CH.2 Winter Contingency

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30 minutes later


I was minding my own business till we reach the objective, but I got out of my train of thoughts thanks to Carter, who wants to explain the mission

Carter:"Listen up, Noble Team. We are looking at a downed relay outpost 50 clicks away from Visegrad. We are gonna introduce ourselves to whoever took it out and then Kat's gonna take it back online."

Kat:"Just get me under the hood, commander"

Jorge:"Sir, why would rebels want to cut off Reach from the rest of the colonies?"

F/N:"What if our enemies are not rebels to begin with?"

Carter:"Whatever or whoever they are, our mission don't change. You got a chance, maybe you can ask'em Jorge."

Kat:"Commander, we just lost our signal with HQ"

Not good.

Carter:"Backup signals?"

Kat:"Searching...Nada, can't say what's jamming us."

Carter:"You've heard her, dead zone confirmed. Command will not keep us company this trip."

This is the first time I see rebels with any type of jamming device. I don't like this...

Emile:"I'm lonely already."

Our falcons are seen moving through mountains, some of those having little buildings, were civilians are living. The pelicans began landing in a little hill.

Carter:"Once we are out, keep your distance."

Pilot:"Yes sir!"

Carter:"Let's stay focused, watch your sectors."

Jorge:"There is the communication outpost."

Jun, Six and I look to our right and see a big building, not too far away from our current location.

Kat:"We have a distress beacon."

We look down to see some houses and what seems a vehicle in fire.

Carter:"Let's check it out. Put us down in the ground. Jun I want your eyes in the sky. Six, Seven, with me."

Jun&F/N:"Sir/Copy that, sir."

We landed, and Carter, Six and I got reunited with the rest of the team, except Jun who stayed in the falcon looking for any nearby threats.

Carter:"Alright Noble Team, spread out."

Six and I got our weapons ready. She got an AR and I got a DMR.

We began going down the hill, cautiously. Emile climed up a big rock to check out the surroundings.

Emile:"Sector point 3-4, looks clear from this angle."

We keep going down, towards the houses from later.

Kat:"Distress beacon up ahead commander, we are close."

Carter:" Roger that. Spread out, find the beacon"

We arrived to the location and began looking for the beacon, while keeping an eye for whoever did the damage. Emile began talking.

Emile:"Founded the beacon"*he throws it to Kat * "Make out any ID?"

Kat:"Negative, but it's military"

Jorge:"So, where are the troopers?"

Suddenly, I heard a subtle sound. I don't know how to describe it, like... air hitting an energy force? I looked to my left and saw a transparent image, but as soon as I saw it, it disappeared.


Carter:"Something's wrong, Seven?"

F/N:"Somebody it's watching us"

Carter:"Copy that. Eyes sharp Noble Team, we are not alone. Jun, see anything in the air?"

Jun:"Hmm, negative, sir."

Kat:"There is plasma marks here"

Jorge:"Covies... not on Reach..."

The Covenant? In Reach? I knew this was bad.

Carter:"Alright Noble Team, let's move out."

We keep going down towards another building nearby our location.

Kat:"Smoke in the next building"

Carter:"Go west and check it out. Noble team, permission to engage but be selective, we don't want to telegraph our location."

We moved to the next building, next to a cliff.

Carter:"Noble Six and Seven, check the house. Go in quiet, I'm right behind you."

We began looking through the house, but there was nothing of interest there. So we went outside.

Jun:"Noble leader, I am reading heat signatures in the structure on your left."

We turned our heads towards the house in our left and aim our weapons at the door. Jorge and Emile went to the door, but it suddenly opens, and a men goes outside.

???:*Talking in a diferent language*

Emile:"Woah! On your knees!"

Jorge:"Easy, they are not rebels, they are farmers, look at them."

I looked inside and saw a family in there, child included, so I slowly lowered my weapon. Six saw the kid aswell, also lowering her weapon.

Carter:"Ask them what are they doing here"

Jorge began talking with the farmer in his language. He seems scared about something.

Jorge:"He is hiding. Last night he heared shots and screams. He says that something killed his son."

F/N:"The covenant, maybe?"

Carter:"Most likely."

Suddenly, Jun began talking in our comms.

Jun:"Sir, I'm recieving heat singals in a building directly to your east, over."

Carter:"Copy, get them back inside."

Jorge tells the farmers to get inside the house, and they complied.

Carter:"Noble team, double timing."

Be began sprinting towards the location Jun said he saw heat signals. It was a like a facility of some sorts and was dark, but you could still see without the help of a flashlight. Six, Kat and I moved through the facility slowly.

???:" Grunts and animalistic roars, completly non-human."

F/N:"The fuck was that?"

Kat chuckles "What, scared, kid?"

