Chapter - 5 :

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"My punishments too are the manifestations of my love 💔"


She dares to badmouth me! Huff! I will show her the consequences of messing with OSO.
Omkara smirked while caressing the face of a soundly sleeping Gauri. Slowly and carefully detaching himself from Gauri, he left her all to herself.


'Master!', Dandi joined him in the hall.

'Yes Dandi',

'Master, actually, uh.. um..', Dandi hesitates.

'Stop moaning Dandi!!', Omkara was furious now.

'Tej Sir is coming!!', Dandi blurted out closing his eyes.

'Mr. Oberoi, long time no see!', Omkara smirked.

'There are more. Master.'

'Spit that out little Dandi!', Omkara gritted in a sickly sweet voice.

'He is coming with Svetlana Ma'am!', Dandi squeezed his eyes shut, preparing to receive a blow.

'Come again,' Omkara growled.

'Tej Sir is coming here this evening with Svetlana Ma'am!!', Dandi spat looking at his eyes, trembling.

Omkara broke into fits of laughter. 'Mr. Oberoi!! Mr. Oberoi is bringing Svetlana!! Ha ha ha ha ha... Joke of the day Dandi, joke of the day!!', getting sickeningly serious all of a sudden, 'how did he reach Svetlana before you?'

'I don't know Master! For all these days Svetlana Ma'am had just vanished into thin air. May be someone helped her to hide.. Someone powerful..', Dandi tried to reason.

'Hmm.. May be you are right, someone powerful enough to outsmart you useless brain!!', Omkara barked at him.

'I.. I'm sorry Master.'

'Prepare for the evening!', Omkara ordered Dandi.

It would be fun tonight, Svetlana. See you, for the last time. My hands are already itching to beat the daylight out of your willowy curves.. Omkara thought bitterly, walking to his studio.


The whole hall was lit up with fairy lights, servants busy in kitchen preparing drinks, under the supervision of Dandi.

Omkara was sitting on a sofa, waiting for Tej to arrive, as his mind was replaying how surprisingly Gauri agreed to act as the missus easily.

'Jaan, my father is coming tonight.'

'Don't tell me that he's coming to see me', her button nose scrunched up in disgust.

'He doesn't know about you. But you have to behave properly, as the the missus of this manor, am I clear?'

' No need to order over, Atithi debo bhava, I will be ready.'

'That's so nice of you Jaan,' he hugged her, 'just like I want you to behave.'

'Stop buttering. I know you will bury your guests six feet under the floor if there is not someone to watch over you. So, this is a kind of voluntary service.' she shrugged nonchalantly in his embrace.

He stepped back uneasily. She sometimes guessed his temper risings correctly. He needed to get away as soon as he could.

'Be ready before 7 and wait in the kitchen. Enter the hall only when Dandi informs you to serve the guests.'
He was leaving hastily, but staggered a little.

'Already planning for a cheap dramatic entry!! Script writer of pathetic soap opera!!', she muttered under her breath, making animated faces.

He almost ran off.

Dandi's voice broke his chain of thoughts, 'Master! They are here!'

'Usher them in', he commanded.

'Good evening son, how's it going??'

'Was fine as always,' eyeing Svetlana sharply, 'just became hot and exciting right now.'

His sharp gaze didn't go unnoticed by Tej, he took the initiative to introduce each other, 'Om, this is my girlfriend Svetlana, and Svetlana, this is my son, Omkara.'

'Some beauties never fade with time', he bent to kiss her knuckle, slowly grazing it with his teeth, 'if left unharmed. So much pleasure Mr. Oberoi, an young woman is always a treat.'

Svetlana paled in fear.

'That's too bold of you son, but I will think myself lucky enough to have her.', Tej said knitting his eyebrows, his son was a thorough gentleman.. This kind of remarks would never leave his lips.

They sat in the sofas, chatting over impersonal matters, one would take it to be a normal father-son meet, but, Svetlana could easily fathom the brewing tension among them and her.

