Chapter 1, Part 1 ONI: Sword Base

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(So no one gets confused, and less confusing work for me, I will leave the dialogue in the level as it is, while for my OC and his Squad will have a third person view like in previous chapters. When I have the characters from the game say something that isn't in-game, for instance talking to one of my OCs, they will also be in the third person view.)

Sword Base, Babd Catha Ice Shelf, Eposz
July 26, 2552 11:26 Hours

Sword Control: Be advised, Kilo three-three and Kilo three-four, your current LZ is too hot!

Carter: Roger that. Dot, stand by to receive and respond.

Auntie Dot: Yes commander..... Coordinates received. Initiate immediate course correction. The Office Of Naval Intelligence Sword Base is currently under siege from a Corvette-class Covenant Vessel. Due to the sensitive nature of this facility, use of orbital rounds have been, for the moment, prohibited. Regrettably, my efforts to obtain relevant data on enemy forces has been unsuccessful, however current defensive forces are insufficient. ONI has requested Team Noble's direct intervention to help secure Sword Base, while Team Reaper assists.

Carter: Alright people, we're stuck with that ship for the time being, let's focus on hostile infantry - give those troopers a hand. Kat - Six, you're out here. Jorge - Emile, you're next, get prepped.

Kat: Let's move, lieutenant.

"Vinnie, with me. Scar, Meet us when the courtyard is clear, Ashley, go with Jorge, David patch up anyone you can." Reaper ordered, who was now dawning his old ODST helmet

Carter: Kat - Six, push back the hostile attack, find out what we're dealing with.

Kat: Roger that, we're your strike team.

Sword Control: Spartans, hostiles North.

Kat: Let's knock some heads, lieutenant.

The group were immediately assaulted by two Jackals, an Elite and four grunts, coming from three different directions, The Commander and the troopers went left, Six went right, Kat and Vinnie went straight, with their combined forces, they quickly killed the hostiles, when a Phantom came

"Phantom, get to cover!" Reaper yelled, ducking behind a small railing next to the ramp, while the troopers went behind the wall and tucked into the corner

Sword Control: You got enemy contact Spartans.

The Commander began open fire on more Jackals, while Six moved behind the Containers, flanking them

"This is quite fun, isn't it?" Vinnie joked to Kat

"Indeed." Kat replied, occasionally popping out of cover and firing at the group of covenant pinning them down

Reaper began to open fire on the Concussion Rifle Elite after dealing with the Jackals, landing three headshots with his DMR before the elite went to cover. The spartan then returned to shooting the Jackals, as Six went behind the three other Elites and assassinated one of them, surprising the rest of the enemies.

Kat and Vinnie seen the opportunity and open fired killing the remaining Grunts and Jackals, as the troopers also shot at the elites, killing two others.

The Commander then seen the Concussion Rifle Elite about to open fire on a distracted Six and before he sprinted further down the walk way, jumping off onto the Elite and stabbing him the neck. The Commander and Six continued to cut down the Grunts and Jackals coming up the hill, as well as a few Skirmishers

Kat: Sword Control, courtyard is clear, over.

Sword Control: Head for the main gate to the East, I'll brief you as you go.

Kat: Sword Control, I see a Target Locator, any artillery support in the area?

Sword Control: Limited, but will prioritize, whatever you need Ma'am.

Six grabbed the Target Locator, as soon as the gate opened, the team were immediately greeted by three other troopers in cover

3-Echo-57: 3-Echo-57, headed back to base, but we got enemy tangos on our six, how copy?

The Troop 'Hog turned right and drove towards the group, with Six being as quick and vigilant as ever, he designated the middle area where both Wraiths were about to fire from. The wraith's quickly switched targets when they spotted the Spartans, but was destroyed by the artillery. The new trio of troopers jumped out of their 'Hog and helped the group deal with incoming infantry

"Comin' in hot." Scarlett said via comm link, the jumped out of her Falcon and landed next to the group

Soon a Pelican came in with a Warthog and a Trooper

"Thanks for the assist, we were almost barbecued troopers." The driver of the Troop 'Hog stated

The spartan nodded in response

"Stay here with the other troopers, stay near the gate and set up defensive positions, take any Rocket launchers and ammo you can find and be ready, I doubt the covenant will give up that easily, and with a force of eleven troopers, I think you guys can hold out." Reaper ordered

The gunner of the new Warthog jumped out and fell back to the other troopers. The group of troopers agreed, driving the Troop Transport in-between the rocks and the wall, and got started scavenging for Rocket launchers and ammo

"I'll stay too, good luck." David said, before checking the troopers for injuries

Sword Control: The old Ferhigat station has an old Comms array, that should bring us back online with command. Air view base has an AA battery that will help clear the skies.

"Kat, Vinnie, Scar, we should split up, you take the Comms Array while me and Six will take the AA gun, and take the Warthog too." Reaper stated, motioning towards the 'Hog

They agreed and went off

"Let's go, Six. We need to get that AA gun up and running again." The Spartan II told the Spartan III

He nodded, the duo soon began to sprint towards their next objective.

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