CH.13 Struggling to survive.

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We have been trapped in this stupid bunker for 4 days. Kat said we couldn't get out till the radiation levels went down, or the civilians could die of radiation. One of them is a medic, so he helped us keeping F/N alive. He didn't woke up, but his condition has improved.

Emile tried to explore the bunker, looking for more supplies for both us, and F/N. After he ends his exploring routine, he always checks on F/N, wishing he wakes up soon.

Jun tried to entertain us with jokes and stories. Pretty much all the conversations we had between each other were thanks to him. He always tried to calm us everytime we got nervous, but I know he is worried sick too.

Carter was always talking to the doctor, making sure F/N was okay. He asked thousends of times if there was anything he or the rest could do to be helpful, either for F/N's sake or the others.

Kat didn't talk too much. She was always at F/N side, looking at him. Sometimes, I hear her sob little, or repeating the same words over and over. I'm sorry.

I was... not okay. I almost losed the most important thing i have right now. And then we have Kat. How can i tell her that I'm in a relationship with him? I don't know if I'm going to have another chance to tell her and sort things out.

The cherry on top was having no info of what was going on outside. We don't know if we are still fighting for Reach... or if we are the only ones in the planet...

A complete and utter shit show.

Right now, i was on a chair, grabbing F/N's hand, thinking about what be could do once all of this is over.

I looked to Kat. She was kneeling besides F/N's bed. She was looking to his face, since we removed his armour so we could treat his wounds better.

Kat:"Hey... Six.... there is something I want to talk about."

Noble Six:"Sure."

Kat:"You heard what Emile said back on ONI tower to F/N?"

Noble Six:"No."

Kat:"Well i did. And it's very interesting."

Noble Six:"So?"

Kat:"He said he smelled like sex."

I got nervous at this. Kat it's very smart, so she probably alredy knows that was my fault.

You and your big mouth, Emile.

Kat:"I was wondering... with who? You know, Six?"

Kat was still looking at F/N, one hand caressing his hair, while her robotic hand was clenching the bed.

Noble Six:"No idea."

Kat:"I see."

The air got tense. I can sense Kat getting more sinister. I don't like this.

Kat:"I think you can help me figure this out, don't ya think?"

I didn't answer. Kat stands up, and walks around the room.

Kat:"We know F/N only had female contact with 4 women. One it's me, and he didn't do it with me. The other is Lilith, and the last time he saw her, Jorge was still here."

That was a bad example. F/N wouldn't have liked that. What's wrong with her?

Kat:"That leaves us with 2 candidates. You, or Clara."

Kat:"But then, Ithought, if he still smelled like that, it shoulda have been recently, and Clara was with us since Day One of the New Alexandria's invasion..."

She stops moving, and turns her head to me. The air got even more tense. I was ready for a fight, but I was still nervous.

Kat:"So... Six..."

Kat:"F/N said, he would take us on a date and, after that, he would decide wich one of us would be his girl."

She then starts moving to me. I got up and entered a fight stance.

Noble Six:"Stay where you are! Im warning you!"

Kat:"Oh? Why are you on the defensive? I am not the one who breaks promises, you know?"

Noble Six:"We didn't promised anything! F/N said he wanted someone he could spend his life with! It's not my fault he wants me and not you!"

Kat:"It is. You seducted him. He needs someone that will protect him. Someone that will stay by his side and listen to him. Someone that will love him. Not a girl that fucks him and it's unable to shot a standing target."

Noblr Six:"And you are going to be his protector? Nice job so far."

I could sense Kat's rage under her helmet. What I said was a low blow, but she did one too.

Kat pulled out her magnum and aimed at me. I moved my hands in the air, trying not to get killed.

Kat:"Say that again. I dare you, bitch."

Noble Six:"Hey, hey! Let's calm down here, okay? Don't do something you will regret."

Kat:"Oh, now you are scared, huh? See why I must be his girl and not you? You can't do shit."

Noble Six:"I don't want us to fight to our deaths for this, so put your weapon down-"

Emile and Carter opened the door. Carter was surprised at what he saw, but Emile was enraged.

He quickly tackled Kat and restrained her, disarming her.


Emile:"That's my line. We have a wounded Spartan, and you decide to draw your gun and aim it at a friendly? In the same room as him? Are you fucking stupid?"

Carter:"Kat. Explain. Now."

Noble Six:"It was a mistske, sir. We got into an argument and-"

Carter:"I said Kat. Noble Two, that's an order."

Kat:"...we got into a heated argument. It won't happen again."

Noble Six:"She is right. It won't"

Carter:"Release her."

Emile backed away, but sat next to F/N, weapon in hand. He was not going to let us in the same room by ourselves again.

Carter:"This better not happen again. Am i clear?"

We both nodded and went back to our places.

Carter:"Kat. I want you to check for radiation. The sooner we get out of here, the better."


Kat leaved the room, not before removing her helmet, give me a glare and kiss F/N's lips. I wanted to say something, but decided to let it go this time.

This was gonna be a long day...

2 hours later...

I was having a little nap, when Jun bursted through the door.

Jun:"Emile, grab F/N! We are getting out of here!"

I standed up and looked at Emile. He picked F/N carefully, like a princess. I picked his armour and followed him.We moved outside to see Carter throwing a flare and Kat making sure no Covenant was nearby. Eventually, a pelican and some falcons landed.