'Snacks here!', an overly chirpy and sweet voice chimed through the hall.

Svetlana could see the annoyed glare shot towards the intervenor by Omkara. Looking up, she saw a girl, clad in a baby pink princess gown, with silver thread work and diamond details. Her hair tied up in French roll, secured with silver leaf pins. She looked like a tiny fairy straight from the Disney fairytales.

'Good evening uncle!! Hello.. Aunty!', she chirped again.

Wait. Aunty?!? Did she just call me aunty?? Svetlana looked at her wide eyed, her doubt clearing as she heard Omkara muffling a laugh.

'Uh.. um, Omkara, who is this girl??', Tej asked curious.

'I knew! I knew he will forget mentioning me!', she jumped beside Omkara to sit, 'anyways! I'm Gauri! Omkara's girlfriend! Or, you can say his date.'

She jumped off again to take blessings from Tej and Svetlana. Tej patted her head, while Svetlana pulled her in a hug, whispering, 'stop bouncing like a frog or Omkara will make you one', she distanced herself from her before pecking her cheek quickly.

She sat back frowning, but soon her face lit up in a bright toothy grin.
'Uncle! Let's start with these cheese balls, I myself made them!!', she picked up one and fed Tej.

Omkara glared at her and she stuck her tongue out in a quick flash, making Omkara breath harshly and fist his hands until the knuckles turn white.

'Wow Gauri, you  cook really well,' Tej complemented.

'Thank you uncle! Omkaraji, you also take a bite', she fed him a ball too, making him glare harder.

Omkara.. Ji??? Ewww.. Where exactly is this girl from? Svetlana shot Gauri a terrified look, this foolish girl is actually inviting her death, oh God, help her with an outraged Omkara..

Tej and Omkara actually had no serious issue to discuss about. He just wanted to meet his girlfriend to his son, and Omkara didn't show any displeasure really, much to Tej's surprise. They chit chatted over delicious continental dishes for dinner and left soon bidding their goodbyes and wishes.

But, before parting, Omkara lightly held Svetlana's waist in a friendly gesture and whispered in her ear,
'Stick to Mr. Oberoi as long as you can, else, I'll have you in my basement cellar, your chair is waiting for you.' He kissed her cheek, muttering a hell night.


He started pulling Gauri harshly through the hallway.

'O..Omkaraji!! What's wrong now?', Gauri struggled to free herself.

'Don't you dare call me that!', he growled.

Gauri pouted. 'Okay,  but you never had any problem with this name.'

'Who skips before the guests?', they were now in the cellar. 'I wanted you to behave as the missus of this manor, not a pathetic schoolkid!!!', he yelled.

'B..but, why are we here?', Gauri was now afraid.

'To punish your sorry excuse of manners and etiquette, obviously', he chewed menacingly, wrapping a cloth over her eyes, 'I want to rip your skin right now, but I hate seeing you in scars. Jaan, do you know, how bad they look on your flawless porcelain skin?? How much ugly you look wearing them? Why don't you just behave and obey me?'

'I.. I..', Gauri stuttered.

'No! You will now suffer from fear. A scar on your mind, that will not make you seem ugly.', he tied her in a chair.

He removed the piece of cloth from her eyes, and walked away, ' I'll not let you out until you submit completely. Bye Jaan, I'll miss you.'

As soon as her vision cleared, she shrieked in dread. She was tied up in a velvety chair, sitting in middle of ten skeletons clad in royal outfits. she always feared ghosts, she was tied, they were free.. She cried out, choking her sobs,' Omkaraji, please take me out, they will kill me! Please Omkaraji, I'm scared!!' But no answer came. The stinking smell of the rotten flesh made her feel like gagging, but she continued to cry her lungs out, knowing very well that this was one of Omkara's sick punishments.

I'm really hating Omki now.
Happy reading!
With love,

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