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The Graffiti Teens: Exposed!
By Andy Smudgely

For eight days, the Wizarding World had been terrorised by the Graffiti Teens, a name the Ministry of Magic gave for a leftist group who had been spray painting leftist propaganda in the most inappropriate places. Ereyesterday (11/08/1989), Superintendent Daniel Chavéz and Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq were proud to declare that they have arrested the Graffiti Teens. Though they were reluctant in sharing the information as of who they are, the Prophet managed to get information that the members are Percival Weasley, 13-year-old son of Ministry worker Arthur Weasley, Marcus Flint, 14-year-old son and nephew of Flint Real Estate owners, (deceased) Vulcan and Venus Flint, and Oliver Wood, 14-year-old stepson of English National Quidditch Team Dallas Abernathy.

*mugshots of Cundrie, Oliver, and Marcus*

They are being charged as follows: Ruining public property, drawing pro-LGBT propaganda, drawing pro-illegal immigration propaganda, drawing infanticide propaganda, drawing blasphemous propaganda, abuse of drugs (seconal capsules), consuming alcoholic beverages whilst underaged, owning unregistered wands, and attacking two Aurors (Sergeant Henry Stelle and Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq). When asked, Chief Inspector Ayesha Shafiq reassures that these children's ages would be considered and the heaviest punishment for them would be 1-year imprisonment in juvenile detention centre but wasn't sure if that'll happen.

*pictures of Cundrie's, Marcus', and Oliver's spray paintings, with locations of each picture on the footnote*

We are not available to obtain more news, so follow the Daily Prophet for more information on the Graffiti Teens.

Molly drops the Daily Prophet to the table, feeling hot tears coming on the corner of her eyes. Why? The Prophet ruined a 13-year-old child. A child that still has a great future, had she just been given a second chance. She had such good grades, she never misbehaved at school. Now, because of this... this stupid thing, she won't have another chance. Her little girl will always be out of favour due to her criminalistic backgrounds, she's not going to have friends because of this wretched news. Everyone will only focus on how she used to be a drug abuser, even if she has gone through rehabilitation.

"Mum?" Bill called, rubbing his mother's back gently. Molly cried more, leaning to Bill, unable to stand on her own as she fell to a seat. Bill hugged his mother tightly, glancing at the Prophet from behind her. Oh, no wonder she had been crying.

"C-can you-" Molly hiccups. "Can you t-tell them, e-erase them?"

"Any sort of paper can't be unpublished, if that's what you mean-" Bill shook his head. Molly cried harder, if that's even possible.

"She's just a little girl!" Molly sobbed. Bill rubbed her back gently. "My little girl! She doesn't deserve this!"

"I know, Mum. I know-" Bill nodded, but wasn't sure. Cundrie did those actions herself, it is the Daily Prophet's job to expose these kinds of things to the public. Nobody told her to draw that blasphemous art, nobody told her to draw pro-LGBT art, nobody told her to draw murderous art, nobody told her to draw pro-illegal immigration art, nobody told her to ruin public property, nobody told her to own an unregistered wand, nobody told her to abuse seconal capsules or to drink alcohol at thirteen, and nobody told her to attack those Aurors. She did all that herself and it's her fault that she's in prison.

"W-what can we do?" Molly sobbed. "W-we can't let h-her be like this!"

"Well, we can't exactly make the Daily Prophet unpublish what's been published and write an apology, she did admit that she is guilty of those crimes-" Bill shrugged defeatedly. Molly sobbed again. "What we can is encourage her to get sober faster. She can't get sober if she doesn't want to."

"We should-" Molly nodded, wiping her tears away. "Yeah, we should. Encourage her to get sober. But-"


"C-can't you sue them for th-this?" Molly asked, gesturing to the paper. "For defamati-tion of char-character?"

"I'm afraid not, she is guilty of the crimes so it's not exactly defamation of character-" Bill told her.

"She's barely 14!" Molly insisted, still crying. Bill hugged her tighter, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her. "She had such a bright future! She had such great scores! She deserves a second chance, not societal damnation! She's a child!"

"I know-" Bill can't help but let a few tears leak out of his eyes too. "She's my little sister. I hate seeing that news too."

"I want to see her-" Molly hiccups, wiping her tears away. Bill heard some thundering steps and looked up, seeing Charlie with a pitiful facial expression. Bill shook his head solemnly, Charlie turned to the table and found the article. "Please."

"Of course, you want to show her the paper?" Bill asked. Molly nodded, taking a few deep breaths as she lets Bill go, Bill taking a glass of clear water and some tissues for her, which she took. "Let's fix your heart, I bet Cundrie would hate seeing you cry."

"Of course, yeah-" Molly wiped her tears and snot.

"Can I join?" Bill turned his head, seeing his little brother who's just about to enter seventh year. "I want to see her. Didn't you just see her yesterday?"

"Are you sure?" Bill asked. "It's not a good look, her skin was flaky dry and she seemed so dehydrated-"

"They're not taking care of my girl?!" Molly interrupted, more tears coming out of her eyes. Bill shook his head.

"That's not what I meant," Bill corrected. "I mean, she's already both drug-addicted and alcohol-addicted and she's going through a withdrawal. It's not a pretty look."

"I need to be there!" Molly exclaimed. "I need to help her!"

"I want to be there too," Charlie decided. "I haven't seen her since the arrest."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

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