Chapter : 25

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"To some, it is an expression of love, to some, it is the way to establish their male dominance or satisfy their lust, science says it is a common physical phenomenon like eating, sleeping, exercising.. But to me, its in and above all these - Its my way to worship love."


With a frown, Gauri received the call.


'What now, Ru?'

'Ri, I'm sorry.. I didn't know O would get so fast, I couldn't.. I'm sorry Ri.'

'Its okay Ru.. I was destined to get caught in his cage.. And I've accepted it..', Gauri sighed.

'Ri.. I will make sure you are okay, even if I have to oppose O.. Don't worry.'

Gauri chuckled humorlessly, 'I've gone far past to be worried.. Even my biggest fear too doesn't seem that terrifying to me.. Thanks for the concern Ru, tell Big Bro and Sis that I'm alive. Goodbye.'

'Ri! Ri!', ignoring Rudra's plea, Gauri disconnected the call.


Gauri was playing games when a deep and slightly excited(?) voice startled her.

'Jaan', she dropped the mobile on the mattress and looked at her back.

He was standing at the door of the master bedroom. Hands in his pockets, a soft smile etched on his lips and his head tilted at a side looking at her. She gazed down and turned away again.

She felt cold fingers tracing her cheek, 'Jaan, are you angry?'

She sighed loudly closing her eyes, and removed his hand that was caressing her.

'I'm sorry Jaan.. You yourself bring such punishments upon you. What do you think, I like punishing you? Nah!!', he sat behind her and snaked his hands around her waist.

'I still can't believe we got married.. It feels like a beautiful fantasy which will shatter any moment. I'm afraid Jaan, afraid to embrace happiness with open arms, afraid to trust my treacherous fate again, afraid.. That I may hurt you again.. Afraid, that I may trample the flower of my beating heart again', he breathed the words almost inaudibly in the croon of her neck, placing a kiss at the nape of her neck, as a fullstop at the end of his speech.

Gauri breathed harshly, her eyes still closed, 'I'm so confused around you Omkaraji. I don't understand you.. You are like.. Like an endless maze of riddles.. The more I want to get in, the more I get tangled into the web of confusions.'

Omkara got down on his knees before her. Taking her hands in his, he kissed her palms softly, 'Jaan, I know last few days were a wreck on you, but we need to talk, spend time so that we can get better acquaintance, we need to break the barriers of strangeness between us. We can try our marriage working out, we can start a family. A family I always dreamt to have, but was deprived of', he looked up at her with his black depth less oceans.. Drowning her in uncertainty, making her heart ache in such a way she never felt before.

Shoving his hands in his pocket again, he took out a pair of bell anklets. Taking his own sweet time, he tied the anklets around her milky white ankles, and kissed her pinkish feet, so softly, like a caress of feather. Startled, Gauri pulled her feet beck hastily,


But Omkara pulled her foot again, teasing it with his lips, he murmured,
'You know what Jaan, I've always wanted to hear the sound again. When I first saw you, you had same anklets, and this sound', he ticked at the small bells, 'this sweet tinkle.. Is like a fetish, I always wanted to hear this music of your walk..', his lips now started travelling up to her calves as he proceeded, his forehead pushing her crème coloured silk saree upwards.

'Omkaraji', she breathed his name like she breathed air, her hands fisting the silk black shit tightly.

'Sorry to interrupt master', the servant turned on his heels, his back facing them, 'dinner is ready.'

'Its okay, we're coming', Omkara pulled down her saree and gave her his hands, 'let's stuff ourselves, Jaan'.

They headed out for dinner.


'Omkaraji! Where are we going in this?', Gauri pointed at the large robes they were wearing.

'You will know soon, Jaan', he tied a black piece of cloth over her eyes.

Fear shrank her heart into a pea as soon as she was blindfolded. Gripping his hand tightly she started trembling, 'O.. Omkaraji!! Please don't lock me there again!! Please Omkaraji!!'

'I will not Jaan. Don't be so scared', he cooed, guiding her to walk.

Soon they reached the terrace. Taking her in front of himself, he undid her blindfold. While blinking rapidly for sometime, she inhaled the mildly blowing litigator smelling of Murrayas, Jasmines and The Lady Of Night.

When her vision cleared, she lost her tongue for some moments. Spread before her was those beautiful peats of grass surrounded by bushes of Jasmine, and that entresol of The Lady Of The Night. As that was a night of new moon, butterfly shaped white fairy lights were attached to the white fragrant flowers were dimly lighting the beautiful peat.

Seeing her dumbstruck, he held her waist lovingly from behind. Placing feathery light kisses on the nape of her neck, he whispered, 'Do you like it, Jaan?'

She nodded, unable to form words to humiliate the beauty by praising it with petty adjectives.

Picking her up in bridal style, he laid her gently upon the grass. She stretched her hands at her sides, feeling the softness of the grass through the softer material of the robe. Plucking some flowers from the entresol, he too laid beside her, propping himself up by one elbow.

'I love white butterflies, since childhood, don't they seem like tiny beautiful fairies?', Gauri sighed dreamily, looking up at the fairy lights at the entresol.

He scattered the flowers all over her, with his free hand, 'they are. Just as tiny and beautiful like you', and she giggled at the tickles the flowers sent while rolling on her skin.

Her breath hitched at her throat as she looked at his black irises swirling in darker and denser twists, erupting swarms of butterflies in the pit of her stomach. With a quick flip, he got on top of her, letting out a squeal from her throat. A sinister smirk that would have annoyed her in some other moment, made heat creep up to her cheeks, neck and lower ends of her earlobes. Locking his orbs with her shining hazel irises he bent to her stomach. His teeth pulled open her robe's laces, letting her shine in her naked glory. Locking her hands above her head, he took a flower between his lips, tracing it from her naval to her hair, and fixed the flower in her thick locks. Her chest arched up along the path he traced the flower, also trailing a line of liquid heat of his breath. Picking another flower, he swirled it around her right bosom, tracing it, tickling its bud to react.

