Chapter 2

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Rina's P.O.V

I lazily sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Chips checked, blanket checked, horror movie checked." I pointed out the thing nodding my head, "Perfect way to start my weekend." I smiled satisfactorily.

I put my glasses on and started the movie.

*ding dong*dingdong* I heard my doorbell ring.

"Who the hell is this now?" I rolled my eyes as I made my way downstairs.

*ding dong*dingdong* *ding dong*dingdong*

"Coming!" I shout as I hurry towards the door.

"I'm not deaf! I heard you the first time!" I shout as soon as I open the door.

"What the hell do you want?" I narrowed my eyes at the most annoying being on the planet, non-other than the great Rihito!

"You!" He spun me around and dragged me along inside.

"What?" I glared at him pushing him off me.

"Hurry up and get ready. We need to go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

"What? Where? Hey!" I shouted as he dragged me to my room. He opened my closet and started throwing my clothes on the bed.

"Oii! I knew you were a little crack from the beginning but hey have you really entirely lost your mind?" I yelled at him, holding his hands back as he was about to throw another dress.

"Why, thank you for the compliment! Come on Rina, you could do better than that!" The perverted jerk smiled at me. "Now excuse me. Let's see, I think you'll look amazing in this." He picked out a dress and held it in front of me.

"Are you even listening?" I glared at him.

"Yes of course. You said "Oii! I knew you were a little crack from the beginning but hey have you really entirely lost your mind?" to that I've already replied with thank you. Now hurry up and get changed into this." He shoved the dress in my hand and pushed me into the bathroom before I could even protest he locked the door from outside.

"Hey! What are you doing? Rihito!" I shouted. "Open the damn door!"

"Change first."

"You want to die?" I shouted banging on the door. "Open the door right now!"

"Rina, please stop shouting! I'm worried about your throat." I heard him click his tongue.

This jerk! Maybe I should just break the door. Won't be tough! I take the stance.

"This door will open as soon as you get changed, or you want me to come and help you? I prefer the second option, want me to come in?"

"And I prefer to strangle your neck! You open this door right now or I'll break it. I prefer the second option so that I break your head along with this door. And I'm not kidding."

"How mean! I just needed your help! Remember you're my girlfriend?"

"Yeah. And add 'FAKE' to that."

"So I need you to be my girlfriend for today. I'm in trouble." He whined.

Where did you leave your brains when you agreed to help this jerk? Now suffer! I rolled my eyes.

In a minute, I got changed and the idiot finally let me out, I crossed my arms against my chest and narrowed my eyes at the idiot. "You could have told me that in the very beginning, instead of doing all this."

"It takes too much time explaining."

"As if throwing me inside the bathroom saved your precious time?" I glared at him.

"I prefer getting things done rather than talking, I'm man of action and I'm tooooo lazy to talk." He stuck his tongue out. "Now, let's go!" He pulled me by my hand and dragged me out of the house.

"Tell me where are we going exactly?" I ask him as he drives off to somewhere.

"Grandy. He called me and told me to bring you too. He wants to meet his granddaughter in law." He pouts.

"Fine. I just need to pretend and go with the flow, big deal?" I look out of the window.

Rihito's P.O.V

I sighed as we reached Grandy's mansion. I just hope we don't get caught. It'll be okay, Rihito! Rina said it's a cup of tea for her and you're a born actor. It'll go well. Don't worry. I assured myself.

"So shall we?" I open the door for Rina. She's looking down and her bangs' are covering her eyes. I don't know what with all the girls and their hair bangs. I guess it's a new fashion? She looks cute though. I smile.

"Hey Rina! We're here. Let's go?" I ask her again but she doesn't budge.

"Rina?" I bow down to the car's level and peer into her face.

"What are you getting so close for?" She hits me on my face.

"Ouch Rina! How many times I've told you? Not my face!" I placed my hand where she hit me, my cheeks.

"Shut up!" She shouts. She then lets out a sigh. "Rihito?" She suddenly looks at me with gentle eyes.

"Y..yes." And I can't believe I stammered. "Yes! What is it?"

"I think we should maybe come some other day?" She smiles meekly.


"Yeah so let's go back!" She closes the door and gestures at me to enter the car.

"Eh?" I frown. Okay, is she messing with me?

"Rina, get out of the car." I open the car and try to pull her out.

"No!" She doesn't budge.

"You've got to be kidding me?" I try to pull her out but she holds the car seat tightly.

Wait a minute! Is she scared?! "Rina, just a minute ago you were so confident." I blink at her.

"He's your GRANDY! Rihito! We're dead, if he finds out we're deceiving him." She shakes her head refusing to step out of the car.

God! this girl never fails to amuse me.

One year ago

I was sitting at the bar counter when suddenly a girl fell over me, I sighed looking at the girl, she ran her hands over me seductively. Well it's nothing unusual, many girls deliberately try to get my attention.

