Chapter : 44

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"How I wish he wasn't like this.."

~ Anika
(The Fairytale I Never Dream Of)


Gauri breathed deeply after putting down the flute. The room was awkwardly silent. The only sound was that of the wall clock ticking its hands towards eleven.

She looked at her audiences, looking back at her in pregnant silence. Rikara sensed the need to break the calmness.

Clap! Clap!

Rikara's little palms batted together to snap everyone out of their trance. Everybody jolted and joined Rikara, praising Gauri's artistry.

Omkara wasn't able to react at all. He still was lost in the melodious tune of the flute, his eyes not blinking, as if this surreal image would vanish the moment he would bat his lashes.

Gauri looked up at him, her hazel orbs drowning in his black turbulent ocean, until Richa screeched,

'Oh my God! Its eleven!! Gauri, we need to leave!', pecking Gauri's cheeks Richa stood up followed by Mukesh who bent at her ear muttering,

'Are you sure you'll be okay?'

'He has amnesia, I'm as good as a stranger to him.. Don't worry, I'll be fine', Gauri smiled assuring.

'Okay, good night', Mukesh went out behind Richa.


Rikara was yawning like a cat for a long time, so both Gauri and Omkara went to tuck her to the bed of her new room.

Coming out, Omkara asked, 'Isn't she too young to have a room for herself and sleeping there alone?'

Already acting as a dad, Gauri replied,  'I think its time she starts learning to live on her own. And having a room for herself to take care of will be a good start.'

Omkara hummed in agreement.

Why is he still here? Gauri got nervous. They went out in the balcony, dull light of moon washed over the jungle of concrete, buzz of the hustling bustling of night Kolkata came from a distance. They stood there holding the railing of the balcony in comfortable silence, night breeze ruffling their locks like the caress of a mother.

A rickshaw passed below the balcony, the light tinkle of its bell alarmed the dogs sleeping in ghostly darkness of the alley. They growled lightly, warning the cause of their disturbance.

He moved closer to her, his one hand snuck behind her waist, and he pushed the small of her back slightly to get a hold of the railing, just beside her left palm.

Her breath hitched as she could feel him almost plastered at her back, his crisp silk shirt rubbing at her bare back. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when he lowered his head and placed his chin on her shoulder.

'Are you afraid of me?', he breathed almost inaudibly.

Sorry Jaan.. I just hate lies, in moments she remembered the slap. Flinching slightly, she nodded positively in a daze.

He sighed. Slowly standing just behind her back, he flipped her to face him. She thumped on his chest lightly and looked up at him like a little girl, vulnerable.

'I will not fire you from your job if you don't reciprocate my feelings', he hugged her waist and pulled her closer, 'But, don't you feel disgusted that I always look for chances to hold you like this.. Don't you get angry? Please tell me what you feel, please show me what my borderline of intimacy is.. I really don't understand what you want', he squeezed themselves more, so much that he could feel their hearts pouring out their emotions, wildly beating, matching each other's pace.

Gauri couldn't take it anymore. While being in the marriage, she had grown a liking for this cruel beast. Once she wanted to seek out the perfect gentleman behind the bloodied musk, but she failed. The three months of their marriage still  was the most vivid and beautiful memories of her life. But the last day was a wreck, a blow.

She dipped her nose in his shirt, sobbing lightly as she croaked, ' I'm sorry Omkaraji, I can't tell you the reason', she looked at his worried bent face again, 'But I would say just one thing, you are the only man in my life. I can never say no to you unless I'm tired of you, ever. Its getting late, you should go home', she detached herself from him and hurried inside.

Dandi came out from Rikara's bedroom, and hugged Gauri before leaving, 'I'm happy to see you're doing well'.

Gauri smiled back whispering, 'You also have a share of your credit'.

Omkara turned back at her, standing at the door of her apartment, 'Please play the piano again, I love listening to your music.'

Gauri smiled faintly, 'I will.'

So he listened to my piano that day in office, she closed the door.


'Still can't sleep, master?', Dandi asked.

'No Dandi', Omkara gripped his long hair and tugged at them in frustration.

Dandi gave him a headphone.

'I guess now you'll be able to sleep', he played an audio record and the magical flute tune by Gauri filled his ears in a comfortable peace.

'You are the best Dandi', Omkara mumbled before drifting off.


'I'm back!', Naynika screeched as soon as Omkara entered his cabin.

'Welcome back', he said gingerly.

'Sir', Naynika tried to pour as much honey as she could in that addressing, 'Did you miss me?', she batted her eyelashes.

A stack of files landed on the table before her as an answer, followed by Omkara's raged bark, 'If you're done with your verbal trauma, take these files and go to Tiwari!'

He cornered her again, 'And, don't you dare forget your position, else next time I will cause a fit of epilepsy.', he hissed in a spine chilling voice.

I thought him to be an Indian version of Christian Grey, but he turned out to be something else, Naynika mused, confused. But, who cares, I will win him for sure.


Gauri was pinned to the wall of the alley towards her apartment when she was returning from her Sunday marketing. A rough hand was shoved over her mouth to smother her scream and an unknown voice of a man whispered, 'Gauri, I need you.'

Swatting his hand away Gauri furiously screamed, 'Who are you?'

The man held her by shoulder and bote his eyes into her, 'Come with me and take your daughter too if you don't want to leave her alone.'

'And why would I do that??', Gauri spat.

'Because I'm Ranveer Randhawa, the husband of your sister in-law, Priyanka Singh Oberoi alias Priyanka Singh Randhawa', he managed to make Gauri dumbstruck, 'And I need your help.'

What's Ranveer doing here? Why does he need Gauri's help?

Though I hate to say it, but yes, I'm finally taking break for my final exams. I'll go off.. And maybe I'll come back by the middle of August. Actually we haven't received any routine for our exam yet, so I still don't know when our exam will end.
Sorry, sorry very sorry, but I'm going off.

Please don't hate me for that, its much needed for me.🙏🙏🙏

PS: As a break gift, I will post an OS for you to enjoy. Go to my profile tomorrow if you're interested.

Bye!! For now..

Happy reading!!
With love,

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