Chapter : 53

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"Love is sweet, adorable, emotional.. NO! Love is passion, darkness, obsession.. Love is a poison."


Somewhere in dark

'Why there is a footprint on her wrist?', came a raged voice.

'S.. Sorry sir, they held their hands too tightly, I had to kick-', came a trembling voice.

'Take out your left hand', the voice calmly ordered.

'B.. But why-', the man stuttered.

'Because, I'm telling you', the man's voice became chiller.

As soon as the man took out his left hand, a foot landed on it, covered by a heavy hunter shoe.

'Aah', the man yelped in pain.

'I told you kidnap her, not to torture her, idiot!! Vanish now', with that, two distinct footsteps went away as the crunching of gravels gradually faded.

'They are so coldly scary', the other men in background whisper consulted.

Khanna threw bundles of notes at the group of the people, 'Celebrate that you're at least getting the full payment. If the little girl had even a hairline scratch, you'd have been begging for your life forgetting the money', he walked away too.

After confronting the group of kidnappers, the two men entered a mansion to which the garden was attached. In the hall, a man in business suit was waiting.

'Tiwari', the man turned at his master's voice, 'Shivaay sir! Rudra sir!'

'I owe you big this time', Shivaay forwarded his hand for a shake and Tiwari shook it excitedly.

'I was so stunned to see her sir, I still don't know how she escaped his clutches and set her steps in his trap again', Tiwari scratched the back of his neck.

'That's none of your business, Tiwari', Rudra said sweetly, hitting the floor with his heavy hunter shoe.

'Exactly, its our family problem, so put your flat nose out of it', Shivaay patted his shoulder, 'Oh, forget your reward if you continue to be a bad boy', he smirked.

'I'm sorry sir', Tiwari bent his head.

'Khanna, give him the cheque', Shivaay walked inwards, and Rudra tailed behind him.

Both of them pushed open a door, and their gaze landed on the woman sleeping upon the huge bed, her left hand bandaged, and in her arms, a little girl was cocooned protectively, she was also sleeping.

They sat at either side of the woman's head and caressed her hair softly.

'We're sorry for all these Ri', they bent to kiss her head softly.


In another dark room, the floors covered with half-rotten hay and purges of moles and rats and a sickening frowzy smell clogged the air.

'Wake up!!', he felt freezing cold water splashed on his bleeding face, increasing the pain.

'Urgh!', he groaned.

'Tsk tsk tsk.. Don't cry, don't cry', a manicured claw traced his cheeks, 'How come my man shed tears at such small hits??', now she kissed his cheeks, her hands caressing his torso, much to his displeasure, 'Don't worry Darling, once you marry me like a good boy, I'll be all yours, my King.. Oops! Sir..'

'Ms. Mathur, you're crossing limits', Omkara gritted his teeth.

'Love is to cross every limit, right??', she kissed his cheeks again, 'I really, really hate these scars on your handsome face, but what to do, you never listened to me.. Just bear for some more time, and you'll be free'.

'What did you do to Gauri and Rikara??', he screamed.
'I don't know, I just know that, they are not my responsibility', she left leaving him behind, and two men held his arms tightly.

'Ms. Mathur!!', his voice dropped as another man pushed an injection in the popped vein if his neck, 'you bitch', his voice faded into a whisper.

'Naynika', she ran into the open arms of her father, 'Child, are you sure about this?? Don't forget, we are going to mess with Oberois-'

Naynika stopped him midways, 'And they will get such a civilized classy woman as their daughter in-law, not some low lives like the other two are.'

'Only if he agrees to marry you', Mr. Mathur, who was the petroleum king of Mumbai, tapped his chin covered with greyish stubble.

'I just need to wipe that rustic low life bitch Gauri from his mind, and he will be mine! Don't worry Dad!', Naynika bumped her palm on her chest confidently.

'Everything will go well', he patted his daughter's hair affectionately.

'I know Dad!! You're the best!!', she hugged him tightly and pecked his cheeks.

When she skipped away from him he looked at the garlanded photo of his wife, 'I'm so sorry Sunayna. After you left us, I compensated my lack of preference towards our daughter by fulfilling her each and every demands, however weird and improper it is.. I failed as a father', he bent his head down mumbling, 'its my fault that she has become such a spoilt brat.. Punish me severely when I get there, okay??', he wiped his tears and walked away.


'Uh! Hmm..', Gauri blinked for sometime to adjust her eyes to the blinding sunlight peeking through the curtains.

