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Molly is currently standing in front of the Flint Bungalow. Errol came back with the same letter, and though it was opened, the lack of replies and the fact that it's sent back confirmed her suspicions about Venus Flint abandoning the younger Flint, and that shouldn't be. He needs her, why can't she see that? If the roles had been reversed and if her brothers' children needed her, she'd be there for them. Molly knocked on the door.

"Yes?" The door opened to reveal a young woman, presumably around 30 years old, who has deep lush black hair and fair skin.

"Can I speak to Venus Flint?" Molly requested. "I'm Molly Weasley, Cundrie Weasley's mother."

"You mean Percy Weasley?" Molly bit down on her jaw as if to prevent her from barking on this woman any further. "What do you want?"

"For you to visit your only family," Molly took a deep breath in, reminding herself not to start a fight here and there, though she desperately wanted to. Flint didn't say anything, and Molly took it as a request to say more. "He needs you, Flint. What part of 'family' don't you understand?"

"I don't have a nephew-" Flint tried to close the door, but Molly tried to push it open and Molly won. Molly glared at Flint.

"He needs his only living family to be there, and you wouldn't?" Molly glared. Damn it, her voice starts to break again. "What disgusting job do you have to hold you from seeing your only nephew who needs you? He's fighting against drug addiction, facing a threat of imprisonment, and he doesn't have anyone else to visit him because you're his only living family! What kind of a horrible aunt are you?"

"I don't have a nephew," Flint reinstated.

"Where is his mother?" Molly asked, forcing herself to be calm. "Why is he placed under such a shitty person's care? Where's his mother?"

"He doesn't have a mother-" Flint sighed. "She killed my brother, his father, before running away, never to be seen again. He doesn't know who she is and I haven't found the time to tell him."

"Don't tell him, you'll just ruin him-" Molly shook her head. "You're killing him, Flint. He needs you to be there for him."

"I don't want him anymore."

"Then don't waste his heart and lose your custody over him!" Molly hissed. "If you don't want a little boy who depends on you so much- why?"

"Why what?"

"Why would you disown your only nephew like this?!" Molly screamed. "He lost both his parents already, Flint. You're his only present family. He needs you- more than ever. He's going through a withdrawal and he's possibly going to face imprisonment for a year. He's only fourteen! He's a child! You only have two more days to see him before his hearing- and he needs you."

"If you want him, you can have him!" Flint hissed, rolling her eyes. Molly closed her mouth. "I don't want a gay, atheist, and a drug addict in my house, so if you're so willing, take him!"

"Fine, I will!" Molly hissed, banging the door behind her before she starts crying. If her own mother did that to her when she came out as bisexual or to Fabian when he came out as polysexual, she doesn't know what she'll do. Flint doesn't deserve this, he is a child who needs familial love. He doesn't need to be kicked out. And if Molly has to take him in... she will. Venus Flint gave her consent, she won't be kidnapping him.

With no doubt, Molly apparated back to the Burrow. Arthur wouldn't mind having another son, would he? Marcus Flint can share with Cundrie, when they're free. Arthur wouldn't mind, would he? He loves kids, he'll never abandon one in need. His heart is too big for that. He's too nice for that. Molly reached Cundrie's room that she hasn't entered since the arrest, maybe she should've. Had she been so stupid as to never notice Cundrie's drug addiction or Cundrie being a member of the Graffiti Teens?

Molly looked around after she opened the door. Nothing out of the ordinary, her crazy boring history books, boring novels and biographies of famous historical figures like Merlin and Sir Cadogan. When Molly came closer to the books, she noticed something. They've bought her history books that depict leftism in a good light, like the Muggle history books 'Woman's Body, Woman's Right' and 'Gender Trouble' to Muggle novels '1984' and 'Fahrenheit 451'. The crown for the expert on the Muggle world should go to Arthur, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know a thing or two about the Muggle world herself.

Maybe them constantly buying Cundrie novels about leftism and social criticism, buying her history books about leftism, and buying her biographies of leftist figures got her into leftism. But yet again, her own presence is non-conservative, atheist transgender. Molly opened the top drawer, seeing sketches of the arts drawn on the wall. Every drawer she opens, and she found a folded white cloth with red spots. Molly stopped on her tracks, feeling dread in her heart. It looks so much like blood droplets. She unfolded the cloth to reveal a knife.

A knife? What's it for? It's the small knife Molly complained missing two years ago. If Cundrie had the knife the whole time, she had it for two years, what's it for? What's it for? She didn't have murderous thoughts, right? So, what's it for? Maybe she had to confront her daughter tomorrow, as well as tell her that Marcus Flint can live with them. It'll be his choice, but the doors to the Burrow will be open to him. Molly bet that Arthur would even insist that Marcus Flint lives with them if she told him that he's disowned for being gay, atheist, and a drug addict.

If Molly had been disowned, she wouldn't be where she is now.

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