F/N:"Heh, it takes more than some noises."

Carter:"Jun, see anything?"

Jun:"Negative, the area is clear."

Carter:"Alright Noble team, keep an eye on your motion trackers."

We moved towards the other part of the facility, ready to fight whatever did those sounds.

Jun:"Boss! Movement outside your building!"

Carter:"Noble two, move towards the west of the building, we are about to get flanked."

Emile:"I have tangos."

I look to some windows in the building, and saw covenant troops, some jackals and grunts.

Carter:"Alright Noble Team, do what you do best."

One of the jackals looks towards our direction and shouts while pointing at us, getting all the covies attention.

Carter:"Shit, contact!"

Jorge:"Here we go"

Jorge, Emile, Six and I went down some stairs to fight the enemies close and personal while Carter and Kat shoots them from affar.

As soon as we exit I run into cover and began shooting to some grunts that were caught by surprise. I heard Jorge's chainsaw firing to some jackals, they had no chance to react and got killed easily. Emile went to another jackal and killed him with his knife, stabbing him in the neck while chuckling. Six began shooting to some grunts and jackals that got into cover.

Carter:"Seven, throw a grenade over there!"

F/N:"On it"

I threw the grenade, and as soon it fell into the enemies feet, they began running around to a random direction, getting out of cover, and either getting killed by my other teammates firing, or by the grenade.

Jun:"Noble leader, enemies dropships inbound!"

We looked up ahead and saw a phantom dropping enemies far ahead our location, so we began moving to that direction while searching cover. In between us and them was a river and a bridge, currently being used by the covenant.

Carter:"Noble Five, Seven take care of the ones in the bridge!"

Jorge:"Copy. C'mon kid, time to shine."

We went to the bridge, running, trying to avoid the hostiles shooting at us. Thankfully, our armor protected us from lethal wounds.

Jorge:"Ok kid, get behind me while I shoot at them, kill the ones that I cannot reach"


He began shooting at the enemy while I was walking behind him, shooting at some snipers or enemies that were on cover. The ones on the bridge got massacred by Jorge's chainsaw. I wouldn't want to be them.

Suddenly, I heard the same noise from before, right behind us. I turned and I saw...

He was ready to kill me, and was already lunging at me, but I manage to react by tackling him to the ground.

Jorge:"Shit, hang in there bud-"

He got interrupted by another elite, shooting at him with a neddler, he couldn't help me now.

I punched the elite right on his mouth, and put my feet on his arm, applying force to try and get him drop the sword. I was going for my knife when the elite kicked me and sent me flying. I recover in time and get up, knife in hand.

Elite: "angry shanghelian noises"

F/N:"Okey tough guy, let's make this quick."

We lunged at each other, but his sword was longer, so I got out of the way. The moment he failed his attack I grabbed his arm and push him towards my shoulder, dropping him to the ground. I finished him with a stab in the neck, killing him instantly.

I looked forward to see Jorge killing the elite that attacked him, and the rest of the covenant forces dead already. He looked at me and nodded, relieved to see me in a good shape. He looked behind me and I turned, finding Noble six standing behind me.

Noble Six:"You okay?"

F/N:"Yeah, I'm fine"

She gives me a hand "Cmon, get up, this is not over."

Carter:"Damm right it is not, Kat go towards the relay, I want it online, now."

I take Noble six's hand and get up. "What now, sir?"

Jun:"Boss, more contacts to the east."

Carter:"You got your answer Seven. Move Noble team. Six, you got point."

We fighted another covenant group, but this time it went smoothly, no close calls.

Jun:"Commander, I see more contacts towards North-east."

Carter:"Copy. Emile, Jorge, go with Kat towards the relay. Six, F/N, with me, let's get that car."

I looked in front of me and there was a car.
Six tooked the driver seat and Carter sat next to her. I sat in the back.

F/N:"Sir, what are the covies doing here?"

Six started driving to the location Jun said there was hostile activity while listening to the conversation.

Carter:"I've got no idea Seven. I don't want to get in worst case scenario, but they could be attacking us."

Attacking us? This is bad. Very bad.

We arrived to the location, another house, but this time, filled with covenant filth.

There were only a few of them, so it was easy enough to clear them. Carter gunned down some grunts, Six got a clear headshot on a jackal and killed some other jackals that tried running away. I managed to get an assasination on an elite, very focused on killing Six.

She turned around, weapons ready when she heared something behind her, but there was no threats, the elite was alredy dead.

F/N: "Better watch your six, Six... heh..."

Noble Six didn't said anything, just stared at me. Kinda creepy.

Jun: "Sir, more covenant activity towards the east."

Carter:"Copy, on route. Move noble team."

