Chapter 30

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"Why the hell did you come here?" Ryouma shouted at the woman sitting in front of him.

"Do I need to explain it to you?" She gave him a casual look and then continued, "Shouldn't you mind your own business?" She rolled her eyes. "Aren't you tired of playing his faithful dog constantly watching over him?"

"And what about you? aren't you being foolishly fearless?" He leaned back on his chair giving her a look of pity. "Whose patience are you trying to check?"

"Boys these days," She clicked her tongue, "You think you scare me?"

"Well, you should fear us. If you continue to do as you please, who knows when might I snap out." He shrugged.

The nasty smile on her face was getting on his nerves, shouldn't she learn her place? He cocked his head to the side, as much as he hated to use his name but he still wanted to take that nasty smile off her face, well he can use his name for his grandson, can't he? He thought as his lips curled up in a smirk.

"Since you don't like to meet me often and you're quite choosy about it, should I fix a meeting with Mark Carren himself?" He raised his brows.

All the colors drained off her face as she visibly panicked.

"That's why I am saying, you should choose your friends and enemies carefully. Consider me your well-wisher though I'm not, take the ticket and get the hell out of the country before he tracks you here, we're all tolerating you for Rihito but if he loses it, even Rihito won't be able to stop him so learn your place, hmm?" Ryouma slid the tickets to her side.

"Here, have some." Ryouma passed on the glass of water to her, she took it with her trembling hands, sweating all over and the satisfaction he got from that, his heart sang.

Just then the door to their private cabin opened and it was Teresa again. Ryouma looked at her dumbfounded. "What the hell?" He muttered a curse.

"Well dear husband, care to explain?" She raised her brows at him.

"Why are you here?" He stood up from his seat.

"First you answer, who the hell is she?" Teresa glared at the woman.

Seeing her there, the woman gained her composure quickly, she stood up and glared at Ryouma, she was angry, how dare he threaten her? Her lips curled up in a smirk, "Nice to know, you too have a weakness." She threatened him, as soon as she spoke he grabbed her neck, throttling her, "I told you not to check my patience, didn't I?" He hissed, "Let me remind you, I'm not Rihito." He gave her one last glare before letting her go.

Teresa's eyes widened in horror, never had she seen her husband this angry, NEVER! Not even when they didn't get along during the initial phase of their marriage, "We're leaving." He held her hand and dragged her out.

"Why the hell did you come here?" He yelled at her as soon as they out of the restaurant, he marched off his car, opening the door for her he gestured her to get inside, she slipped inside without a word, slipping inside the driver's seat, he glared at her, "How did you even..." He trailed off, he narrowed his eyes at her, "you were spying on me?"

"You're the one who keeps sighing all-day long. You don't even listen to anything, you're so absent-minded that you don't even know where you've kept your belongings, you're always angry, you have secret meetings with my best friend. Something's definitely bothering you but you won't tell me even if I ask, I was worried. What do you expect me to do?" She glared at him.

"That still doesn't give you the right to spy on me like this!" He complained.

"Are we discussing my rights here?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Bring it on then," She gave him a challenging look. He sighed in defeat, "Let's not okay? just forget it." He shook his head.

"You still haven't answered, who was she?" She questioned.

"I can't tell you." He replied. "please do me a favor and don't do this kind of dangerous thing again and don't you dare go act smart and go approach that woman for the answers." He warned her, "I repeat, Teresa DON'T YOU DARE! I'll tell you everything but not now."


"Whaaa..." The sound of her crying reached up to his ears outside the door. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, "Why are you crying?" He asked knocking on the door, she had locked herself inside the room. "I'm sorry okay, just open the door." He pleaded.

"No, stay out! How does it feel to be locked outside?" She shouted.

"Okay, I'm sorry I kept things from you but I didn't want to stress you out." He said in his defense. "Please open the door and for god's sake stop crying." He begged. After a few minutes of silence, she finally opened the door letting him inside, "You think I'm crying because of you?" She blew her nose with the tissue.

"I'm sorry okay." He apologized again.

"It's not you, it's these damn hormones." She cried again blowing her nose.

"Okay." He nodded, "anything I can help with?" He asked helplessly.

"hmm..." She stopped crying and stared at him, "Yeah, I want ice cream." She sniffed wiping her red nose.

"Ice cream? Okay, coming right up." He said as he turned to go out.

"Wait, get Pralines 'n cream... no...maybe cotton candy crackle...Ah, I'm confused! Just get them both." She licked her lips.

"I thought you wanted ice cream?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"They are." She nodded.

"O-k-ay, but isn't that too much?" He blinked.

"I have three tummies, remember? Bring another one too. Choco chip one." She added.

"Alright." He shook his head and turned to go.

"Wait, get them by yourself." She added.


"Don't trouble John or any other employees, don't trouble the online delivery guys, I want you to go by yourself to the store and bring it." She smiled at him.

"Are you kidding me? Me? This time of the night?" He gaped.

"Yes, I don't care if the shop's closed or you don't find the ice cream nearby, I don't care if you have to go miles away searching for it, I want those icecreams, only that flavor and my husband should get it for me!" She said with a humph. "Penalty for keeping things from me. You haven't answered my questions yet, you think you'll be forgiven so quickly?"

"Yeah yeah, sure, anything else, Your Highness?" He bowed down.

"that's it for now, dismissed." She grinned.

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