"Hey! How dare you touch my girl?" A guy grabbed me by my collar.

"Dude, isn't it the other way around?" I sighed.

"Don't you dare mess with me!" The guy shouted, his breath stinks alcohol.

I yawned and blinked at him. I don't have time for this, I don't want to ruin my mood, "Sorry, bro." I raise my hands in surrender.

"Better!" The guy laughed and went his own way. I shook my head, but wait, I'm sure I've seen that guy before but where?

"Hey! Why did you apologize?" My date glared at me.

"Because I don't want trouble." I pulled her close and kissed her, tugging at her lower lips, she moaned. Suddenly it struck, "Oh yes!" I pushed her away and stood up.

"What the hell?" She glared at me.

"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to play today." I winked at her. I reached for my phone as I walked away from the bar, her curses dissolved in the background.

"Hey, feisty princess. Whatcha doing?"

"It's just 2 am and I didn't have anything to do so I'm swimming instead of sleeping." I heard her growl.

"Oh you're wearing a hot swimsuit? I prefer a bikini though... hot black one at that." I chuckled.

"You bloody pervert! Let people sleep!" I heard her shout as I immediately pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Hey relax. I was just kidding okay? I need to tell... no show you something very important." A devious smile played on my lips as I spotted the guy from before.

"Just go to hell." I heard her annoyed voice.

"Eros, the gross, where is he?"

"Why the hell do you want to know?"

"My dear feisty princess, if you want to know about your dear bf then you can come here... no you must come here. I'll send you the address. If you don't then I swear I myself will bring you here and you won't like it so just come 'kay?"

"It better be something important." She warned me.

"Oh trust me. This is so important that you'll be indebted to me."

"Fine. If it's not important, be prepared I'm going to turn it into your funeral, you're going to die tonight."

A few minutes later

"Why am I called at this cheap place?" Rina grabbed me by my collar nearly strangling me. "This is the so-called important thing you wanted to show me?"

"Hey! I'll show you after you release me, please?"

She finally releases me. I straighten my shirt and lead the way. Should I make a video of this to show it to Teresa later? She'll love how Rina will beat the crap out of her Eros, the gross, I grinned as I open the door for her. "After you, my lady."

She rolled her eyes but obliged. She immediately turned around and glared at me. "How dare you show me this!! Disgusting!" She pointed at the couple on bed, doing 'naughty' things, who were oblivious to our presence until of course she spoke, more like shouted.

"What the?" Her so-called boyfriend, Eros glared at me.

Rina froze at her spot.

"Don't turn around until I say so," I whispered to her.

"Hey Eros." I waved at the guy. "You left this at the bar." I tossed the wallet at him. He looked at it carefully and smiled looking at the money inside the wallet. So happy with the money he didn't even notice I called him by his name.

"Thanks. You may leave." He smiled.

Bast**d! Teresa was right about him. The gold-digging basta*d.

His eyes then stopped at Rina. "Oh she's with me." I smiled at him.

"So what are you waiting for man? Get out?" He raised his brow at me.

"Sure. wait, I think you would want to know about this, actually, I just saw a girl downstairs... she was blabbering that she'll bring some Rina girl here to expose you or something?"

"Oh that must be Teresa! Damn that girl! Why can't she just mind her own business? Anyway, thanks for your concern but she's done that like 100s of times, now Rina won't even listen to what she has to sa— Rina!?" Eros shouted in horror.

"YOU JERK!" Rina shouted.

Oh now the fun begins, yippee! I grinned. Suddenly Rina stormed out of the room. Huh? Hey! Where's the beating out of shit? usually, she goes throwing punches at my face without a reason and now?

"Hey Rina! Damn! And here I was expecting some action!" I ran after her.

"Rina!" I shouted but she ran and disappeared into the crowd.

Looking around for a while, I finally managed to catch her out at the pavement. "Thank god! Hey!... don't.. make me... run... like that!" I said trying to catch my breath.

"Hello?" I waved my hands in front of her face but I didn't get any answer from her.

"Rina?" I peered into her face and my eyes widened in surprise. I was left speechless, I pulled her into a hug and patted her head. "I trusted.... him....over my best friend." She said in between her cry. "Hush... it's okay." I kissed her hair.

Flashback ends

I laughed looking at nervous Rina, "just a few minutes ago you were beaming with confidence 'I'll just go with the flow' and now you're such a scaredy-cat. "

"Do you have the confidence to deceive your grandy?" She glared at me.

"Umm... no." I looked away. "But we have to go." I sighed.

"Go alone!" She retorted.

"You leave me with no other choice." I shook my head.

"eep!" She yelped as I picked her up in my arms.

"Hey! What the hell? Put me down!" She yelled.

"Sorry but we need to do this." I smiled at her and walked to the house as she struggled to free herself.

This is going to be tough!

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