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So this is the first command game that I have were I have to put all the commands yay.

Human commands,
/travel with..... (Camron) you travel the more you do this the more likely you are to be caught.

/build home with...... (Cameron) you basically build a den. Humans tend to mostly share the home with family.

/make clothes with..... (Cameron) you make clothes.

Centaur commands,

/gallop with..... (I don't know) you gallop around with someone

/gallop (I don't know) you gallop around alone

Angel commands,
/fly alone (Sara) you fly alone.

/fly with..... (Sara) you fly with someone.

/pray (Sara) you prey this must be done every 5 months to not become a fallen angel.

I can only think of commands for them that everything else has.

/sing (Coral) you sing to lure prey to you if you don't do this for a while you will starve to death.

/swim with..... (Coral) you swim with someone.

/swim alone (Coral) you swim by yourself.


/swim with...... (Koi) you swim with others

/swim alone (Koi) you swim alone.

/fly alone (Novabreeze) you fly alone.

/fly with..... (Novabreeze) you fly with some one.

/use *insert ability your dragon has here* on *insert thing or name here* (Novabreeze) you use an ability your dragon has the limit per dragon is 3.

Are dragons considered reptiles?

/make sure *insert thing your god or goddess is the god or goddess of* is doing well (insert name here)

/use magic to fix *same thing as above" (insert name here) you use your magic to fix what you are the god or goddess of.

Giant commands,
/try not to crush things (Cloud) you try your best not to crush something.

/make clothes with...... (Cloud) you make clothes with someone.

/make clothes alone (Cloud) you make clothes alone.

/fly alone (Flame) you fly by yourself.

/fly with..... (Flame) you fly with others.

/use magic (Flame) you use your magic.

/make clothes with..... (Flame) you make clothes with someone.

Commands all or most species have,

/make weapons with..... (Flame) you make weapons with someone. The only species that can't use this command is cats.

/make weapons alone (Cameron) you make weapons alone. Only can't be used by cats.

/patrol with...... (Petal) you go out and patrol all species can use this commands though some are for different reasons then a border.

/hunt alone (Cloud) you hunt by yourself. All species but Sirens can use this command.

/hunt with..... (Koi) you hunt with others. Only sirens can't use this command.

/start battle with...... (Novabreeze) you start a battle with either another group or another species in general.

/forage with..... (Coral) you forage with others.

/forage alone (Coral) you forage alone.

/train _skill with.... (Ripple) you train a skill with others.

/train _skill alone..... (Sagebrush) you train a skill alone.

That's all for now. Tell me of I missed anything. Also sorry this took a bit I went to sleep woke up for about 2 hours then took an about 3 hour nap.

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