Chapter : 51

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"Even cosmos and fate conspired and failed in preventing me from Falling For YOU All Over AGAIN"


'Gauri?', Omkara came home early. His mind was fogged and he was cringing inwardly at his latest experience. He felt his lips as if been tampered with hot iron and only Gauri could cool the burns. But, to his dismay, she wasn't in the bedroom. He found Rikara instead, playing chess with herself. She was admitted to a chess club under former Grandmaster Dibyendu Barua and as expected, she found the game her favourite time killer.

'Hey there princess', Omkara picked her up in his arms, and rubbed his stubble cheeks with her.

'Uncle!', Rikara squealed, her small palms pushing his shoulders away and he gave a full throated laugh.

'No welcome home kiss for me?', Omkara raised a brow.

Rikara put two sloppy kisses at both of his cheeks immediately and hid her face in the croon of his neck, rubbing her lips to soothe the pricking sensation.

Chuckling at her troubled condition, he put her down before the chess board again.

'Where's your mumma?', he loosened the tie around his neck.

'She's in the kitchen', Rikara concentrated back on the battle of sixty four squares again.

Omkara entered the attached bath of the bedroom and taking a quick shower, he came out wearing a white turtleneck T-shirt and black sweatpants. Giving Rikara's crown a quick peck, he jogged down the wooden staircases and peeked in the kitchen.

Generally his maid did all the household chores along with cooking. But today she was getting harshly rebuked by Gauri. Huffing and puffing, she finished cutting the veggies and stomped past him mumbling, 'Don't know what happened to sir that he bought an old woman with kid home.'

He would have been angry, but his anger vanished in thin air when his gaze collided with Gauri from her back. She was skipping around the large kitchen, picking spices from different shelves. Her sweaty face came in his view for some moments and his hands itched to wipe her face lovingly. When she settled before the gas oven and put a pressure cooker upon it, he hesitantly snaked his hands around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder.

Gauri sniffed a bit and paused cutting the onions to lean upon his broad chest, 'You're home early', she sniffed again.

'Hmm, I was worried about seeing you in tears for some stupid onions', Omkara took the knife from Gauri's hand and engaged in cutting onions. Shaking her head, Gauri took out a nonstick pan and put some oil in it.

'Here', Omkara forwarded the onions towards her, and she poured them in the oil, 'Why were you yelling after the maid?'

Gauri looked him with a completely off expression, 'She cooks food for you? Food? You eat those sorry excuses of food all day?', she glared, 'Has she taken your kitchen as a factory of oil?? And she doesn't even know how to use nonstick utensils! She was literally inciting the polymer coat with the steel spud! I wonder if you are eating those scrapes of polymer coat too!', she glared and gasped, furiously sautéing the vegetables.

'You weren't here to check upon things', he said almost inaudibly.

Gauri paused while tossing and turning the vegetables and looked at him bewildered.

He smiled sheepishly and gestured her to continue. She jerked back to her senses and hurried back to cooking, biting her tongue.


Omkara laid upon the bed with Rikara between them. Gauri was singing a lullaby while Omkara patted Rikara's head lightly. Rikara smiled brightly at them and clutched both of their palms near her chest before her eyelids drooped down.

'Gauri?', Omkara whispered.

'Hmm?', Gauri looked up at him after pulling the duvet up to Rikara's chest.

'Change into something light', he handed her his white kurta.

'But why?'

'You'll know soon', Omkara pushed her towards the bathroom.

'I still don't understand', Gauri mumbled, standing before the door at the end of the flight of stairs.

'Patience', Omkara opened the lock and bowed dramatically, extending his hand, gesturing her to walk in, or rather, walk out.

'Wh.. What?', Gauri lost her speech for sometime. Again, spread before her was the impeccable white flower garden, wild litigator ruffled past her, intoxicating her senses with rich smells of night queens. But the night was of a first moon and instead of the entresol of the lady of the night, there was an infinity edge pool, surrounded by fences bent by the weight of the lady of the night creeper. Wind formed light ripples of waves on the surface of the water and the reflection of the scythe-like moon was also rippling.

'Omkaraji', Gauri whispered, old memories and emotions came flooding back in her chest, tightening it.

'You like it?', he hugged her lightly from back.

Again, Gauri closed her eyes in bliss, reliving her first wedding night, while Omkara peppered feathery kisses along the side of her face, jaw, neck.

Gauri let out a deep breath, lightly moaning. Omkara took her hand stood at the edge of the pool. He descended at first, and smirked wickedly holding her hand. Before Gauri could understand anything, she was yanked in the pool and both of them landed deep inside the water.

Both of them surfaced out of the water together, gasping desperately for air. Both of them stared at each other for sometime, taking in their drenched looks. Both of them tried to muffle their laughter, but eventually they bursted in laughter throwing their heads back. Wrecking a bold hand through his wet locks he smirked again, and his hands slowly wrapped around her waist, lifting her at his level. She bent her face downwards, her cheeks set on pink flames and gripped his shoulders to balance herself.

He pulled her towards himself, plastering themselves more to each other. Even in the cold water, the heat of his broad palms, seeped through the wet thin linen of his kurta, that was clinging to her body like her second skin.

'Gauri', he inched his face closer to her, 'I want to say you something.'

Her grip on his shoulders just tightened more in an unknown anticipation. She breathed deeply and looked deep in his eyes, his black oceans winding up in silent turbulence of emotions.

'I.. I.. I. Love. You..',

He blurted looking back in her eyes, taking in the delicacy of a molten chocolate through her hazel orbs, darkened by the dull moonlight.

She stared at him unblinking, her mouth ajar, trying to sink in each and every word, tasting them in her brain cells, in her rapidly pumping blood. Her chest felt the thousands of love poems thundering upon her wildly beating heart.

'I.. I.. I..', he shook his head nervously, rapidly blinking. Licking his already wet lips he stammered, 'I'm not forcing you, anything! I, I just want to take care of you and Rikara, I just want to love you, like your man.. If you let me to. I.. I don't want to rush things.. But I wanted to tell you this and I'm feeling lighter.. I don't know what you'll say, I don't want to, will you.. Will you let me love you? Will you let yourself surrender to love again.. Uh, if you have done before', he looked away awkwardly.

'But', Gauri found her voice.

'Are you afraid of your former marriage? Why don't you give him a devorce?? I will make arrangements-', he started drawing faint circles at her waist.

Gauri put a finger on his lips. She looked up to the moon, sighing as a tear trickled down her wet cheek. She bit her lower lip, muffling her sobs, 'He cannot claim me.. We were ritually wedded and there was no proof of our marriage.. But still it hurts-'

She was stopped abruptly when his lips crashed upon her. His hot breath fanned her wet cheeks along with cold wind. While sucking her soft, plump, sweetness he felt all the fire of immense hatred cooling down, along with the bitterness lingering on his lips by Naynika's touch slowly sweeping away, turning him into a puddle of water in its drugging sweetness and Gauri's knees started weakening as he nibbled harder in passion and urgency. One of his hands crept along the dip of her midriff to fork his fingers in her wait hair and her fingers tangled in his wet mane, caressing his scalp while her other hand started caressing his chest.

The night wind shuffled turbulently, hiding the soft moans emitting from them in profound ecstasy.

Hope this proposal was not rushed. Omki asked permission just for loving her!! 😍😍😍😍 He has turned into such a gentleman LovingKara... I want to marry him.. 😭

QNA Game:
Q: Which Kara do you like more, TFINDO or FFYAOA?

My A: TFINDO.. 😉

Happy reading!
With love,

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