'O.. M.. K.. A.. R.. A..', his name left her lips as a song mingled in her breath.

'So, soft they are, just like you', he started swirling another flower around her left bosom, his nose slightly poking her peak of arousal, 'say my name again Jaan', he breathed huskily while tucking the flower to her hair again.

Teasing her soft belly, waist with the flowers, sending tickles all over her delectable soft skin, he took her hand and placed it upon the knot of laces of his robe, 'Undress me Jaan', he bit her earlobe lightly, ticking her to action.

She pulled the string and the robe came undone. Almost immediately, he threw the robe aside, making it fly away. Now he slowly traced his long, callous fingers along the length of her soft arms, removing the sleeves of robe one by one, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind his touch.

She closed her eyes the moment the strings loosened. Now finally after letting him remove the robe from beneath her, she slowly opened her eyes, feeling the light tickles of grass at the back of her body, nape of her neck. And she gaped at her husband's naked beauty hovering over her. She had seen him half naked only, but him, his sturdy limbs flexed and toned out in the beautiful shades of the light coming from over their heads, the fairy lights. He looked enchanting, and somehow she felt as they have gone back to time. They were Adam, and Eve.. Experiencing their first night of physical union in such wildly beautiful nature.

Freeing her hand from his hold, she slowly traced her small fingers along his torso, like a curious child, her big hazel eyes sparkling in wonder. He closed his eyes sighing, melting into a puddle like a pillar of salt surrendering to rain, under the naive touch of his wife.

As soon as her fingers slowly brushed over his manhood, he let out a groan, gripping her hand, he locked them at her sides again, and smashed his lips on hers. She also participated with equal vigour. Both of them moulding their lips into each other like two long lost pieces of one puzzle, his lips tasting and smelling like the flower, sent jolts of ecstasy through her limbs, their tongue dancing in a harmony to their wildly beating heart. Her back arched up and her breasts slammed against his chest, and both of them groaned, growled, giving in to the animals in them. As they parted to gasp lumps of air, she held one of his hand and slowly rubbed it on her cheek, feeling the roughness, increasing his desire to touch her more. Groaning again his lips landed on her jaw, his teeth lightly grazing it. Slowly, torturingly, he traced his wet lips down her collarbone, sucking it, and then his hands and mouth started squeezing and playing with her soft mounds, her buds standing out, her lips gasping shallow breaths, his teeth lightly biting her nipples and his tongue soothing them. In the meantime she had wonderingly discovered how many different kinds of sounds her throat can make in ecstasy. She entangled her fingers in his thick lion mane, gripping, pulling and ruffling them as waves of pleasure hit her nerves again and again.

'O.. M.. K.. A.. R.. A..', she moaned again , chanting his name like a prayer, making him giddy with the sensuality of her angelic voice.

'Gauri.. Gauri.. Gauri.. Gauri.. Gauri..', his panted between kissing her naval, his hands pinning hers, trampling the carpet of grass beneath them.

Placing himself between her legs, he looked up at her eyes, looking like two  stormy hazel seas, 'May I?'

Unable to voice her desire, she only nodded.

He slowly, patiently, started penetrating her. She bit her lower lip to suppress the pain she felt. Her nails started scratching at his back as he entered more. 'Ommm..', she moaned.

'Uh!', he groaned in pleasure.

As he entered her completely, he kissed her lips tenderly again, licking away her tears.

'It feels different to have you inside', she panted.

'Though I did it before, it feels completely different while being inside you', he gasped back.

'I don't know how to feel, what to say', her breath hitched as he pulled out partly and entered her again.

'Say it Jaan.. Say what you desire', he pushed himself again carefully.

Gauri felt like scrapping his skin off in unexplainable frustration, she breathed, 'Take me Omkaraji. Take me.. Uh!'

He entered her again. Slowly at first then he started thrashing, and she felt an immense pain numbing her as he broke her barrier of virginity. He slammed his lips on her again to smother and soothe her scream. Her nails dug at the skin of his back as the intensity of thrusting increased.

Their hips rolled, backs arched as they screamed in profound ecstasy, their sexes slamming against each other.

Finally her vision was covered by a cloak of stars as she screamed at the top of her voice, her nails almost ripping the skin off his back. As her inner walls tightened around him, he also roared, releasing inside her.

He collapsed upon her, his hands lying lifelessly at her sides. She stared at his face, tranquil, satisfied. She somehow felt proud of herself. Her hands traced his locks again, caressing his sweaty scalp.

After a good ten or fifteen minutes, his fingers feebly traced her sweaty arms, raising goosebumps on them again. He lifted his head and rolled aside, pulling her on his chest. Pushing an errand lock behind her ear, he smiled warmly at her,

'You are glowing Jaan.. I don't know how, but you bewitch me', his voice was tired.

She traced her finger upon the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, throat, chest as her heart felt a groaning rumble emerging from his chest, 'And you.. You look.. So, Beautiful..'

She hid her face in his chest and he inhaled the scent of The Lady Of The Night tucked in her hair, as they both drifted off to sleep..

The last nail to the coffins of my readers' innocence... 😂 As I expect apparently..

As this was the 25th chapter, I wanted to make it special.. 🌬🌫

Hope this was not too rushed or vulgar, and I also pray that it was up to your mark.. I'm afraid with my experience in writing this.

Happy reading!!
With love,

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