Chapter - 7 :

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"She was so naive yet so strong that the DEVIL himself descended as her Knight in Shining Armour.'


Omkara was astonished at her request, but he silently obliged her. She wrapped her tiny arm around his waist as soon as he lied down and snuggled at his chest curled up like a baby. He also slowly started to pat her back, rhythmically, as he whispered sweet nothings in her ears until she dozed off again.

He was staring at her sleeping face, and slowly a trance jumbled his mind and chain of thoughts, his eyelids became leaden, and he gave in to the tranquillity.

The phone buzzed. Omkara woke up startled. It was a dreamless sleep. I never slept so soundly in my life. The phone buzzed again, sighing, he received the call from Dandi.

'Yes.', his voice was raspy.

'The Italian clients will arrive here within half an hour master, they have headed for Panchghani long ago.'

'Okay, prepare serves for them and send the maid in Gauri's room. I'm coming shortly.'

'Uh.. Master?'

'What again?', Omkara was pissed.

'We.. Were you sleeping?', Dandi's voice was full of uncertainty.

'I'm a human Dandi and human beings do sleep!! Don't behave as if I have done any crime!!!', he barked at poor Dandi.

'Ye.. Yes! Master.. I should check the preparations.. ', Dandi disconnected the call hastily.

Omkara sighed again looking at the sleeping beauty beside him. Slowly and carefully he removed her arms at her side, and got down noiselessly. Tucking her under duvet, he tiptoed out of the room.


'Mr. Oberoi! Nice to meet you in person!', the tall and tanned middle aged man forwarded his hands for a shake, his Italian root and mannerisms dripping from each and every cell of his body.

'Its my pleasure to meet you too Mr. De Luca.', Omkara shook his hands firmly with him.. Flashing a forced smile not reaching his eyes.

Dandi tuned out the whole part of their meeting as they continued to talk about artistic businesses, which he firmly believed to be residing in another world like his master.

'So, how long would be the trip?', Omkara's voice brought him back to his drawing room.

'Around three day's', Mr. De Luca answered, 'we can't wait to have you as the president of this exhibition sir', the man surely was very excited.

'Oh, no need to thank me! I want to attend the exhibition as well. Thank you for considering me.', he gave away his best smile, forced obviously.

After talking about the exhibition for sometime more, the guest left.


'Are you sure you want to go, Master?', Dandi was astonished.

'And if I don't, why would be that?', Omkara raised a brow.

'Gauri ma'am..', Dandi trailed off.

'Well, I have full two days to prepare for her test and she would be sleeping today. And, I will give her away a dos and don'ts list the next day. You better look in for your tasks, am I clear?', Omkara came back to his habituated ordering self.

'What are there in store for me?', Dandi asked carefully.

'You have to make sure Gauri doesn't get out of the house at any cost, not even in garden. Plant CCTV in and around the manor, including Gauri's room and link them directly to my personal computer. Okay?'

'Aye Master.', Dandi bowed and left.


Her head felt featherlight as she tried to lift it up.

'Aah.. My head..', she slowly sat up and gasped looking at the mirror image of her in the full length mirror opposite her bed.

She was in a pink lacy silk nightwear, barely reaching her mid thighs. She looked at the maid sitting with an overly straightened backbone.

'Ma'am!', the maid spoke inaudibly.

'Ew, am I wearing this since last night??', she said making a disgusted face.

'Yes Jaan,' hearing the husky voice, her heart sank to her stomach.

'O.. Omkaraji..', she mumbled looking at his direction and saw him leaning on the doorframe, a smirk etched on his face and his hands dug in his pockets.

'Jaan, we need to talk.', he nodded at the maid.

'So we do'.., Gauri spat back.

Once the maid's gone, Gauri bursted in rage, 'this is all your plan to scare me, right? Why are you taking up such efforts, just send me away.. Your problems will be finished.

'Uh.. Nah.. I want you too much to send you away Jaan.', he slowly approached her, 'did you sleep well?'

'Yes. And kindly tell me who changed my clothes, your highness!', note the sarcasm in her voice.

'Since you are showing this much respect, let me do a favour too.. The maid changed your clothes.'

Gauri was growing irritated by every passing second as his smirk grew wider with the same pace. Her knuckles itched to punch the smirk off his handsome face.

'Wow, now you are checking me out too.. Nice improvement!'

'No, I'm not! Don't you have any job or something? So, filthy rich you are.. What do you do? Even if you are a mafia or something, you have to go out for missions, fights, deals.. You, just revolve around me, do you earn money by showing that nasty face of yours??', Gauri's raged voice chimed through the air.

'You look pretty when you are angry too..', Omkara lifted her chin up, close to his eyes, dangerously close, 'and I am an artist for your kind information. I do need to get out, but much less frequently', he  answered to a breathless Gauri.

'Jaan, is there anything you want here? Anything you need?'

'Can you please give me freedom?', note her sarcasm again.

'Ugh! Something else. You can never get out of here unless you die.', Omkara was getting angry.

'Will you bring me what I want?', she looked at him exasperated, as if a little kid has bumped into Santa with a big box of gift.

'Just name it Jaan, and you will get it.'

'Uh.. I think they have thrown my every belongings out, back in Bareilly, can you buy me a flute?', she looked at him with hopeful eyes.

'A flute? Just a flute?', Omkara kept looking at her big hazel orbs, twinkling in hope, 'what would you do with a flute?'

'Play obviously! Though I can play piano, violin and guitar also, I want to just have a flute, a simple one, made of bamboo, Assamese preferably.'

'Why the flute only? I can bring you all four of them!'

'But, the flute is a reminder of my father. He first taught me how to play a flute. He gave me his flute before dying', her eyes teary, 'I always kept that near me, as his blessings, but I think Uncle have already thrown that away', she sniffed.

'Shh, don't cry Jaan, I will bring you a flute.'

Gauri's eyes lit up immediately. With all her teeth in display she jumped on the bed, 'really?'

'Yes', he nodded, surprised. How can a girl be this much happy with such a little thing?

'Thank you, thank you, thank you!!', she ran towards him with open arms, squealing like a child.

But the next thing surprised the wit out of him.

She jumped on him, put her legs and arms around his waist and neck, and gave a quick peck at both of his stubble cheeks.

He continued to stare at her dumbfounded, he was so shocked that even his cheeks forgot to blush.

Aww! RiKara first kiss.. 💏

Excited for RiKara separation?? I am. Soon some dhamakas will happen..


Happy reading!
With love,

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