Chapter : 1

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She didn't know that she was going to be imprisoned in a golden cage of a demon tonight.


Lightening struck the sky.
Thunder hit the ears in a deafening roar.
Howling storms seemed so angry that it would tear apart anything that came its way.
Panic stricken by the might of thunder and storm, the clouds broke down in tear. Droplets of her sorrow drenched everything under her wings.

She ran. Ran like her life depended on it. And it really did. Twigs under her feet broke due to the inhumane force erupted on them by her shoeless feet, her hands bruised due to the  Scrabbles by the thorny weeds. She stumbled as her feet hit a gravel and she gave in to her fear as her face hit the ground straight.

Her primal instinct made her to turn her head back to see if they still followed her. But the howling blow of winds, occasional thunder strike and continuous downpour in ghostly darkness made her partially deafened and blurred her vision.

She tried to brace herself upon her bruised hands and soon regretted it. A cogent ray of light blinded her as soon as she peeked her head out of the bush she fell upon. She tried to run away but, a set of fingers clasped her wet hair tightly and jerked her off the ground. She was thrown upon her captor's shoulder and though, as much as she cried for help, her voice dissolved into the raging roar of nature.


She was thrown at the concrete front yard of the little two storey house harshly. Her head hit the concrete floor and blood clotted at one side of her forehead, slowly turning into a mauve bruise.

'U.. Un.. Uncle..', she mumbled feebly.

A foot landed on her face as answer and with that, her Aunt's shrill voice tore apart the clatter of rain,

'Shut up you dumb bitch! Don't you dare play some trick again!! They will arrive any moment, so, keep shut and leave your lame excuse of existence off our house and this family!!', her pointer finger danced back and forth before her blurry eyes as a blotch of flesh.

A thunder lightened the purple clouds in a pinkish strike, followed by another deafening massive cracking sound. Some people arrived in a black BMW SUV. Her Uncle ran towards the car folding his hands, if he had a tail, he should probably be wagging it by now.

'Welcome, welcome sir. Girl is ready!', he exclaimed rubbing his palms together.

'Hmm.', a man in black suit answered. He neared the girl on the floor, 'stand up!!'

She laid there unable to move a limb. The throbbing pain in her head almost pushed her into losing her consciousness. The man in suit got impatient. Bending, he gripped her hair and she was yanked off the ground again. But, her legs were swollen due to running, clothes were in shreds, and her ankles got sprained due to the fall. So, as soon as the man in suit left her hand after holding her up, she collapsed on the ground again with a thud.

Her Uncle sprang into action, gripping her wrist painfully, he dragged her towards the car, after receiving a nod from the man in suit.

Feeling the numbing harsh grip on her wrist, and her being dragged over the rough cemented floor, she found her adrenaline rushing as she tried to claw her way out of his vicelike grip, 'Uncle! Aunty!! Leave me, please! I beg you!! Please! Mom, Mom!! Why are you silent?? Tell them na, to stop!! Mom! Mom!!', she wailed.

'Don't behave like a rebel kid! You know very well that you don't belong to us. You are nothing but a burden thrown on our shoulders by your father. Be grateful that, after his death, we didn't threw you back to the  orphanage and let you graduate. But now, we cannot take your responsibility more. So, just go away before you allow yourself to hear something more unpleasant from your mother.', another voice calmly stated, 'and, don't wail too much. You know right, doctor told you that rest and peace is very necessary for my asthma??'

'Mom! How could you?? No! You can't do that! Mom, how can you send me away like this?? Please Mom, Mo.. ahh..', a sharp sting across her right cheek closed her incoherent blabbering.

She was practically shoved in the car by her Uncle. The man in suit handcuffed her hands and shackled her ankles, while she struggled to fit herself in the small footrest at the backseat.

Horrified, she stared through the blurred glass window from inside the car as her Uncle cheerfully accepted a big suitcase probably containing money. And nodded excitedly at her so called 'Mom', in return of her question with a toothy grin.

They ran inside the house to avoid being drenched further and the man in suit came back to the car. Two other guys at the car shoved a woolen ball in her mouth and tied her eyes. One of their phones started ringing and she heard him reply in positive, his voice muffled.

Though the thunder struck again illuminating the dark purple environment,the people in Bareilly could not notice a Black BMW SUV dashed out off the muddy roads, as a predator chasing its prey. Because, they were too busy in finding a good sleep and the rain continued to downfall, choking other rustles of nature.


At the same time, a man was caressing three pictures of three ladies from left to right and mumbling,

'Riddhima, I wanted to keep you as my Queen. But you cheated on me. Ishana, you left stealing my least expensive gift for you. Svetlana, you ran away. Didn't came back to me. But now, I've changed my strategy. I will pick up the one who is untainted by the reality or the world, who will be my puppet, in all senses..', he trailed off with a smirk sitting on his large armchair, in his dark master bedroom.

A man knocked on the door.

'Come in', he summoned calmly.

The man switched the lights on as his features came in view. He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt underneath. He was short, with a clear Wheatish skin and boyish face, cleanly shaved.

'Master.', he bowed standing behind the armchair.

'What is it Dandi??', the man answered without facing him.

'They have set out to hunt the girl down.', he informed.

'Hmmm.. Give me her file and wait until they reach. Did you send the chopper??', he asked.

'Yes master and here you go. Her file.', he handed him a Manila.

He took the file and stated going through it. A picture of a girl popped up. He caressed her features, she looked like a doll with hazel eyes. His lips curled in a appreciating grin and he said,

'Come soon Jaan. I can't wait to pamper you until you get tired.. Oh, I forgot. Only if you BEHAVE.'

He dug his nails into her photo and scratched off some of the ink from her face.

Can't wait until RiKara meet, right!!
Patience, dearies, patience.
Happy reading!!
With love,

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