Chapter 3, Part 2 (Tip of the Spear)

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"More hostiles!" Reaper warned, firing a revenant mortar towards the three skirmishers

Carter: Noble Six, there's a mining facility near your location. The Covenant are using it as a command outpost. Troopers on-site have already engaged.

"We should get to those troopers." Vinnie told, running down a skirmisher before braking and swinging the ghost around to fire at the other two, killing them

"Agreed. Scar, Vinnie, you two move ahead, me and Kat will hang back and provide fire support." Reaper ordered, boosting into the next area where a turret is pinning down a group of troopers

"Ashley, you deal with the turret, I'll deal with the pushing infantry!" Reaper ordered, launching a revenant mortar onto the covenant side of the bridge

"Need some back up, troopers?" Vinnie asked, firing at the infantry with her ghost

"Thanks, we weren't entirely sure if we should push with that turret on us." A green-tinted trooper told

As the trooper finished the sentence, Ashley sent a third volley of rockets towards the turret, this time landing them and destroying it, with scattered covenant infantry on the bridge and around the stairs, the team moved up

"Scar, Vinnie, push those barriers out of the way, we're pushing through!" Reaper told, boosting towards their ghosts with the 'hog behind them

"Sir, I don't think you're gonna get that revenant through." Scar spoke up

"I'm not, I'm putting the in defensive positions for the troopers" Reaper told, pushing through the barriers on the bridge himself

"The rest of us will move ahead." Kat told, parking the 'hog in front of the barriers blocking the stairs, while Six got out and ran forward

"Parking the 'hog in the back for protection" Ashley said, jumping out of the turret destroying the fuel tank, then drove the 'hog next to the destroyed fuel tank and behind the barrier, before following Kat and Six

"There we go! Alright, let's move!" Reaper told, running after the others

"Catwalk clear. Good work, Six." Kat praised, kicking a dead jackal off a ledge

Dot: New intelligence: friendly forces near the Covenant outpost have spotted a high-value target. An Elite Zealot in fact.

Kat: A Zealot? We're onto something big, Commander.

Carter: Eyes on the prize, Noble. Take out that Zealot if you get the chance, but keep moving towards the spires.

"Six, we'll distract them, you find the Zealot!" Vinnie told, jumping out of cover and firing at the occupied turret while Six moved past

"Frag out!" Scar said, throwing a grenade around the corner towards a second elite, killing him

Ashley grabbed a discarded plasma pistol and EMP'd the gunner's shields, while Reaper shot him in the head

Kat: High Value Target has been neutralized. Impressive, Six.

"Nicely done, Six. Troopers hold this location." Reaper ordered

"Understood" The green-tinted trooper replied

"Wraith mortars, inbound!" Scar warned, diving out of the way

"We'll hold here for the rest of you." Kat said, waiting a few feet away from the hole

"On the way!" Ashley said, climbing up the stairs and arriving next to Kat with Vinnie, Scar, and Rix close behind

"Push through, I'll catch up!" Reaper told, climbing the stairs

"Understood. Six, clear 'em out." Kat told, Six jumping down and assassinating a scared grunt, causing the rest to flee and another to accidentally fall off a ledge

"Frag out." Ashley said, under tossing the grenade down the ledge and killing most of the grunts, a single survivor fled as Reaper arrived

"Let's go." Reaper told, dropping down after the focused Six, who was on the prowl for his prey 

"I've got your back. Move up." Reaper told, hugging the wall, while Six moved forward and killed the previous fleeing grunt

The duo ran outside and spotted two grunts and gunned them down

"Alright, we don't have enough vehicles for everyone. Kat, Six, take the ghosts. Scar, take the revenant. Rix, Vinnie, stay here and help the troopers." Reaper ordered, climbing into a ghost, while Vinnie nodded in confirmation 

Carter: Update, Six: scans show another Covenant AA gun ahead of your location. I want you to neutralize that gun, by any means necessary.

"Path is clear, move up." Kat told, before she dropped down a ledge with Six taking point

Reaper and Scar drove through before reaching the edge of the destroyed bridge

"Scar, stay here and bombard that gun, I see plasma turret fire on the right and wraith mortars on the left, I'm gonna move up and clear out those tanks." Reaper ordered, before moving forward after Kat and Six

"There's a 'hog here, Lieutenant. Take it." Kat told, parking a few feet away from the stranded 'hog, while Six clambered his way up and took it, bringing it down and let Kat into the gunner seat

"AA destroyed!" Scar told, watching a falcon coming in to help clean up stragglers

"Still got wraiths here! Woah! Hunters! Kat, Six, take 'em out for me!" Reaper told

"On it." Kat said, while Six floored it down the path and behind the hunters, Kat laying into them with the turret

"We've got air support!" Reaper told, watching the falcon take out the first wraith

"I'm gonna flank the other wraith!" Scar said, moving towards the path that no one took and firing at infantry

Carter: Well done, Six. ONI needs up-close recon on those Spires, we're gonna fly you the rest of the way.

"Pelican inbound!" Kat said, before noticing a phantom "Enemy reinforcements!" She warned, before she finished killing hunters

Kat: Jorge has a Falcon inbound to your position, Lieutenant. Highlighting the LZ now. Commander, I'm going to set up a forward observation post here.

Carter: Copy that, I'm waiting on new intel. See what you can see, Carter out.

The pelican unloaded it's troops who ran towards the carnage, but before they could do anything, it was over as Scar and the Falcon, along with the Pelican's nose gun destroyed the remaining wraith

"Damnit, I was hoping to kill something." Ivory told, with Dak, David, Seric, and Rosek following behind her

"Maybe next time, then." David said, patting Ivory's back

Six parked a few feet away from the LZ with Reaper close behind

As the Falcon landed, a second Falcon hovered around to provide air support for the ground units staying out

Jorge: Need a lift, Spartans?

"The big man himself! Good to see you, old friend!" Reaper said, hopping out of his ghost and shook Jorge's hand

"Likewise, kid. Nice armor." Jorge told, as Six sat on the right gunner seat and Reaper moved to enter the left

"I'm coming to provide support. Team, hold here." Reaper ordered

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