Chapter : 46

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It was indeed a Fairytale.. The Fairytale I Never Dream Of.


'Whaaat!', Rikara almost took a high jump, 'uncle is actually my dad! Then why didn't he tell me? Mumma, why don't you live together like others? I hate him!! Why did he lie to me?? And I hate you too mumma!! Why didn't you tell me too?', Rikara crossed her hands over her chest, huffing.

'Oh my God Miss hothead! Pardon me and take this chocoshake please', Ranveer bowed at Rikara with a tray, comically, making her giggle.

Now it was Priyanka's turn to huff and act stubborn. Twitching her lips, she took the coffee mug for Gauri's sake and the three elders settled at the sofas. Ranveer sat at a distance from Priyanka, making Gauri more suspicious of their cold relationship.

'I'm sorry sweetie, but he also doesn't know about you and hid it from both of you because, your dad has lost his memory', Gauri looked apologetically at Rikara.

'You mean like in films? So, will he not remember us if we go and tell him?', Rikara started weeping.

'No sweetie, even if we tell him, he will not remember us. Its like if his head is a mobile and we are the pictures in them, then he has deleted every one of us. Now we have to re enter in his memory', Gauri caressed Rikara's hair, 'And one more thing, if we suddenly go and tell him about us, he will fall sick while trying hard to remember us. You don't want him to fall sick, do you??'

'No!! Obviously not!!', Rikara sat straighter to emphasize her point, 'But, will you tell me about Papa more??'

'Sure', she looked at Priyanka and Ranveer who shifted on their seats enthusiastically.

Closing her eyes, she started to narrate, 'All girl dream of a prince charming. So did a girl named Gauri. She lost her parents and elder sister at a very young age and the family which raised her didn't like her. Once she went to a college and made a great friend. Later she came to know that her friend's sister in-law was her long lost sister. They reunited and started living happily.'

'Wow!! This is a happy ending! But, who was the prince? The great friend?', Rikara clapped excitedly.

Gauri chuckled, 'No silly. So, one day the girl went to meet her foster family. And her evil family sold her to someone. On a very scary night, some men took her away, and beat her badly because she tried to run away.'

'They are bad. Very bad!', Rikara snorted loudly.

'Yes! Very very bad!', Priyanka butted in, eyeing Ranveer maliciously.

Gauri continued, 'A scary prince had brought her, who was a great and very famous painter and sculptor (Rikara smiled brightly at this). He punished everyone who tried to harm her. But the girl was so scared of the prince that she declined the prince's offer to become his princess. The prince got angry, and he started to torture the girl. Meanwhile the girl found out that the prince was her great friend's elder brother. By living with the prince, she came to know that the prime was very lonely since his childhood because nobody loved him. That's why he forced the girl to become his princess and his best friend.', Gauri took a deep breath, 'the girl melted and became his friend. The prince was very happy and started treating her as his princess and they married.'

'Then where was I??', Rikara whined.

Eyeing Rikara and PriVeer embarrassedly Gauri continued again, 'the God was very happy with the prince and the princess and he decided to give them a sweet daughter. One day, the princess came to know about the God's gift and she went to the prince to say him the good news. But the prince misunderstood her and blamed her of making secret friendship with his brother and drove her away. The girl became alone again and left the place with her very very little daughter.'

Rikara's nose was puffed and reddened as she sobbed, 'The prince should have listened to the princess.. But what happened to the prince?'

Gauri pulled Rikara on her lap as she soothed her by rocking, 'The Prince became very sad after losing his princess and he tried to kill himself, but God sent him to a long sleep and when he woke up, God removed everything of his past from his memory, so that he doesn't remain sad anymore.'

'Is that why Papa forgot us??', Rikara sniffed.

'Yes sweetie', Gauri wiped her tears.

'Even then', Rikara hugged Gauri tighter, 'I will love papa. I will remain his little princess. You'll also remain his princess, right??', she looked up at her mumma who hugged her back, nodding, 'I will sweetie, I will.'

