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Cundrie tried to focus and collect all of their magic, trying for wandless magic. It's been seven days since they've been arrested, seven more until the hearing. Maybe they can break out and hug their parents again, a feeling Cundrie misses a lot. Cundrie took a deep breath in, letting a jet of red light escape them and hit the bars, only for the red light to turn yellowish-white as it touches the bars and jumped back at Cundrie, electrocuting them. They felt like screaming, they felt like crying. It hurts so bad! Cundrie tried to scream, but their voice seemed to be stuck in their throat.

After what it felt like an eternity, Cundrie's body laid limp as the electricity stopped running its course. Cundrie cursed as she leaned her head to the bars weakly, lightly touched one of the bars in front of them as if they had no spirit. Cundrie sighed, why does it have to take so long? Cundrie longed to sleep in their room in the Burrow again, to smell Molly's delicious cooking again, to hear Arthur's cheerful voice as he comes home from the Ministry again, to feel stupid as Ron beats them in Wizard's Chess again, to have Ginny excitedly bang on their door to read her poems again, to hear Charlie's endless babbles about dragons again, to hear Bill's epic stories again. Hell, they miss being the butt of Fred and George's jokes again.

Total silence is not what they want, yet it is what they now get.


"Hm?" Cundrie heard a hum, knowing where the hum comes from. Marcus was sleeping on the other bed, so the only one humming must be only Oliver.

"I don't know- do you regret what we did?" Cundrie asked, sighing defeatedly. "We still have leftist ideologies, but do you ever regret drawing our ideas illegally?"

"Ter be honest, I does-" Oliver sighed. "Even if we'll be released, it'll still goo on ar criminal records, woo it?"

"Well, yeah, but that's not what I meant-" Cundrie shook her head. "Do you regret making those drawings? I don't regret having those ideologies, but if this is the price- do you ever regret it? I miss my parents."

"Sometimes-" Cundrie heard Oliver swallowing xyr saliva. "Sometimes I imagine, what if we hadn't miskin caught? The answer is, we'd still be sproy painten. Does I truly regret sproy painten? Naaa, I regret been arrested but I doy regret what we did."

"Neither do I, not really-" Cundrie shook her head, still not looking away from the prison bars. "I don't regret spray painting, I don't regret embracing the left. But I do regret letting us get arrested. We've done this a couple of times, why now? Why are we arrested now?"

"I doy knoo, Cundrie-" Oliver shrugged. "I honestly doy knoo. We've miskin so careful, haven't we? What did we does wrong?"

"I don't know," Cundrie honestly answered.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey- don't blame yourself." Cundrie patted the space beside her, gesturing Oliver to sit with her. Once xyr did, she intertwined her fingers with xyrs. "It's not your fault."

"I'm defence, I should've-"

"It's unfair for us to put all the defence job on your shoulders," Cundrie shook their head, leaning it to xyr shoulder. "We should've remembered that you are a teenager, like us, and we should be vigilant too. Bill said-"


"He said we tried to bite more than we could chew- and ended up choking on the food," Cundrie continued. "He said- this is an adult matter, and should stay an adult matter."

"The protesten part- I agree. We shouldn't yav damaged public property-" Oliver nodded. "But we should yav ar own political ideas. We should yav ar freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a roight, it's not loike we were harmen anyone."

"We weren't, but we did step a line, drawing where we did," Cundrie fought. "Blasphemy in front of a church, pro-abortion in front of St Mungo's, pro-LGBT to the side of the Ministry. We did step a line. We should've- I don't know, use our own platforms instead of someone else's?"

"Well, what am guin ter does abart it, noo?" Oliver asked. "It's not loike ar regret does anythen, does it? We am eya, we cor turn back toyme."

"I wish we can-" Cundrie shook their head, still leaning it to Oliver. "I miss not being alone. Back in Hogwarts, back at home, there's just everyone. Now it's only the three of us."

"Roight, six siblings-" Oliver nodded, embracing Cundrie under xyr arms tightly. Cundrie took a deep breath in, feeling her heart racing.

"By this time, we should've had our seconal," Cundrie breathed out, feeling breathless. "How the fuck can Marcus sleep at this time? We're usually awake together!"

"I doy knoo-" Oliver looked up at Marcus. "Oi! Marcus! Yom awek?"

"Shut up, I'm dizzy-" Marcus whined, sounding fully awake and NOT sleepy at all. "I'm so tired, yet I can't sleep."

"Shit," Cundrie cursed, her voice quaking in fear. "We'll have to go to rehab after this."

"Ugh, why?" Oliver whined. "I'd rather just goo back ter me drugs. Jeth by seconal sounds so bostin."

"I know-" Cundrie pats Oliver's head, slowly running their hand over xyr sweat-drenched hair. "I know."

"It's not even so bad, they're just overdramatic piece of shits."

"I mean, look at us-" Cundrie shook her head. "We're hooked up already, we're miserable without the seconal, and it's been seven days. I don't think that accounts as 'not so bad'."

"Yeah, that's bad if yaouw put it that woy-" Oliver shrugged defeatedly. "But it's not so dangerous, is it? We can still function so properly in humanity whilst we'm on it. We've miskin guin ter Hogwarts on seconal an' naaa 'un gives a damn, so why noo?"

"I don't know, Oliver-" Cundrie bit their bottom lip, rubbing xyr biceps with their hands as they looked down sadly. "I don't know."

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