Looking down at her embracing hands, she found Rikara asleep with a frown etched on her face along with two streams of tears staining her cheeks.

She shot up on the bed, waking Rikara up too in this process. Looking around, her mouth hung open till her lap.

'My room?', she wondered.

'I have never seen this room of yours', Rikara too wondered looking around.

'Its my sister's house. We're in Mumbai', Gauri got down from the bed and helped Rikara down.

'I don't understand, why would your sister kid- kid- kid- kidnap you here?', Rikara hugged Gauri's thighs tightly when she saw two ladies and two men entered the room, following them were two boys, one was a bit older than Rikara. He was chubby, fair like a cotton candy and his most attractive features were his big baby blue eyes. He was toddling holding another very small boy in his arms. The boy was very little, as tall as a doll, he was fair too, and the best part was his chocolate coloured hair and catty brown eyes.

'Chutki!!', Anika pulled a bewildered Gauri in a bear hug, screeching, 'I'm so sorry I had to bring you here like this, but I was so scared when Shivaay said he found you again, I was panicked, I didn't know what to do, I'm so sorry Chutki..', Anika ranted, sniffing furiously.

'Ri..', with a choked sob, Bhavya too joined the hug.

While, Ansh stepped towards Rikara, who was peeking from behind her mother's legs.

'Hi', Ansh smiled, 'I am Ansh. I am your big bwother (brother)', he turned at Shivaay, 'he ish mwy (my) Dad.'

'I'm Rikara. Here', she forwarded her hand and held Ruvyan tightly, though her legs were wobbling.

'He ish youwe(your) shmall bwother(brother), Ru-vyan', Ansh smiled brightly.

'Hello Ruvyan', Rikara kissed Ruvyan's forehead.

'Ri..', Rudra almost jumped upon Gauri, 'I don't care if you hate me forever for this, but I want to hug you right now and I'm not sorry at all for kidnapping you', he sniffed.

'Big Bro', Gauri peeked over Rudra's flexed shoulder muscles, which was squeezing her breath out, 'Where is Omkaraji??'

'Don't worry of him, we didn't kidnap him', Shivaay raised his palm assuring.

'What!!! Then who kidnapped him?', Gauri shot away from Rudra.

'He was kidnapped too??', Shivaay threw up his hands in air frustratedly, 'Now which enemy did he make in such a short time??'

'Where is my granddaughter??', Tej Singh Oberoi's authoritative voice boomed, ending the discussion.

He spotted Rikara playing with the fingers of little Ruvyan, who was busy in nibbling her thick black bangs in his toothless gums, while Ansh was busy in telling her stories of their school.

Ansh stepped away as soon as Tej approached them, and Rikara looked high up at him. He bent to pick her up, 'You look like your father, but I wonder, Gauri, how come she speaks so fluently, while Ansh cannot utter common words without stuttering. Its quite uncommon for her age.'

'She is a gifted child. IQ 175', Gauri said nonchalantly, earning a gasp from even Grandmother, who was wheeled in her room by Svetlana.

'Om did ejaculated some really intelligent sperms then', Tej laughed out loud, 'Shivaay, contact the best business training schools, all over the world, she will be the biggest asset of Oberoi Empire!'

'No!', Gauri stunned everyone, 'This is why never contacted you, I don't want to raise another Omkara Singh Oberoi out of her. Its her life, she will decide what her future would be, none else, not even me', she said with finality.

'She is an Oberoi!', Gauri cut him midway,

'She isn't a slave of the surname which ruined an innocent heart into a cold monster. I said already, I will not raise her to be a monster, rest assured', she uttered every word slowly, making everyone aware that how cold had she become in these years. Long gone was the childish, fun loving girl, this was a very practical woman.

'Hmph! I never knew that your companionship is so contagious that it can change people's personalities too', Svetlana smirked, 'Now she had become the ice queen that the monster king deserved, come Omkara, get your girl!'

bhavani_bathula, she had guessed the kidnappers correctly.
You see, Gauri has now herself become a monster for the outer world, just how Omkara wanted her to be!!
And our poor Omki, now he has fallen in the hands of one of his own species😂😂 a psycho lover for a psycho guy..

Let's see, how this goes..

And yeah, this story is almost at its end, I don't have any heart to drag this rollercoaster ride into a sweet long drive, instead, I'm planning to start a comedy.. I mean I'll try my hands in comedy.. 😅

Happy reading!
With love,

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