I moved towards the car, and sat in the back again. Six was driving, but sometimes, she glanced back towards me.

Carter: "Something's wrong, Noble six?"

Noble Six "Negative, sir"

We arrived to a new location, this time, it was even easier than last time. We killed all the enemies forces.

Carter:"Hey, check this out"

It was a radio, saying something.

???:" The covenant it's on Reach! I repea- we need assi-- taking heavy fire! WATCH OU- "*it suddenly cuts off...*

Carter: "We have to save those marines people, move Noble team."

Jun:"Sir, I see some marines fighting covenant forces west of your location."

Carter:"On our way."

We drived towards the location the marines were in, some of them were really wounded, and there were casualties. They were struggling to keep the covenant forces at bay.

At soon as we arrived, we killed the hostiles and quickly rushed towards the marines.

Marine 1:"Hey look! Spartans!"

Carter:"Commander Carter. What's the situation soldier?"

Marine 1:"The covenant attacked us sir! We didn't expect it! We got some wounded, we need to take them out of here!"

Carter:"Copy that. Jun, request inmediate evac now, we have troopers wounded."

Jun:"Copy that sir."

F/N:"Sir, I know how to treat wounds, I could help healing the wounded."

Carter:"Your files didn't mention that."

F/N:"We all got our secrets here and there, sir."

Carter:"...alright, treat them. Noble Six and I will cover you."

I rushed towards the wounded marines and saw how badly they were. A lot of plasma wounds, but those are easy to heal. With the right instruments of course, and I didn't have those, so I put some simple bandages and manage to stitch the wound the best I could. I did the same to the other marines, but one of them was in a bad condition.

She got stabbed by a plasma sword and was loosing blood really quick. A marine quickly appeared and talked.

Marine 3:"Sir! I could help treat the wounds sir!"

F/N: "You have gunpowder?"

The marine looked around and got freaked out. Suddenly, it looked like he had an idea. He picked an slug from his shotgun and gave it to me.

F/N:"Good thinking marine."

I opened the shell and put the powder in the wound.

F/N:"Give me a lighter"

The marine gave me his lighter, and I put the little flame in the wound, so the wound could be cauterized. It's the best I can do.

Marine 3:"Is she gonna be ok?"

F/N: "For now."

Carter then appeared, looked at my job and nodded.

Carter: "Evac it's here, grab the wounded and get out of here. Amazing work Noble Seven, you saved lifes today."

F/N:"Thanks, sir."

Carter:"C'mon Seven, we have to reunite with the rest of Noble team. We are going to the relay."

We moved towards our pelican, and the pilot flyed towards the relay location.

I was spacing out, till I got a tap in the shoulder. It was Six.

Noble Six:"Amazing job with the wounded, were did you learn to treat wound like that?"

F/N:"I served as a marine, you don't have fancy super soldier armours there."

Noble Six chuckled, and said: "Thanks by the way, for watching my back."

F/N:"I've got you covered."

Noble six nodded, and looked towards the relay, it seems that the covies were attacking the rest of noble team.

Carter:"Alright, gun and running, we are going towards the big doors, kill only the ones that stop you from moving."

We began running towards Jorge, who was waiting for us while providing us cover fire. We got shots here and there, but nothing our armor can't protect us from.

Carter:"Alright team, hold them of till Kat hacks the door."

Emile:"On it."

We got into cover and shot the covies that tried to get close. While we shooted them, Emile strike me with conversation.

Emile:"Hey pretty boy, nice kill you got there on the bridge."

F/N:"You were looking, instead of trying to helping me? Rude."

Emile laughs a little "I knew you had it"

Jorge/Noble six: *Whispers* "You could've have helped him though..."

Kat:"Alright, I'm in, everyone, get inside!"

Carter:"You heared the lady, inside, now!"

We rushed inside while the doors closed, now safe and sound.

Emile: "All clear"

We waited then for the other door to open, and when it did, we went inside but it was pitch black. Now I wouldn't mind a flashlight.

Carter:"Can't...see...a thing... Noble Six, turn on your night vision."

We began navegating in the dark area. Six on the lead.

Kat:"Control room, going easy."

We went more slowly, carefully aiming everywhere we thought enemies could get a shot on us, till Six stopped. We saw a corpse on the ground.

Carter:"Body. Six, go check it out."

We moved forward, avoiding the corpse except Six, who was looking for anything of importance on it. Carter then saw a marine on the ground, scared. He approched him.

Carter:"Where it's the rest of your unit?"

Trooper:"We got split. It sounded bad. I don't think they are alive anymore"

Carter:"Alright corporal, rest, we will get a combat surgeon."

Kat: "Damm, plasma damage."

Then, Noble Six, who was moving the body, dropped a chip. She picked it up.

