Chapter : 42

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"I don't know how, but you bewitch me."

~ Omkara
(The Fairytale I Never Dream Of )


'Mumma!', Rikara stopped before getting down from the car.

'What sweetie?', Gauri held the steering tighter, what if she's being bullied in the school and she's trying to avoid going there?

'Give this to uncle when you see him today. Tell him that this is a 'thank you' gift from me!', Rikara squealed.

'I.. But.. Um.. Okay, okay, I'll give him this', Gauri stuttered.

'Okay, thank you mumma!!', Rikara jumped down from the car and shot towards the school gate.


Omkara was going through the contract papers with the hardware company that was collaborating with OberoiTech to launch their new gaming laptops and games.

Giving all our new games away as in- built apps in their new model of laptops.. Will it not be too much? How about giving two games for free?? Yeah, that will perfect. Other games will be launched in app-stores. He reached for the intercom when his gaze landed at the door of his cabin. A lady? But, Ms. Mathur has left the already.. Then who got permission to come up in here?

But he almost jumped on his chair in shock and merry as she turned out to be Gauri. Yeah, he collected this small information from the database of his company.

'I.. I'm.. I'm sorry to disturb you Sir, but, my daughter sent this for you', she hesitantly forwarded her hand.

Ogling at her shy face shamelessly, Omkara took the chocolate bar from her hand. There was also a handmade card on top of it. Opening the fold he started reading the lines in a shaky, but beautiful cursives,

Dear Uncle,

Do you remember me! Because of you the aunty in the new playhouse now gives me many papers to draw and I have made many drawings. So I shared my chocolate to you. My thank you gift. Mumma says to say thank you if someone helps you. So, next time I will surely say thank you!
Love you Uncle!


Omkara smiled at the cute gesture by the little girl. Looking up at Gauri, he said,

'Ms. Trivedi, say thank you to Rikara from me and tell her that I will surely meet her once my work lessens down a bit.

'Oh.. Okay Sir', Gauri walked out of his cabin, closing the door behind.

Omkara inhaled deeply, as a faint smell of sandal entered his nostrils, tingling his nerves in a familiar fire of sensuousness.


Finally, after full one week of discussion and negotiations, it was finally the day when the two companies launched their joint venture.

It was definitely a big day for Omkara. He received a call of congratulations from his father too, not that it was an exceptional incident, still, he was amused by his father's response to his success.

The next day, he finally came to his office collecting the pieces of his brains and limbs together. For this one week, he was drowned in works and couldn't keep an eye at his office, and especially, her.

He missed her soft voice, delicate curves, and her faint sandal scent. He knew, he was close to the loss of his sanity. He was having sleeps filled with erotic dreams, where he used to make love to her intensely, passionately, and woke up in midnight after watching the same dream where he raped her brutally and commanded Dandi for her death.

He was lightly humming a tune, the same song she sang that night. He felt his heart dancing in joy, skipping beats every time he closed his eyes and her face surfaced his vision, and his lips widened in a dreamy smile.

He was looking for her since he arrived in the office. But he couldn't wait for her at the lounge for a long time. Sighing, he got to his cabin and was tapping his feet impatiently on the floor, his fingers flipping the the pages of new contract offers, his mind solely lost in thoughts of her, his eyes restless to get a glimpse of his personal goddess of love.

But, there was a small problem. Very, very small problem - He didn't like the sensations she created in the pit of his stomach. He hated how much he wanted, craved for an woman who was the mother of a kid. He hated how his limbs scorched in lust even upon being around her. To him, it was immoral.

As if God was also not on his side, a sweet tinkle entered his ears, that was approaching him. His muscles tensed up in heat serging through them. He knew, soon she will enter knock softly on the door and ask politely,

'May I come in Sir?'

He would also reply in his huskiest voice ever, dazed with lust,

'Come in.'

She pushed open the door, inward, as his gaze collided with the most beautiful feminine beauty along with the light tinkle of bells that turned him on.

She entered hesitantly holding a heavy pile of files. Keeping them on his desk, she stepped back.

'Sir, these are the updated designs of the new developing softwares. Tiwari sir is out for a meeting, so I came to give it directly to you Sir.'

Omkara didn't pay much attention to her talks. His ears processed her words in a cadent cacophony of melodious voice. He was observing every inch of her body. Her hair was worn in a lose bun, some strands falling around her face. Her curves were sensually hidden behind a semi- transparent white tant jamdani. Her lean wrists were wrapped in golden train of bangles and two heavy jhumkas chimed lightly whenever she moved. Her hazel eyes were bordered with thick lines of eyeliner and her lips were dangerously red again. A deep cut red brocade blouse fitted her upper body like a glove and her waist was playing peek- a- boo from behind the white thin curtain of the loose drape of her saree, whenever she moved her hands.

He shifted uncomfortably on his chair to cover the bulge in his pants. His face glowing red in embarrassment.

After hesitating for sometime more, she spoke again, 'Sir, there is a small dinner party in my house. Its Rikara's birthday and she wanted you too to join her fifth birthday.. Sir, I'll not force you, but if you please - ', she looked up at him, his eyes reflecting his absent mindedness, 'Sir, Sir.. Are you ok - '

The next moment she was pinned to the wall of his cabin with his palms thumped on the wall beside her waist and his face close to her, dangerously close.

'Omkaraji!', she couldn't help shrieking out the old addressing as her palms pushed his broad chest lightly in reflex, his heart hammering on her delicate palm.

'Call me again, Gauri', he demanded in a deadly cold voice, chilling her nerves in sensuality, as his face shifted at the croon of her neck. He breathed intense heat in there and inhaled the scent of the lady of the nights tucked in her bun.

'Omkaraji -', Gauri tried to move away, her voice quieter in alarm.

'Tell me to stop Gauri.. Stop me from doing something we both would regret', his voice was deep and his musky breaths were heavy in sexual tension.

Gauri shuddered at the familiar sensation burning her nerves. She took shallow breaths, soft exhales leaving her lips as pants, 'Omkaraji, please..'

Omkara dipped his nose in her neck, nuzzling as his lips softly brushed her shoulder, making her heart thunder in her ears. Her grips on his suit tightened and she moaned his name, 'Omkaraji', she took a deep breath, 'We're in office.'

Omkara stepped back, suddenly vanishing the heat that was built up between them. But he came back again as soon as tears spilled from her glassy eyes.

He gently wiped away her tears with his thumbs and pulled her in his embrace. She melted in the familiar warm and musky blanket of his arms.

'Gauri, I know what I'm doing is wrong. But I promise, I'll not behave in this way with you, never. I don't know what happens to me whenever you are around, but I will surely behave myself and tame my desire. But please', his black eyes shone in same old innocent way of demand, 'please don't hate for having such feelings for you.'

She stepped back from his hold, old emotions flooding back in her chest, tightening it, 'I can't, I never can', she croaked before running out from his cabin, tears flooding her eyes.

'I'll come tonight', he whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

RiKara romance (illicit).. 🔥🔥

How do you like Rikara's gift. What do you think of them as future father-daughter??

Happy reading!
With love,

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