'But one thing. How did you escape? I'm afraid, Dandi is the best in carrying orders out', Ranveer furrowed his brows, but looked away after receiving an intense glare from Priyanka.

'Its okay', Gauri raised an assuring hand, and started narrating her escape story.


Gauri fluttered open her eyes as she felt droplets of cold water hitting her face like splinters.

'Missus! Missus wake up!', Dandi's voice came from a long distance.

Gauri slowly sat up. Looking at Dandi, she spat venomously, 'If you are to kill me, then why wake me up?? Just do it!! Then remember, you'll regret killing a pregnant woman!', Gauri blabbered in a rush, pregnancy hormones clouding her better judgement.

'Y.. You are pregnant??', Dandi asked appalled.

'Yes! Yes! Yeeeeees!', Gauri screamed in frustration.

'Then I definitely can't even scratch you', Dandi bent to help her on her feet, 'But I'm sorry Missus, I can't go to master now and tell him about this news', he looked at his toes.

'You don't have to. Just help me go away. I'm sure you don't want to lose your little master or mistress, and if you don't believe me, you can go check my purse, its in the hall, my pregnancy reports are there in it. Right now, I just want to go to Mumbai, my friend Richa is still in the Blue Lark hotel in there.. If I'm not wrong. Help me to find a cab or a bus there and I'll contact you when I get to her. And don't let any Oberoi know that I'm alive. I am dead, for all who are related to him. Okay??', Gauri paused to inhale.

'Crystal clear Missus. Now boys, hurry up', Dandi himself drove her to the highway and arranged for her safe and comfortable journey to Mumbai.


'... I set out for Kolkata the next day with Richa and when Rikara was one year old I joined SmarTech with her.'

Priyanka and Ranveer both hummed in response.

'But I would like to ask you something too', Gauri looked at PriVeer pointedly.

'Y.. Yes',


Came their permission.

'Now tell me, why do you still live like practically two strangers?', Gauri shot.

Now it was time for Ranveer to bend his head and get nervous, while Priyanka's eyes blazed in sickening anger.

'That's exactly why I hate brother Om!', Priyanka shifted her position like a queen, while Gauri pulled Rikara's head on her lap, who immediately dozed off.


'Mr. Oberoi!', sub inspector Ranveer snarled at the long haired man, casually sipping black coffee who lightly smirked, clearly not affected by Ranveer's mighty voice at all.

'Voice down Ranveer, is this how you treat your classmate when you meet him after so many years?', Omkara Singh Oberoi looked up at the raged young man in his police uniform.

'I'm here to arrest you as a criminal who has committed murders. Murders!! I'm in no mood to sit here for a tea time', Ranveer shouted louder, trying to intimidate him.

'But you have to, alas! My soon-to-be brother in-law, Dandi', he ordered his head butler to bring coffee for his guest.

'Brother in-law?', Ranveer started sweating.

'Yes. Don't you like Priyanka? Aww my baby Prinku is in so much trouble', Omkara balled his hands in a fist, 'Her Big Bro is sending her away as Mr. Navdeep Khanna's wife'

'No!', Ranveer started shaking in rage, 'you're lying!'

'Then see yourself', Omkara forwarded his phone screen, a conversation appeared.

"Brother Om, plz help me!

What happened Prinku?

Big Bro is getting me married to Mr. Khanna!!

That old man-whore? Does he want you to catch STD??

I don't know Brother.. Plz help!

10 mins later

Prinku, are you there?

Yes Brother!

Can you come here secretly?

But if Brother Shivaay or Dad finds out?

I've planned something. I'm sending Dandi to pick you from Mumbai.

Such a relief Brother. Thank you! I love you!!

Love you too, my little Prinku!!


But she didn't agree in the marriage!', Ranveer exclaimed.

'Will you let the love of your life wither away in the dirty hands of a disgusting old man??', Omkara hit the right nerve.