Noble Six:"I've got something..."

Kat:"Give me that, not your domain, Six" she then takes it from her hand. Rude...

Jorge: "I've got a live one here"

We then see Jorge, grabbing a girl by her arm, taking her from the place she was hiding, but she opposed resistance, trying to punch the armored guy, having no effect.

Jorge:"C'mon, out you go."

Girl"Speaks another language"

Jorge:"It's alright, we are not gonna hurt you"

Carter: "Jorge..."

Jorge:"It's alright, I got her."

The girl keep talking another language, I don't understand what she says, but she seems startled by something...

Jorge: "Stay still and I'll release you."

The girl calms herself, but suddenly, an elite appears on some stairs, on top of Jorge and the girl, with a plasma sword and roars.


The elite charged at him. Six and I shoot at him, but his shield protected him from harm. He tried to hit Carter, but he evaded the attack. The elite then runs away, pushing Six onto the ground on his way.

A second elite appears, and tries to stab Six when she was not looking.


The elite was throwing his attack, but I tackle him in time, throwing him on the ground and inmobilising him. Kat then runs towards me, grabs her magnum and put a bullet in his head.

I got up, and walked towards Noble Six. Giving her a hand.

F/N: "It's me saving you gonna be routine?" I chuckled. Six grabbed my hand and stands up.

Noble Six:"Th-thanks..."

Carter passed Noble Six her gun and we aim at the elite. We couldn't fire though, he took the marine from earlier as a hostage.

He then point his sword at me, and speaks in shanghelian, then, he goes away. Was he threating me?

Emile:"Sorry, that tango got through, permission to pursue"

Carter:"Negative Noble Four, stay in the entrance. Noble Two, handle the girl, Noble Six, Seven, clear the hole."

We moved towards the door the elite went through, and when we were clear, I closed the gates behind us, so no more surprise attacks would go to the rest of our squad.

We moved forward, some jackals and grunts were expecting us. I got some easy headshots on the grunts before going into cover. Six, manages to kill the jackals that were firing at me.

We keep moving and 3 elites appeared, but they were not the one who kidnapped the marine. We began firing at them, but they had the advantatge, so we retreated into cover.

One of them got cocky and rushed at us. I managed to get a hold of him, and put him unto the ground, where Six executed with a whole mag into the head. This enraged the other two elites, who threw a plasma grenade.

Too late though, we were not there. We retreated back, waiting for the elites to come check the results of their grenade. And they did that exactly, not expecting us shooting them from behind. They didn't had enough time to react, and were killed easily.

F/N:"The one with the sword, he is still around, keep your guard up."

Six nodded and we keep moving forward. We saw the power, that way we could get energy around the facility, but we heard the sound of a plasma sword activating, so we backed away.

Six threw a grenade in the room, and the elite charged toward us, desesperately trying to get a kill, failing, since we began firing. The elite dropped dead, this time, his shields not saving him.

F/N:"All enemies neutralised."

I turn on the relay and retreated with Six to the rest of our group.

When we got back, Kat was trying to repair the relay so we could contact Holland, our boss. Meanwhile, Jorge and Emile were arguing between each other.

Kat:"Signal! It's patchy, but it works."

Carter:"I'll take it."

Kat:"Better not touch anything, you woudn't want to ground this place."

We began going out, while Carter made the mission report. The falcons that extracted us were waiting for us to come, with Jun there.

Jun:"Where's Carter?"

Kat:"Mission report. He will we here shortly."

Jun nodded, and looked at me, going towards me.

Jun:"I saw what you did with the wounded marines. Color me impressed, Seven, good job."

Emile:"Oh? We got another "hero" on our team?"

Jorge looks at him without his helmet, with a look of dissapproval in his face.

Noble Six: "At least he dosen't let the enemies "Slip through" us."

Emile went towards her, angry at her words. Six got ready to fight. Jorge stopped Emile, me getting between them.

Kat:"That's enough. If you want to beat yourselves up, do it on base, not here."

Emile: "Fucking kids..." he went away and sat on a falcon, waiting. Kat and Jorge Sat with him.

Six and I sat in ours with Jun, waiting for Carter who, by the way, was in his way.

Noble Six:"Hey, F/N."


Noble Six:"Once we get back at base, wanna get a drink?"

Carter finally arrived, and sat next to Jun, listening to us.


First mission completed, but, I have a feeling, this is just gonna get worse...

Xhira:"There we go! Our first mission its a success! Our heros are going back towards their base to get a rest! What will happen there? See it in the next chapter!"

Emile:"Fucking kids, thinking they are the best..."

Xhira:"Says mister slippery boi..."

Emile:"You said something?" *pulls put knife*

Xhira:"N-no... help me please..."

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