The Next Book

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Just Arranged (coming soon)

This is just a teaser for the next book, it only gives you a peek of the story, so don't get confused over this :)

"Did you receive the invitation card?" Rihito barged in Ryouma's office.

"Just now." He waved the card in the air.

"Can't believe Aaron's getting married!" They opened the card together.

"Ailisaanabeth? Who the hell is she?" Rihito pondered.

Just then Teresa and Rina entered the room, Teresa went straight ahead to her husband, "what the hell is this? Why are all your best friends after mine?"

"What are you talking about?" Her husband shrugged.

Rina snatched the wedding card from Rihito's hand and pointed out the bride's name.

"Wait... that's... but her name is Ai right?" Rihito blinked in confusion.

"Ailisaanabeth... we call her Ai, it's a long story behind her name." Teresa clarified. "Anyway, scratch that and tell me more about this best friend of yours."

"Don't stick your nose in there, it's their decision to get married, so you stay out of it." Ryouma narrowed his eyes.

"Who knows I would need to stick my nose there? One best friend offers a contract marriage, other threatens into a fake marriage who knows what the third one will do?" Teresa rolled her eyes.

"Are we supposed to get offended or not?" Rihito raised the question, Rina hushed him.

"Tell us about Aaron." She demanded, cornering her husband.

"well?" Ryouma raised his brows at Rihito, asking for his help.

"Come here, my dear, I'll give you the information you want." Rihito gestured.

"Go on, we're listening," He heard his wife behind him.

"Aaron Falcoreini, the Italian billionaire, our best friend since high school, hmm...can you give a hint on what do you want to know about him?" He looked at them.

"Any exes?" Teresa wiggled her eyebrows.

"Past affairs? Flings?" Rina added.

"None. Well, they were but that was a long time ago." He answered.

"Oh but, one important thing, apparently he doesn't have a heart I beg to disagree but his family of 10 siblings, it's their opinion," Rihito helped his best friend out.

"10 siblings?" Teresa gasped. "Let's go, Rina, we need to get Ai prepared," They hurried out leaving their husband behind as they looked at each other.

"That's it?" Rihito shrugged. "I guess that's enough for now."

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