Chapter 5

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"Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it." — Marian Keyes

Emerald's POV

The SUV entered a private airport. I was surprised the moment I saw the plane. I did not expect that we'd be taking the Royal Aircraft, so beautiful in red and white colors with the United Kingdom Flag printed on the vertical stabilizer. 

"You mean... we're taking the Royal plane, right?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah. It's as sophisticated as the Petrakis planes. You'll be very comfortable."

I gave him a sideway glance. I hated that he always thought of me as a pampered girl. Wanting only the best, what was comfortable and easy. I'm not a kid that will throw tantrums whenever things aren't in my liking. 

"Is Prince Philip flying with us?"

I did not miss the astonishment on his face when I mentioned the prince. "Nope. He already left yesterday." He answered curtly.

"Oh!" I felt a sudden disappointment. I was looking forward to meet the prince personally. 

"Why are you asking about him?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just curious."

He smiled at me and I was mesmerized for a second. I remembered the cute teenage good looking boy with wavy brown hair and green eyes that I used to have a crush on.

I blinked my eyes several times, to erase the magnetism of his sultry eyes. "You met him?"

He nodded. "I work and live in the royal palace."

The car stopped in front of the plane stairway. A group of bodyguards circled the SUV. I was surprised that we were treated like royalty. Well, Harry was not just an ordinary employee. He was the crown jeweler.

We went up the stairs and I could feel Harry's hand touching lightly on my back. I liked him better when he was not rude. I hoped he'd stay this way.

"Aaah!!!" I yelped when suddenly I missed a step. I was out of balance and almost fell off the stairs. But Harry was quick and caught my waist, pulling me tightly on his body.

Darnnnnn...  I could feel the sexual magnetism between us. Our breath mingled as we were drowning in each other's eyes. His lips slowly went down and I closed my eyes, opening my lips a little, ready to receive his kiss.

"Bloody hell! Why are you wearing killer shoes? We're traveling, not attending a wedding."

I was shocked. I opened my eyes immediately, embarrassed. He was back to being rude again! What is wrong with this idiot?

He went ahead inside the plane, while I paused at the plane entrance, heaving a sigh of frustration. I turned to the bodyguards who entered the plane and caught a glimpse of the man I saw at the mall yesterday. Prince Philip's bodyguard, who was responsible for staining my dress. 

Darn it! The Prince is here! 

I bit my lower lip, getting mad at Harry for lying. He knew that the Prince was aboard with us. Why lie?

A flight steward ushered me inside the plane. It was very luxurious, with the prominent colors of maroon and gold. The interior and design exuded royalty and elegance. 

Harry was already seated on a padded seat talking on the phone. The flight steward showed me to the seat beside him.

"The prince is flying with us." I said to Harry when he put down his phone.

His brows rose questioningly.

"You lied to me. You said he left yesterday."

"You're not meeting him. You're meeting the King to discuss the design of the crown." He leaned forward, one elbow resting on his knee. 

"I know. You don't have to point it out on me. I just don't understand why you have to lie?"

"Okay, he's aboard. We're not allowed to tell the whereabouts of the prince to anyone. For safety reasons."

I sighed heavily and said. "Okay. I understand." 

"Good." He raked his fingers through his hair and leaned back on his seat. 

He had a point though. Considering a lot of terrorisms going on right now, the Prince could be an easy target. Anyways, I wondered where the Prince was. Maybe resting in his room?

It was a seven and a half hours flight from New York to UK. We had a wonderful English breakfast once the plane settled on air.  I got sleepy afterwards and took a nap on my seat.

I woke up enjoying the feel of warm solid nice smelling scent of... a man. Oh my God! I was hugging Harry with my head pillowed on his shoulder. I instantly jerked away from him. 

Harry was unmoved. He was sleeping peacefully on his seat. My eyes widened when I saw the mark of my saliva, still wet on the sleeve of his white shirt. Oh God! I drooled on him while sleeping. 

I have to do something. I inhaled deeply, to calm myself.  Then I opened my bag and took my makeup out.

I started applying my makeup. 

Putting liquid foundation on my face, my concealer... and it was time for baking. My favorite part. Using a beauty blender, I stamped the translucent loose powder under my eyes, as thick as possible. I looked at Harry... he was sleeping like a baby. I stamped a thick amount of loose powder on his shirt to remove my saliva. 

"What is that?" He woke up coughing, and accidentally knocked my hand. The powder went directly on his sleeve - where I had my saliva on. Great.

His eyes went round when he saw my face, half covered with white powder. "What the hell happened to you?"

I smiled at him and said. "I'm baking my face."

He frowned, giving me an odd expression. 

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