Emile runs to the Pelican and gives F/N to some medics there. I dropped his armour on the ground, and sat on the pelican. The
doctors starts working on F/N while the others were entering.

Carter:"We are dropping F/N in The Pillar of Autumn. Once we get there, we will be redeployed on Sword Base. I'll explain on the way.

The pelicans took of and flyed towards our location. F/N will finally rest...


???:"Move, move move!"

???:"We have a VIP wounded! Let us through, now!"

I could hear people running around and shouting. I was being carried by someone. His hands were cold, made of steel, so i think its a Spartan.

I opened my eyes a little, my vision was blurry, but i could still see the Spartan's helmet.

It had an skull. Emile.

Emile:"Where the fuck its the medical bay?!"

???:"Right here!"

He entered what seems the medical bay, and gently puts me on a bed.

Emile:"Okay, what no-"

???:"Noble Four! The commander needs you! Report inmediatly!"

A marine entered and talked to Emile. He said something, but i couldn't hear it.

Emile:"Hang on my friend, we will be back soon."

He lefts. Now im here with the guy Emile was with, and some doctors, looking at me. They removed the bandges i had. What i had, surprised them.

???:"How can this be possible? He only..."

???:"It seems he... has... there is no way..."

???:"Noble Two said this wound was made five days ago. By a neddler sniper rifle."

???:"Five days? With a neddler? Him being alive its alredy outstanding. But this... how?"

When i was about to open my eyes a little more, i lossed consciousness...

1 hour later...

I woke up by the sound of someone singing. I opened my eyes to see the female marine i saved. Lilith was her name. She was sitting besides me, reading a book while singing.


She got scared at the sudden noise. Once she saw it was me, she quickly called through comms the doctors and the commander.

F/N:"Where.... am i?"

Lilith:"Don-don't worry sir! The doctor will explain everything!"

After a while, a doctor comes through the door. He looks at me, surprised about something. I managed to sat up on my own while he was on his way.

Doctor:"How did you-"

F/N:"Where... am i? Where is... my team?"

Doctor:"Oh, right! You are currently in The Pillar of Autumn. Noble Team escorted you here, so you could get medical treatment. You have been asleep for 5 days. They are right now on a mission, so i suggest you rest while they come."

F/N:"No... i have to help them..."

Doctor:"But you need to-"

???:"I'll take it from here..."

Someone entered on the medical bay. Captain Keyes... my father.

Keyes:"Both of you. Out."

Lilith and the doctor went out.

Keyes:"So, you risk your life for a partner, huh?"

He walks around, looking at the place.

Keyes:"I never expceted to see you there. You always were very lucky. It dosen't matter, im proud of you anyways."


Keyes:"Does the doctor know about your... thing?"

F/N:"I think... he is just surprised... about my wound..."

Dad went to me and lifted the shirt the doctors dressed me in. The large wound i had, was just a scar.

Keyes:"Huh. You did it faster now than the last time. It seems that what happened in that planet, really changed you..."

Keyes:"Can you walk? More importantly, can you fight?"

I stand up and walked across the room. I stumbled a little since i've been sleeping for 5 days, but recovered my strength quickly.

Keyes:"Good, you are ready. Go to the Spartan's chambers. Armor up and test your suit. After that, meet me on my office. I'll explain everything."

I nodded and went out. I moved towards were dad said. It was not my first time here, so i knew where to go. The doctor tried to stop me, but dad explained everything to him. Once i reached the chambers, i saw 2 cryogen capsules. Inside one, was a Spartan with a mjlonir armour. 117 were the numbers i saw on his chestplate.

I dressed up on my undersuit and got my armour ready. An engineer made some tests on me. He made sure the shields were working, and dismissed me to my dad's office.

Dot:"Welcome back, Noble Seven. It's good to have you back."

F/N:"Indeed Dot, indeed."

Dot:"I will report your status to Noble Leader inmediatly. I recommend staying here while they finish their mission."


I knocked on my fathers office, and he tells me to enter. In there, i saw a bed to the right, some photos of me, him and my sister on the walls and him sitting on his desk, looking at his computer. He looks at me and signals me to sit in front of him.

Keyes:"Cofee? Tea? Anything to drink?"

F/N:"No, im fine."


F/N:"Where's my team?"

Keyes:"Straight to the point, huh? To put it simply, on Sword Base. Recovering an advanced AI we need to win this war."

F/N:"It's Noble Team alive?"

Keyes:"She is. You took all the damage from the shot."

F/N:"Good. What's my mission now?"

Keyes:"For now, stay. We are going to evacuate the planet. This ship cannot fall. We have someone in here that could- no, that WILL win this war."

F/N:"The chief?"

Keyes:"The one and only. Once your team comes back with the AI, we will abandon this planet. I believe that's all you needed to hear?"

F/N:"Just one more thing."

Keyes:"Go ahead."

F/N:"Once all of this is over... would you want to be a grandpa?"


F/N:"If you want to..."

You better make sure Noble Six survives this.


Necro:"There we go readers! F/N has awaken! But... i have the feeling like something bad it's gonns happen... what is it gonna be? Stay tuned to know! Goodbye, Spartans!"

Master Chief:"Hey. Why am i here?"

Necro:"Hu-huh?! You are supposed to be sleeping?!"

Master Chief:"I know. I told them to wake me when they need me. But i don't know you. Or why im here. So you better start explaining. Now."

Necro:"U-um... well shit."

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