The story of goldielocks

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Narrator: long ago, in a world you don't know about

The scenery changes to a library, moving inside, passing by a librarian reading a book.

Then moving to the fairy tale book section.

Narrator: There is a world unlike any other, the book world where imagination is real.

Moving to the shelf, the camera goes to Goldilocks and the three bears story.

Narrator: and inside every book is a tv show.

Inside the Goldilocks book was studio, people mostly bears are setting up the scene for the reader.

Bear 1: ok places people

Narrator: welcome to fairy tale land, where every fairy tale characters, good or evil live together in harmony

One bear was running and two were carrying a ladder.

Bear 1: we're on in ten minutes

Fairy: pick up the pace people

Bear 1: and where's my shining star

Moving to a pink sparklingly door with a golden star on top of it.

Narrator: Inside the dressing room, was a young and enthusiastic girl

In a chair, two female bears were surrounding someone while breaking out the makeup, one applied lipstick, the other gets a big round and ball shaped brush and puts some color on a cheek, then a pink bow was tied  on a curly golden locks.

Narrator: her name was

(Knock knock)

The director bear came In the dressing room.

Director bear: hey Goldilocks locks your up

The young girl gets off from her chair and walks out on the stage.

The stage was the woods and when a little girl in the librarian picks out the book and opens it, the camera from the Goldilocks and three bear station turns on.

Director bear: ok where on, lights camera action and cue Goldilocks

The young girl revealed to be the one and only Goldilocks, she was wearing a pink dress with silver, her lipstick was a dark pink, her cheeks rosy with a pink color, her hair very curly with a giant pink bow in her hair. 

Then the director bear reads the story for the reader.

Little girl: a little girl named-

Director bear: Goldilocks was walking through the woods when she smelled porridge

Young Goldilocks: hmmm (smiles) mmm porridge

Narrator: she was the most cutest little you have ever seen and she was friendly and full of spirit, it was her first day of  working at the studio.

Young Goldilocks: this porridge is too hot

The scene then changes to her sitting on a chair.

Young Goldilocks: this chair is too soft

Then she climbs on top of baby bear's bed.

Young Goldilocks: but this bed is just right

At the end of the story, the little girl smiles and the camera turns off.

Director bear: and we're out

(Bell ringing)

Director bear: that's a wrap everybody, good job Goldilocks

Goldilocks: thank you daddy

The director handed her a bouquet of pink roses and the rest of the staff gathered around her, admiring her cuteness and how good she was.

Narrator: she was the biggest star in fairytale land, everyone loved her, she loved doing her job, and she never complained

Goldilocks: KEEP GOING

young Goldilocks: (giggles)

Narrator: but over time as she grew older

At the age of 10 she locks was tied in a ponytail and she just finished doing a scene where she enters the three bear's house, still smiling.

Then when she became 13 her smiled turned down to a okay smile, and her locks were cut short, she didn't even need to see her script to know her part.

Then when she turned 16, at the end of the show, she made a board face.

Narrator: she started to feel tired of doing the same old story over and over again

Goldilocks: every day it's just the same old thing, porridge sleep bear attack, porridge sleep run, porridge sleep and run and I'm just sick of it

Narrator: that's where this story comes in

Goldilocks: now there's a story everyone wants to read

Narrator: now as I were

Goldilocks: right sorry

Narrator: Goldilocks was getting tired of doing the same thing over and over, until one day she decided to change that, it was another day at the show and she just finished the scene were the bears found Goldilocks in baby bear's bed and she ran

A new director was taking charge of the studio, a male fairy.

Wrinkle: ok everyone that's a take, excellent work everybody, Goldilocks that was perfect better then before

Goldilocks: yeah thanks

Goldilocks was a teenager, she got off the stage and pulled off her wig, her hair was still curly with golden locks but she often wear it with a headband, she wore a glittery pink ballerina dress with white long knee socks and black flats. Her makeup was heavy with pink. She walks towards her new director who was going through some things.

Goldilocks: say wrinkle can I talk to you

Wrinkle: sure what is it babe

Goldilocks well it's just that, ugh I'm getting tired of doing the same old routine

Wrinkle: tired (laughing) how can be tired of doing the show, this story has been around since your great-great-great-great grandmother performed it, it's been around for so long and you done such a good job performing it

She looked over to the center of the back of the wall of the studio of Goldilocks first grandmother a younger Goldilocks smiling.

Goldilocks: still it would be nice for a change, what if we changed the story a bit, like what if instead I ran away from the bears I escape from them

Wrinkle: now come on Goldie now who would want to read that, I mean what would the readers think

Goldilocks: I mean it would be nice for a change for once, you know open up a little

Wrinkle: besides these stories have been around since the old days (laughing) Goldilocks escaping from the bears instead of running yeah right

He leaves, having Goldilocks defeat.

Goldilocks: ugh

Goldilocks was walking home when a teenage bear about her age saw her when he saw talking to his parents.

Sam: oh hey Goldilocks

His name was Sam, he was Goldilocks friend and someone she worked with during the show.

Sam had a crush on Goldilocks since they were kids, he wore a red t-shirt with white sleeves, blue beans and red sneakers.

Goldilocks turned when she heard him calling her name.

Goldilocks: huh, oh hey Sam

Sam: hey-uhm so you did great out there today

Goldilocks: gee thanks Sam

The young bear tried to say something but he was too nervous to asked her out.

Sam: yeah

Goldilocks: yeah, well thanks anyway

Goldilocks tries to leave but the bear spoke out.

Sam: but I think your right

Goldilocks: really

She turns around as she was glad to hear somebody who understand her.

Sam: yeah I think it would be nice to see a change in the story, I n my wan I'm tired of being called baby bear and wearing that bib and bonnet, I mean it's so stupid I'm not a little kid anymore

Goldilocks: I know tell me about it right, I just wish we could change the things we do here, change the story a bit, make things interesting

She then made a sad look.

Goldilocks: I just wish dad was

Sam comfort Goldilocks by placing his furry hand on hers.

Sam: I know Goldie he was a good man and a good director, much better then this one

He points to the fairy drinking coffee and spitting it out.

Wrinkle: bah, is this imported I said I wanted premium

Then back to them.

Goldilocks: well thanks anyway Sam, I'll see ya later

Sam: bye

Goldilocks walked home, still thinking about her dad.

Goldilocks: (sigh)

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