'Never!', Ranveer roared.

'That's the spirit man!! Now, that I've arranged your marriage with your dream girl, you also promise me that you'll help me in hiding these murders. And', his heartwarming smile faded into a scowl again, 'if any day I find about your betrayal, I'll have my Prinku back as your widow and leave you with those whores in my basement cellar, deal?', he forwarded his hand.

After a long thinking and debating within himself, Ranveer slowly took his forwarded hand and shook it, 'Deal!'


'I was so angry when brother did that. I wanted to run away, but he tied me up and left me with him!!', Priyanka muffled her sobs, not to wake Rikara up.

'But he said one thing to you that, even if we don't get the best for us in our life, fate always arranges the better for us and its up to us to convert the better into the best. Didn't he?', Ranveer took a stand for Omkara.

'Why don't you like him? He is good looking, earns enough to keep you happy and healthy, oh no!! Did he he force himself upon you??', Gauri looked between the husband and wife, and they protested vehemently together, 'No! Never!'

'Then? And yeah, Ranveer, how did he escaped these many murder accusations?'

Ranveer smirked, 'He's a smart guy. He never kidnapped or bought girls from the same place. Those girls were from different states, mainly runaway girls or sold commodities.. Pardon my language. And tons of girls get missing everyday, so the police also didn't bother to notice.'

'Is he man or a jackal?? So cunning!!', Gauri snorted.

The doorbell rang. Ranveer went to receive the food delivery. Gauri also patted Rikara up from her nap.

'Sorry Rikara baby you lost your chicken biryani for me, here', Ranveer prepared a plate for Rikara, 'please take my apology'.

Sleep fled away from Rikara's former droopy eyes as she excitedly dug in the yellowish rice, looking delicious, and the elders laughed at her eagerness.


'Ranveer, Priyanka, thank you so much for the evening, and Priyanka, Omkaraji did sent you off in a very barbaric way, but he did it for your good and also gave you the tip to make your marriage out well. By getting paranoid over his choice and your incapability to choose your life partner, don't lose the gem you got. Ranveer may not be as wealthy as Oberois, he may be a bit obstinate and intimidating, but he loves you, respects you and your needs - both material and mental, just give him a chance, I'm sure, you'll make a really good couple. Trust me.', Gauri clasped Priyanka's hands.

'I will Gauri, thank you for listening to me. I was dying to share my opinion to someone and get my head cleared. Thank you for coming. Can we meet often??', Priyanka asked hopefully.

'Of course you can! You, I and Richa will have very much fun while having a girls' day out??', Gauri cackled.

'Thank you Gauri, this is the help I was asking you about. I knew, nobody would be better than you to listen to her.. And please, don't ask me how I got your address, that's my professional secret!', Ranveer too laughed.

'Okay, my cab has arrived, see you then. Good night.', Gauri turned back at the couple at door.

'Yaa..ah! Good night Prinku Aunty and Ranveer Uncle..', Rikara waved at them sleepily.

'Bye Rikara baby', they waved back in unison.

When the mother-daughter duo went out of their sight, Priyanka hugged Ranveer tightly, sobbing in his chest, 'Thank you Ranveer.. Thank you for being there for me always! Thank you for bearing my every sick tantrum.. Thank you for the best anniversary gift till now..'

'Shh..', Ranveer wiped her eyes and picked her up in bridal style, 'Let's celebrate our love, Love', he winked mischievously, and Priyanka slapped his arm playfully.

Oh my God.. 😰 Did I write this??
How do you like the flashbacks?? Is the story doing well till now??
Let me know.. Something, anything and everything, without your opinions its a one-sided thing, I'm not satisfied with one-sided things.

And yes, a game!!
You'll have to answer the question:
From where or how you got to know about 'The Fairytale I Never Dream Of' or 'Falling For YOU All Over AGAIN'?

Happy reading!
With love,

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