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"What do you think of this design?"

Cundrie hands the design paper to Oliver, who introspects the design closely.

"Delivers the message well-" Oliver passes the paper onto Marcus, who viewed it as well. "I fink we should draw it in front of the Centre Church in Godric's Holloo? Everyone guz the'er, tomorrer is a Sundoy so everyone wull see it."

"Excellent-" Marcus clapped his hand. "We are so dead."

"Don't be scared, Marc! We'll make sure that you'll be kissed by a pwetty pwincess before the burial!" Cundrie used her baby voice, bobbing her head.

"You bitch!"

"Hey!" Oliver interrupted, standing between Marcus and Cundrie. "Should we goo, noo? Let's just paint this. Marcus, is your camera ready?"

"Ready," Marcus grunts, taking his hand off them. Cundrie stuck their tongue out.

"Enough!" Oliver barked. Cundrie squints their eyes a little, unnerved by the bark. "We'm a team, aren't we? We doy need ter be mocken each other, so we doy mock each other. Get it?"

"Fine," Cundrie grumbled, pulling up her neck gaiter, Oliver and Marcus following en suite. Marcus puts the design in the bag along with the spray paints, opening the door to let Cundrie and Oliver leave before himself, closing the door behind him. Reaching the floo, Cundrie grabbed a handful of floo powder, enunciating 'Godric's Hollow!'

As soon as Cundrie felt the new ground underneath them, they see Marcus and Oliver waiting already. Wiping the soot off their butt, they crawl out of the fireplace before standing up. Being the only one whose caretaker is still conservatively Christian, Marcus immediately directs them to the Centre Church with no doubt, knowing the area very well. The three of them found an empty wall nearby, but it's not exactly in front of the church. It should do, Cundrie thinks. It's not exactly in-your-face, but there's no other choice.

Marcus drops the bag, handing Cundrie a brown spray paint before floating them up, letting them start with the head on the 'floor'. The area is so eerily quiet, letting Cundrie draw her design with ease. As the England Wizarding World seem to insist that Jesus was white, it seems that it's more blasphemous to insinuate that he was black. He could be any race, couldn't he? Where's the contextual evidence that Jesus was white? Cundrie switches the brown spray paint to their right hand, "give me white!"

"Shut up!" Marcus barks, giving Cundrie the white spray paint. Cundrie rolled her eyes as she goes on to draw Jesus' robes, making it look like he was kneeling, drawing so his hands seem to be praying. This time, Cundrie won't do their signature drip effect as the drawing is complex enough as it is. As soon as she's done with the blob that'll be Jesus' face and the robe, Cundrie moves onto the teeth before she dropped both spray paints. "Give me red!"

Marcus throws the red spray paint up to Cundrie, Cundrie catching the red spray paint to draw blood on the neck, staining the white robe by using their fingers to take some of the red paint from 'blood' from the neck and stain the 'robe' with their fingers, drawing red on the 'floor' also. Cundrie dropped the red spray paint, "give me black!"

"Shh!" Oliver hissed, looking around. Cundrie rolled their eyes, catching the black spray paint from Marcus. Cundrie immediately drew the hair and the face, before outlining the drawing. In xyr impatience and fear, Oliver started drawing their watermark nearby, returning the blue spray paint in the bag. Oliver takes out the camera from the bag, waiting for Cundrie to drop.

"Drop me!" The two words Oliver longs to hear. Marcus lowered his wand, Cundrie following en suite. Oliver immediately takes a picture as Cundrie backs away, shoving the camera in the bag before xe zips it, wearing it to xyr back.

"It's a nice drawing, isn't it?" Cundrie asked, looking at the drawing with pride. Oliver and Marcus nodded, still staring at it. "We should get back."

"We should."

"Petrificus totalus!" Cundrie whipped her head, seeing Oliver falling limp on her side. She sees an Auror coming with their wand directed at Oliver. Marcus tried to run away but Cundrie ran back to Oliver, still limp.

"What are you doing?!"

"Finite!" Cundrie chanted, panic in their voice. Oliver slowly regained control over xyr body, but Cundrie doesn't need slow control. Cundrie needs xem to move now.

"Stupefy!" The Auror cast to Cundrie's direction but Marcus deflected it, running towards Oliver too.

"You need to move or I'll pull you," Marcus threatens. Oliver tried to push xemself up, but it seems that xyr legs turned to jelly as xe kept falling. Cundrie and Marcus tried to support Oliver up, running together.

"Locomotor mortis!" Cundrie felt a pull, seeing Marcus falling, pulling Oliver with him. As Oliver was already weak in the first place, xe didn't put up much of a fight. Cundrie turned to the Auror, her unregistered wand in her hand.

"Protego!" Cundrie chants, doing the wand motion of straight down. Cundrie faced Marcus, her wand pointing at him, "finite! Let's go!"

Marcus' leg became unbind, but still too weak to really walk. Cundrie looks at the road in front of them. They can run and leave Marcus and Oliver behind, but they can't. They can't leave, they need help.

"Start running!" Cundrie ordered, knowing they won't get very far. Not fighting her words, Marcus started grabbing Oliver and running away, Cundrie throwing occasional jinxes and hexes at the Auror, who deflected them with ease.

"Incarcerous!" The Auror cast, and thin cords came out from their wand, binding the three teens together so tightly. Cundrie tried to fight it to no avail, noticing that her wand isn't with her anymore. The Auror walks closer and start pulling down Oliver's neck gaiter, then moves onto Marcus', then Cundrie's, who glared daggers at the Auror.

"Get your filthy hands off me! Let us go!"

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