Chapter 4 (Long Night of Solace)

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Sabre Program Launch Facility, Eposz

August 14, 2552 12:48 hours

The helmet feed plays, showing Reaper's POV, he looks down at his Beta-5 Assault Rifle, pulling back the charging handle and releasing it before looking back at the approaching LZ where it is apparent the covenant assault is in full force, before the camera pans to a falcon in the distance, which drops off Noble team

The camera is then forced to look to left, Scar forced her Commander to look at her

"We need to get to that facility. It's just gonna be the two of us, so stay focused."

The falcon hovered a few feet off the ground and dropped off both Spartans

"Hostiles on the ridgeline. I'll deal with them, you get to the entrance." Reaper ordered, before clambering up a rock wall

When Reaper makes it to the top total devastation can be seen of the facility, this portion was obviously overrun, they needed to be quick

The commander zoomed in with his rifle, before picking off the snipers, before being thrown off the ledge by an explosion, the cliff face was completely annihilated

"Too damn close." The spartan mumbled shaking off the rubble

"Path is clear move up!" The Spartan III told, she held her position at the entrance and covered her Commander

The feed is sped up to about 5 minutes later

"The covenant will destroy this place any minute, we need to get up there now!" Scar yelled, the camera shows her climbing up the destroyed stairs and into the cockpit, before the camera closed in behind her, and the launch was initiated

Sabre PA: Struts dis- ...mencing l- ...2 ...1

The camera shakes as the Sabre is launched into the atmosphere

"You think this thing'll hold?" The commander asked, pushing his face past the pilot seat and next to Scar

"Doesn't matter, we need to take out that super-carrier." Scar replied, before the camera is back to it's original spot

Sabre PA: Sta- ...peration.

The Sabre thrusts into space and towards Anchor-9

Fast forward 7 minutes

Savannah Actual: Savannah Actual to Sabre teams, be advised: we have bogies inbound.

Anchor-9: Anchor-9 to all UNSC ships: station defenses are down. Requesting combat support until we can bring the back online.

The camera pans to the left, showing Six's Sabre, Reaper is seen waving to Jorge, who proceeds to wave back before both were engaged by space banshees

"Got one coming up from that stripped Frigate." The commander warned, before the Sabre did a barrel roll out of the way, and flipped around, engaging the banshee

The Spartan III needed to do little work as Six tore through the covenant fighters faster than Scar could track them

Anchor-9: Defensive batteries at fifty-six percent. Hang in there, Sabre teams.

Fast forward 3 minutes

Six's Sabre is seen docking with Anchor-9, and Jorge disembarking and floating through space towards a docked pelican

Jorge: Ez megszakad a szívem...

Dot: Noble Five? Please repeat.

Jorge: Pull up surface grid, nineteen-by-twenty-two.

Dot: Gladly. ONI Sword Base: Sector Eighteen-G.

Jorge: Thermal enhance.

Dot: Noble Five, your pulse is elevated. There is nothing you can do for Doctor Halsey and the others inside Sword Base. The mathematics are determinate... Noble Five?

Jorge: I know.

"I'm sorry, big man." The commander is heard talking in a low tone to himself, before they are in formation with the rest of the Sabres, following the Savannah and the Pelican

Fast forward 10 minutes

Covenant-occupied space, Reach Orbit

The camera shows a distant super-carrier followed by a much closer Corvette

Dot: Target Corvette sighted within visual range of NAV Beacon RA-Fifteen.

Six: We have visual. Target confirmed.

Savannah: UNSC Frigate Savannah in position. Sabre teams: sound off.

Echo 1: Echo One, all systems nominal.

Echo 2: Echo Two, good to go.

Echo 3: Echo Three, systems green.

Echo 4: Echo Four, all systems online.

"Echo Six, ready to assist." Scar reported, following the other Sabres

Savannah: Solid copy. We are currently jamming the corvette's comms. Hit it hard while it can't call for help.

Holland: Agreed. Sabre teams, clear a path to that Corvette

Savannah: Might wanna clip her engines Colonel. see if we can slow her down.

Holland: Good thinking, Savannah. That will make boarding her a whole lot easier. Noble Six, I'm marking targets: take out the corvette's main engines.

Fast Forward 2 minutes

Six is seen docking on the topside landing pad along with three other Sabres

Fast forward 3 minutes

The pelican is seen already docked in the hanger

"Damnit, protect that Frigate!" The commander ordered Scar, who was now flying towards the guns that were targeting the Frigate

Savannah: Savannah to Holland: sustaining major structural damage! We need to break off, Colonel!

Holland: Copy, Savannah. Our team is in, disengage!

"There's too many guns, I can't even put a dent in them!" Scar said, launching Medusa missiles at the guns

The camera pans to the left, where the Frigate is seen with various colors of explosives

Savannah: Break off! Break off! Hull breach, reactors flaring! Dammit, I'm losing her!

The Sabre is seen flying into one of the last plasma bolts, hoping to stop it, but it impacts with the Savannah, which is then explodes into fragments, the resulting explosion knocks out the remaining Sabres systems

"Shit, we're going down!" Scar yells, trying to pull up with all her strength

The Sabre is seen diving towards Reach quickly, before Scar ejects both Spartans

The camera shows a free falling Scar, the camera closing in fast when the commander wraps his arms around Scar, and engages both of their re-entry packs

The camera cuts to static

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