student and he will be Natsu, Lucy, Erza and Gray's future classmates. Just like her family, he has no knowledge about them who came from another world. On the other hand, he want to share his hobbies and likes to his new friends like Cartoons, Anime and Videogames, in fact he likes to play videogames after going to school and finishing his homework, meanwhile despite being a bad-boy on his school, he is more like a humble and kind brother to his sisters especially to JEssica and Erica as he wanted to protect them away from danger as he promised to his father, speaking of his own father, he is the son of Officer Lloyd Brown a Police Officer who was killed in action as he viewed him a real hero for serving his duty along with Officer Thompson and in fact he wanted to be like him once he finished High School and enter the Criminal justice course.

Both Natsu and Gray really likes this guy for his passion on his hobbies and also to his family, similar on how they view Romeo who loves his father back in Magnolia at Earth-land, in the meantime they will accompany him on his studies as he reached his dream to become a best Police officer in town. Eric on the other hand, enjoys hanging out with Natsu and everyone on their house as they like to play games and watch some great shows as well as studying together as classmates, whereas they see each other more like both as Friends and family.

Name: Jessica Brown

Age: 14-15

Affiliation: Brown family

Occupation: StudentRelatives: Joanna Brown (mother), Lloyd Brown (father, Deceased), Eric Brown (Older brother), Erica Brown (younger sister)


Original Character art by chocomiru (No official name)


Jessica Brown is the daughter of Joanna Brown and also a Middle-sister of both Eric Brown and Erica Brown, a 14 year old Ninth-grade student studying for Scholarship ever since her father died in a Police operation, on the other hand she become close friends with Lucy, Erza and Wendy as they become Neighbors on their Apartment homes in the boroughs of Brooklyn, NYC. She also fond of Happy and Carla as she really likes cats much as she likes having a cat as pet but sadly her mother can't allow it for a good reason. Much like her brother, she is more smart and intelligent, in fact Even the school considers her as a Model student as she gained excellence in her grades which she made her family proud, however she is not aware that her friends were came from another universe.

She would also accompany Wendy on her studies along with her sister Erica on their studies at the Middleschool, Jessica would also love to share her stories about her and anything about their lives as normal citizens of America while being monitored by Officer Thompson as the officer himself wanted to protect the Browns as he pledged to his partner.

Name: Erica Brown

Age: 11-12

Affiliation: Brown family

Occupation: Student

Relatives: Joanna Brown (mother), Lloyd Brown (father, Deceased), Eric Brown (Older brother), Jessica Brown (sister)


Note: This character is based on Abigail Lincoln AKA Numbuh 5 from KND


Erica is the youngest daughter of Joanna Brown and Officer Lloyd Brown, the youngest sister of Eric and Jessica Brown. She is more like a bratty, rebellious but still loving sister despite of her attitude and personality. On the other hand she is more friendly to anyone, especially to Wendy as they will become classmates. She also likes to wear boy outfits making her a Tomboy, despite being a girl, she also likes to play Videogames but she also watches some Cartoons and Anime along with Wendy, Natsu and Gray alongside with Happy and Carla.
Another thing to add for her personality, she doesen't like Bullies who attacks anyone especially her friends. Some of her archenemies were Bad boys who were part of the Sports Cubs more particularly from the American Football club.Soon she will discover that her friends the Team Natsu were not from their universe, as she will find it out for herself.

Okay, these are the characters i've been featured as Original charcters from Earth as the Team Natsu will have to learn to live alongside with them on their daily lives with or without Magic.

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